If you do this during the day, it can be an early sign of dementia

Research found to do one thing could often be an increased risk sign of the disease.

Dementia, unfortunately, is a common affliction. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), about5 million people over 65 In the United States live with the condition. And although there are warning panels, people know that, such as memory loss, confusion and the difficulty of focusing, someRed red flags May also indicate that the cognitive decline is set. According to a new study, doing one thing often during the day could be an early sign of dementia. Read it to see what sign surprising telling tales that you should know.

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Take frequent Naps during the day could be a sign of early warning of dementia.

Map napping on coach

In a new study published inAlzheimer's & Dementis: The Journal of the Alzheimer Association On March 17, the researchers decided to see if there was an association between the people who tookNAPS more frequent or more frequent and the progression of Alzheimer's disease. They also hoped to determine whether those that face excessively at an increased risk of this type of dementia. The team used Data from the Rush memory and the aging project (MAP) to conduct the study, which includes more than 1,000 participants with an average age of 81 years.

During the experience, each participant received an active role-aPortable watch type device This measures the number of steps and energy expenditures - to wear on their non-dominant wrist up to two weeks. The team then used a previously vettered sleep score algorithm to identifyHow many times each person has knotted And for how long.

The results revealed that there were associations between Alzheimer's disease and nap. Not only is the excessive sleep day means that someone has taken place at an increased risk of the disease, but a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease has also "accelerated" the increase "of day flesh as they aggregated.

The researchers called the relationship between night night and Alzheimer's disease a "vicious cycle".

man sleeping on couch, taking afternoon nap at the living room

The authors of the study concluded that their conclusions could change the way in which doctorsAssess Alzheimer's risk in patients or determine its appearance. "The vicious cycle we have observed between day sleep and Alzheimer's disease provides a basis for better understanding the role of sleep in the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly"Peng Li, PHD, one of the main authors of the study working in the medical biodynamic program at the Division of Brigham Sleep Disorders and the Women's Hospital, said in a statement.

"The day-to-day sleep behaviors are often ignored and consensus for the day nap in clinical practice and health care is still lacking," said Li. "Our results suggest not only that the excessive day nap can signal a high risk of Alzheimer's dementia, but they also show that a faster annual increase in daylight can be a sign of degradation of the clinical degradation of The disease. Our study calls a closer look at 24-hour sleep models - not only nightly sleep, but also health monitoring for the elderly. "

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The researchers stated that the average participant has limited their conclusions.

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By taking up by their conclusions, the main authors have always admitted someLimitations under study. Namely, while Actical has been widely used in sleep studies, researchers recognize that it is not the "Golden Standard" of sleep rating. The authors also noted a limitation to the use of a much older age group, which means that the results may not be "easily translated" to a younger cohort.

Researchers suggest other studies on whether the day NAPS cessation can reduce the risk of Alzheimer.

doctor talking and explaining test result and diagnosis to demoralized elderly patient in hospital hallway

In the end, the authors of the study suggested that future studies should test if direct intervention during day-to-day flesh can Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease or other forms of cognitive decline. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Our hope is to attract more attention to the sleep patterns of the day and the importance of patients noting if their sleep schedule changes over time" Kun hu , PhD, an author co-chair of the study also of the Division of Sleep Disorders and Brigham Circadie Disorders, stated in the Declaration. "Sleep changes are essential in the formatting of internal changes in the brain for circadian clocks, cognitive decline and risk of dementia."

RELATED: If you do this during your clothing, it can be a sign of dementia .

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