10 reasons why guys lose interest quickly

Here are some elements that could be responsible for losing interesting interest.

Not even guys themselves can always tell you why the interest is suddenly gone. Was it just a fly? Was it even there in the first place? Psychologists spend years studying relationships with all their ins and lower, so they now have more than a few ideas about why a man can suddenly push cold. We, ladies, we also have our assumptions, but it is always difficult to say certainly. Guys are bored or is it something that women say (or do not they say, for example, when a conversation does not seem to go anywhere)? Here are some elements that could be responsible for losing interesting interest.

You can not make a conversation
Relationships are not constructed alone with physical attraction. You must have something in common, otherwise you soon entirely tired one of the other. If you are in Rock'n'Roll and it's a campaign fan goes up, traveling from the road could soon turn into hell on earth as you want to get out of the car as soon as possible. And if he voted for Trump and you are totally against him, it will also be difficult for you to build something good. If you are a deadly with a guy, try ice breakers as questions about his favorite sports team (if you have one yourself) or ask questions about his hobbies. But if you are stuck there - relax and let it go. It was not supposed to be.

He has other priorities
There is something really attracting ambitious guys who know what they want in life and how to get it. Alas, this means that the majority of his time will be devoted to work and studies. Build successful relationships is not on his list to do now and will not be long. Men like this may be available for one night or two, but do not expect them to sacrifice their goals for love and affections.

He found a hotteer girl
As banal as it may seem, sometimes guys have just found a better person. If what he wants to get out of a relationship, however, is essentially passion and freshness, so he will not stay long with you. Guys like that will jump from an attractive woman to another so as not to be bored, never. If something like that happens to you, simply accept this experience and try to better understand this guy in order to avoid it in the future.

Something serious happened
Life is full of surprises and all are not pleasant. Whether it's health problems, death of a parent or need to live in another city, a man can suddenly decide to tackle loose ends and disappear from the dating scene. There are times when people have to be alone - to redefine themselves and think what to do next. If your relationships ended suddenly like that, just talk with the guy sincerely know where you are standing. If it's over, so it's better for you to go to your life.

Physical chemistry was a little extinct
You may not feel it, but it certainly does. If the chemistry is there, this is there and you can not confuse it for something else. But if he has his doubts and does not feel so passionate that he should have, your relationships are in trouble. It's always a huge insult for women as they think something is wrong with them, but it's not the fault, really. You are just not so compatible, that's all. And while the physical aspect is not the only thing that helps create fruitful relationships, you certainly can not ignore this game. Once you have found a guy, you have a perfect chemistry with, you will be happy to have spent time looking for "the one".

It took you for granted
Relationships focus on balance and if you think you give a lot more than you get back - so it's time to rethink all the concept. If a guy gets all he wants with little effort, he could become too comfortable. It is good to take care of a person you like, but it is also important to be at the end of the reception. If he cares mainly of himself and expects you to do all the hard work, you are better without him. Relationships are a game played by two and if one side is indifferent to take all the good things for acquired, then it's a game that will soon be fine.

He is not on his ex
There is another reason why your relationships do not go as well as you want - he still thinks of his ex. If a guy often speaks of his ex (even with you!) And stay in touch with his friends and friends, it's a specific sign that he has not yet passed and there are chances of put together. It is better to talk about this affair and maybe give the other girl a call too! In this way, you will avoid an unnecessary drama in your life.

You are friend-zoned
You can go through the sky and hell with him and you still do not stay more than friends. Why is it going? Be friends is not a bad thing, in fact, friendships often last longer than any other type of relationship between people. In addition, it is comfortable to have a girl who is also a friend, and nothing more. You can talk about anything at all! But if you like spending time together and getting occasionally in a bed, so it's something else. "Friends with benefits" seems to be a very popular trend these days and is particularly convenient for people who do not want to engage in something more serious. But be careful because it's easy to hurt yourself in this type of relationship.

He already has what he wanted from you
For some guys, a punctual hook is just enough. They just want to spend a night (maybe two) with a woman, no strings attached. If you are looking for something more serious than that, it would be wise to avoid being intimate too early in the game. Learn to know you a little better and if you feel that everything he wants is To sleep with you - so go get someone else. Unless, of course, it does not bother you, but then be ready to let it go soon rather than later.

He is a player
For some guys - the more women are they are, the better. It is particularly true that the youngest college guys at their 20 years who still like to experiment and do not want to engage in long-term relationships (nor no relationship on this subject). No matter how cool, intelligent or beautiful, he will always look for something better, just because he is a fighter of freedom who does not want to settle, not in the nearest future. These guys are usually quite simple on their relationship objectives (or rather the total lack of those), so if a guy tells you that he does not want relationships, do not think it will be easy to change your mind. You will probably spend time fighting, but in the end, you will always go there separately.

Categories: Relationships
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