If your grocery store does not have this, do not go inside, "said CDC
This simple addition could help you protect yourself from COVID while shopping.

Even if you are extremely careful to protect you from Covid while staying at home, avoid crowds and opting to take away, you still have to hit the grocery store from time to time. While wearing a mask and maintain six feet away between you and other buyers can helpKeep your safety, people are always sick despite these precautions - and the emergence ofMore infectious showers make it even more likely. There are some essential steps grocery stores can take to help you hold healthy and you should reconsider to trust them if they do not have a specific precaution in place. Continue reading to find out what your grocery store must have to shop safely and to avoid more locations,The CDC says Do not go to these 4 places without a better mask.
Grocery stores must have a capacity countertop at the entrance.

If your grocery store does not have a capacity countertop at the entrance, you may want to move to another store. Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) reported that grocery stores should "control the traffic flow in the institution by ensuring that the maximum capacity plans are adjusted and inmanaged at the front door. "This will help maintain a safe environment for employees and buyers, according to the CDC. And for essential vaccination boards,If you take this common medicine, talk to a doctor before your vaccine..
Capacity limitations can easily be exceeded without a standing watch.

Without an employee counting how many people have entered and out of the institution, there is no way to ensure that the store adheres to capacity limitations, which could affect your capacity to the social distance once inside.
"Security is not guaranteed [if there is no capacity counter] because there is no way to confirm if it is too congested in the store to prevent adequate social distancing", has declaredInfection Control Practitioner Erica Susky. And for an overview of life in the near future,Dr. Fauci says it's sure you can do that once you're vaccinated.
Even if there is a capacity counter, you must always take other precautions during your purchases.

Although a capacity counter is a good indication that the store takes precautions and you can go safely inside, it does not automatically mean that you are clear. "It remains critical that we continued to wear masks, from the social distance, to see common surfaces, to wash your hands and not to go out if you feel sick," saidInfectious Disease Specialist Javeed Siddiqui MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer in TELEMED2U.
As long as you adhere to allPublic health measuresYou have a very low risk of catching Covid. "If you and other people in the store wear masks, the probability of CVIV-19 transmission is quite low," saiddoctor Ben tanner. "And if that happened, it could probably ... cause a much less severe disease." And to look at the future of the pandemic,Covid will be "mainly party" on that date, Dr. Johns Hopkins says.
There are other precautions that your grocery store should take to prevent the propagation of COVID.

The CDC suggests that grocery stores establish measures to physically separate people. The next time you are in your local grocery store, look for checkout sheet music, make sure all other cashiers are closed and look for information on the floor of where to stay during the cashier to maintain social distance. . And for more security advice, you need to know,If you feel that in your car, your health could be in danger, the study says.

10 things to know before shopping for grocery stores at Walmart