If you take this medicine, you are more likely to get a blood clot

Three to nine people out of 10,000 who take blood clots.

On April 13, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) and US food and medicine administration (FDA) recommendedPause The use of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine due to six relationships from people who are victims of rare blood clots as a result of vaccination. The announcement brought a discussion on the blood clots in the foreground. Many people have started to report many other factors that increase your risk of experiencing a blood clot-more than Johnson & Johnson vaccine, including drugs, pregnancy and convening Covid. Read to find out what medicine makes you more likely to get a blood clot, and for more medicine problems, discoverThe relief of a pain you should never take for your back, a new study indicates.

Some birth control drugs can increase your risk of getting a blood clot.

Birth control pills
Farland2456 / Shutterstock

Certain types of birth control canincrease the risk of a person To develop a blood clot of two to four times, according to the clinic of Cleveland. Many birth checks use hormonal estrogen, in addition to progestin, to prevent pregnancy by stopping the ovulation of a woman. Although an increase in estrogen helps prevent you from getting pregnant, an increase in estrogen rates promotes the formation of blood clots, Cleveland's clinic explains.

"When we talk about the risk of blood clot in birth control, we are only talking about birth controls thatcontains estrogen, which includes combined birth control pills [that is, pills contain estrogen and progestability], birth control rings and birth control patch, "" primary care doctorNancy Shannon, PhD, Main Medical Advisor at Nurx, saidForm. And for more medications to pay attention,If you take these 2 over-the-counter medications together, you put your liver at risk.

The rare blood clots of Johnson & Johnson vaccine and birth control are not the same.

Woman taking birth control

About one to five women out of 10,000 no on birth control will have a blood clot, compared tothree to nine women On the hormonal birth control pills, according to the FDA's search. Meanwhile, out of the 6.8 million people who received Johnson & Johnson Vaccine in the United States, six of them experienced a blood clot. But while it can be useful to look at these numbers side by side, blood clots themselves are not the same.

The blood clots observed in Johnson & Johnson The recipients are a thrombosis of the cerebral venous sinus (CVST), a rare and severe blood clot in the brain, next to low platelet levels. The type of blood clot which comes from birth control is deep venous thrombosis (DVT), which wins in major veins in the legs or lungs. It is rare that the hormonal control of births causes blood clots in the brain, but it can occur, especially among those living migraines, byForm. Dvt isgenerally treated with heparin, a blood diluent, according to the Mayo Clinic. In the case of the CVST, however, heparin could actually aggravate the situation and make treatment more difficult. And for more medications to avoid,If you take this medicine common to sleep, stop now, a new study says.

There are other risk factors that make you more likely to have a blood clot during birth control.

Woman taking birth control

The increased risk of blood clots when birth control, while minimal, could be more important for people with other risk factors. The Clinic of Cleveland notes that people over 40, obese, smoke, have a history of blood clots or have a genetic factor that increases their risk of blood clots at increased risk during birth control. In addition, vascular internistDeborah Hornacek, MD, told Cleveland clinic that "from the first months in the first year, is the highest risk period, because your hormone levels are changing." Short-term risks likely to make you more subject to blood clots include long-distance trips and surgery.

Form Suggests talking with your doctor if you have any of these risk factors or a migraine experience with aura to see if a progestam birth control method can not be better for you. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Make sure you know the signs of a blood clot.

Woman with leg pain

According to the Mayo clinic, commonSymptoms of a DVT The blood clot understands the swelling of the touched leg (there is rarely swelling in both legs), pain in your leg that often begins in the calf and feels like cramps or pains, red or discolored skins on the Leg and a feeling of heat in the leg. .

If part of the blood clot burst and goes to the lungs, it could lead to a pulmonary embolism. The signs of this include sudden shortness of breath, chest pain that worsens when you breathe, dizziness, rapid pulse, fast breathing and coughing blood. If you experience the symptoms of DVT or a pulmonary embolism, look for emergency medical assistance. And for more side effects of drugs, If you can not sleep, this over-the-counter medication could be the reason why the experts say .

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