All the subtle symptoms of women from heart disease should know
They are not as remarkable as those observed in men, which makes these signs even more important.

Although heart disease is generally considered something that only men should be careful, it is incredibly important that women are also experiencing symptoms. This affects them even more than they can achieve. "Cardiovascular disease continues to beThe main cause of death among women In the United States, accounting for one of the three female deaths, "saysCharles Richardson, MD, founder of Cleveland Heart.
The problem in recognitionSymptoms of heart disease Are they not always as remarkable for women as for men. "Traditionally, women were undergraded with heart disease because they sometimes show these atypical symptoms," saysJeffrey A. Wuhl, MD, a cardiologist in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. Or symptoms that are just not as extreme. What men describe as severe thoracic pain could feel like a small pressure or discomfort for women.
Because it is common that heart disease is diagnosed at the time of a heart attack, heart failure or other heart issue, it is all the more important to pay particular attention to any indication than any thing is disabled. Know these 13 symptoms could save your life. And for some fascinating facts about this part of your body, check23 amazing things that you did not know your heart.
1 Extreme Fatigue

Experiment with unusual fatigue when you are usually quite energetic, it's something you should never ignore. "It's a symptom that seems to be more common in women and is often missed as a sign of heart disease," says Wuhl. "It's something that needs to be taken seriously by doctors, especially among women who have cardiac risk factors." And for more possible causes of your fatigue, check25 reasons why you are tired all the time.
2 Nausea or vomiting

While nausea or vomiting can occur for many reasons, Wuhl says it could also also report heart disease. Because these symptoms can be so "minors" relative to something like chest pain, it's usually something that unfortunately brushed women thinking it'ssomething like influenza-Intete to be checked. And for more signals sent from your media, checkThat's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.
3 Shortness of breath

Experimentshortness of breathIf precisely with the sudden appearance of severe fatigue or other heart symptoms, your heart tries to tell you that something is wrong. "Take this symptom seriously," saysNate Favini, MD, a internist and medical lead toCheeky In San Francisco, California. "Some women have the impression of just running a marathon, even if they did not go anywhere - when they have a heart attack." And for more things to watch when it comes to your breathing, check17 warning signs that your lungs are trying to send you.
4 Weakness or coldness in your legs

Experiencing a weakness or coldness in your legs or arms can occur when your blood vessels in these areas are reduced, says theMAYO Clinic. This is something you could write as non-serious deal, but deal with this symptom out of blue could be your heart alerting you to a serious problem.
5 Sudden sweat

Perspiration during a workout is completely normal. What Wuhl says, however, is not normal, however, is when you transmit excessively when there is no real reason for that. In a study of theUniversity of Illinois in ChicagoSudden sweating while suffering from discomfort in the chest, arm, neck or jaw could report a heart attack on the way. And for things you make who put your health at risk, check20 ways to lift your risk of cardiac attack without knowing it.
6 Chest pain or sealing

Suffer from pain in your chest tends to be one of the mostwell-known signs something is wrongWith your heart. But according to Wuhl, it does not always show up like pain pain - sometimes it can be a slight discomfort or a sealing "that shines with the neck, jaw, arm or back," he says.
7 Pain or abdominal pressure

According to Favini,no pain Or the pressure in your upper abdomen should be addressed immediately. "It could be a sign of a heart attack - especially if it's worse with effort or severe and not disappear," he says. "If this is accompanied by things like lightness, pain in the arm or jaw, or breath breathing, immediately see a doctor."
8 Heat puffs

Buffs of heat are part of life, but they do not only come because of your age. "The hot flashes are aCommon complaint for many women During menopause, but can insinuate heart problems, "says Richardson. According toHarvard HealthPrevious research has even shown that women with hot flashes were regularly "doubling the risk of having a cardiovascular event".
9 Discomfort during the exercise

The discomfort or pain is always something to conscience - "Especially if the origin is difficult to identify - for example, there is no muscle or specific articulation than evils," says Richardson. This is especially trueWhen you exercise. "If the discomfort starts or gets worse when you exercise, then stops when you stop exercising, you should have it checked."
10 Swelling in your feet and lower legs

If you surround the ankle, swelling is a data. But have a swelling of your feet and lower legs could beA symptom of something worse.According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), some heart disease can cause liquids to accumulate, showing like swelling of your feet, lower legs and even your upper legs and groin in some cases. If there is no explanation for your swelling, it is important to have it checked by your doctor as soon as possible. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
11 High blood sugar levels

If you tend to go crazy about sugar, it could beIt's time to develop healthier habits instead of. According to Richardson, it has been shown that the sugar was devastating to cardiac function. "For this reason, everyone should have their blood sugar tested each year," he says. "The raise ofType 2 diabetes In American women is quite abandoned. It is strongly documented that diabetes can result in high cholesterol, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. All contributing to heart failure. "
12 Waxy growing on your skin

If you have noticed citrian and waxy growths on your skin - usually in the corners of your eyes or on the back of your lower legs, it could be cholesterol deposits, says theAad. UnhealthyCholesterol levels And heart disease go hand in hand, and these changes are often a sign of cardiac disease warning. In fact, that's why the dermans sometimes pose heart problems first.
13 Pain with the jaw and arm

While chest pain can report heart problems, Favini says it's not typically the first type of pain that a woman will experiment. "The pain of the heart muscle can radiate the jaw and arm. The women are more likely than men to experience the arm or jaw without thoracic pain," he says. "If this is worse with the effort or not disappear - and especially if it is accompanied by a cold sweat or other heart symptoms, it is better to look for medical care."

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