That's exactly how many years the stress removes your life, studied
Finding the time to relax could save years of your life.

There is no doubt that stress can pass a toll on your life, but now, research shows that heavy and prolonged stress can literally shave the years on the part. In a recent study, researchers from theFinnish Institute of Health and Wellbeing watched lifestyle factors that shortened the life expectancy of 30-year-old men and found that stress couldReduce the life of a topic by a total of 2.8 years.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there is a whole multitude of waysStress can affect your physical health, finally leading to such a grumpy result. Headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and sleep scheme changes are all common (and unpleasant) symptoms of prolonged stress and anxiety. The health authority warns that when it is unchecked, the emotional strain can trigger serious health problems, including obesity, diabetes,Hypertensionand even a heart attack or cerebral vascular accident. Seen on this light, these daily concerns that send that your stress levels increase that outbreak can take a new meaning.
In the Finnish study, other lifestyle factors that have reduced life expectancy included more notoralDangerous habits like smoking (5.5 years) and lack of exercise (2.4 years). For reference, having a diabetes - generally considered a certain "serious" condition reduces the life expectancy of a male of 5.3 years.
Women's study topics with prolonged stress saw similar effects, but have slightly better results:Women's Life Center have been reduced by a total of 2.3 years, compared to the 2.8 years of men. Researchers have attributed the difference to women with healthier lifestyles in better health, which could compensate for the effects of indemnted stress.
Of course, we are all susceptible to the tensions of everyday life, especially during anxiety and uncertain moments like these. That's why it's essential to findWays to relaxWhatever the circumstances: it could literally hinder years of your life. And for the signals that stress is about your well-being, check these18 silent signs Your stress hurts your health.

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