13 simple ways to slow down the aging process, supported by science

These easy habits can help slow down the arrival of these gray hairs and undesirable fine lines.

You already know the revealing signs of aging, like deepening wrinkles or hair crystal. But while scientists always discourage the manyMysteries of agingResearch has revealed many ways to prepare for a healthy and long life.

At the biological level, aging occurs from the accumulation of molecular and cell damage over time, according to theWorld Health Organization. This can cause inflammation and leads to a decrease in physical and mental capacity, as well as a higher risk of illness.

Of course, it's not all bad news. "Everyone always examines aging in terms of deficits," saysScott Kaiser, MD, Gerologicio at the Saint John Providence Health Center of Santa Monica, California. "But there are many things you gain with age, such as wisdom, experience and greater sense of priorities."

That said, these surprisingly simple tips can help you prevent some of the less desirable aspects of aging. As a result, you will be more likely to pass gracefully through the years while taking advantage of what you like to do the most. And for more healthy routines, here is50 important habits related to longer life.

Get enough quality sleep.

morning people

Rarely catch enough of Z of ZImpact you now and for years to come. In the shorter term, being well rested helps to improve your learning and problem-solving skills, as well as your attention, your decision-making and your creativity, according to theNational health institutes.

In the longer term, sleep deficiency has been linked to a higher risk ofcardiopathy, Renal disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, Alzheimer and stroke - all are age-related diseases.

"One of the fundamental pillars of health and well-being is sleeping," Kaiser said. "It is so important to have this opportunity for your entire reset and restore system. There are many indications in both animal models and human experiments that the cleaning of cell debris arrives during the night, which is critical. "

In fact, a 2018 study published in the journalActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America As a lost sleep night can result in a five percent increase in brain beta-amyloid, a protein associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Wear solar screen every day.

Man Putting on Sunscreen at the Golf Course Healthy Man

This is the key to slowing down the emergence of wrinkles and other aging skin, but you have toUse it every day. After four and a half years, participants who used everyday SPF showed no detectable increase in aging skin and had 24% of aging scores lower than those who used SPF each time they had felt, according to a study of 903 adults of 2013 published in theAnnals of internal medicine.

More importantly, daily solar cream can prevent health problems: sunscreen helps reduce your overall UV exposure and reducedYour risk of skin cancer, the preciphers of the skin and the damage caused by the sun. In fact, the use of SPF 15 sunscreen can regularly reduce your risk of developing a squamous cell carcinoma (CSC) of 40% and 50% melanoma, depending on theSkin cancer fund.

It does not matter if you were burning easily or non-sunscreen is essential for everyone over six months. And to protect the largest organ of your body, here's20 facial washing habits that age your skin.

Start meditating to handle stress.

Older woman listening to music and meditating on the couch

ManagerYour stress levels Is part of the daily well-being and practicing consciousness is a way to achieve that. A recent study 2020 published in the journalNeurocase I looked at the brain of a Buddhist monk and found that intensive meditation slowed the aging of his brain up to eight years, compared to a control group - at age 41, his brain looked like that of A child of 33 years old.

Previous research has shown that meditation can slow down the loss of the gray material of the brain and the shortening of telomeres, compounds that protect the ends of the chromosomes and cause cells at age as it shortens, according to the study.

"Have a little exit to be able to relax,to manage stress, Become more conscious and present, appreciate things and have gratitude to an incredible gain, "says Kaiser. And especially to manage your mind, check18 subtle signs that your stress levels hurts your health.

Catch up your friends.

Consultant showing a mobile to a couple at house (or friends using mobile)

A 2020 report ofNational Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine found that more than one third of adults aged 45 and overfeeling lonelyAnd almost a quarter of adults aged 65 and over are considered socially isolated. Of course, it's hard to be with loved ones when you areSocial distancing during COVID-19But even catch up with a friend on a phone call or a video chat can make the difference.

Recent studies have shown thatsocial insulation significantly raises the risk of premature death of all causes (likely to compete with smoking, obesity and physical inactivity), and is associated with a50% higher risk of dementia, according to American centers for control and prevention of diseases (CDC).

"It's incredible to look at what's going on on a cellular level in terms of immune and inflammation factors when you are alone and when you have healthy social connections," Kaiser said. "I really encourage people to work on maintaining healthy relationships as part of the aging process." And for more things you can do to prevent cognitive decline, check40 habits to reduce your risk of dementia after 40.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

grocery bag in car

Maintaining a nutritional diet can help you stay healthy and active longer. An easy way to start: Fill half of your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables. Mix your vegetables by adding fresh, canned or frozen vegetables in salads, sides and main dishes, says theU.s. Ministry of Agriculture.

"Fruits and vegetables have compounds that protect them from Sun radiation degradation," says Kaiser. "When we eat them, our body does an excellent job of absorption of these compounds and suspend them. In the same way they protect the plants from the damage caused by radiation, they protect our cells free radicals, which is a large part of the inflammation. "

A February 2017 review in theInternational newspaper of epidemiology found that eating five portions of fruits and vegetables daily slightlyReduce your risk of cardiac attack and stroke. Meanwhile, 10 daily portions can reduce your risk of heart disease by 28% and a risk of premature death of 31%.

Drink enough water.

Man drinking glass of water

As you get older, your sense of thirst decreases - you will not be able to realize when you have to drink more, according to theCleveland Clinic.

The water is necessary for almost all the functions of your body, especially to pump the blood in the muscles and lubricate your joints. Beingdehydrated with persistence May cause confusion, fast heart rate and other more serious symptoms that can hospitalize seniors.

"Drink plenty of water is very important," says Kaiser. "When we drink, we do just put water into our stomach, but we moisturize each cell from our body. Your body depends on this hydration to maintain good cell health."

SIP on green tea, too

green tea health tweaks over 40

Tea counts to your daily hydration goals, so it will help you feel your best and that you can make more exciting consumption liquids. However, green tea in particular has been shown that powerful antioxidants that can benefit your body in the long run.

An analysis of 2019 of two epidemiological studies published in the journalMolecules found that green tea consumption was associated with healthier aging and a reduced probability ofHypertensionCompared to black tea. This can be due to the high level of green tea catechins, which are powerful antioxidants. And for more information about useful health,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

But limit your alcohol.

woman taking wine out of wine fridge,

While you do not need to completely give up your favorite drinks, stick toThe directives of the CDC: No more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. Over time, excessive consumption of drinkinglead to chronic diseases and problems Like heart disease, liver disease, digestive problems, cancer, dementia and mediocre immune system.

"A little,reasonable amount of alcohol Without episodes of frenzy seems to be globally protective, "says Kaiser." But it really depends on your particular health conditions, and it does not appear that starting drinking is protective. There are many conditions where alcohol can be very harmful and excessive amounts of alcohol are extremely toxic. "

Treat your teeth every day.

Dental floss

Oral health is incredibly important for your overall health and simplyDental silk can help you prevent gum disease-And host problems associated with it.

According toMAYO ClinicSome research shows that heart disease, stroke and fouling arteries can be linked to inflammation and infections caused by oral bacteria. Patients with gum disease had a considerable risk of undergoing a first heart attack compared to healthy patients, according to a major 2016 study published in the journal.Traffic. And for more dental health, here is13 signs of warning that your teeth try to send you.

Get enough vitamin D.

A man pouring out vitamin capsules from a white bottle into his hand.

Research has indicated an association between levels of low vitamin D and diseases associated with aging such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, depression, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cancer, by a document of 2014 published in theJournal of aging and gerontology.

In addition, a new study in theJama Open Open Network have found that patients "probably deficient" in vitamin D deficiency had almostDouble the probability of positive test for COVID-19 that those who were "probably sufficient" in vitamin D. and for more information on your levels of Vitamin Sunshine, here20 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Exercise most of the days of the week.

Woman running outside in the fall fall weather health

Ordinaryphysical activity is vital for healthy aging and can help prevent, delaying or managing a number of common chronic diseases in adults aged 50 and over, saysThe CDC. This also reduces the risk of premature death and supports your mental health.

ThePhysical activity guidelines for Americans Call 150 to 300 minutes (between two and a half and five hours) of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes to 150 minutes (between one hour and 15 minutes to two o'clock) of aerobic physical activity Vigorous intensity a week. That said, any amount of activity is better than nothing.

"Just receive 10 minutes here and he can start adding and making a big difference," says Kaiser. "The exercises that combine aerobic and cognitive challenges have an additional advantage. This could be in dance, martial arts or surf-something you get your heart rate and you need to learn something, remember- You something or understand something. "

Find your goal.

Female volunteer hanging out with dogs from the animal shelter

Having a goal in life usually refers to having objectives, a sense of management and to believe that there is meaning to your current and past life experiences, and it is strongly associated with improved health outcomes mental and physical among the elderly, according to a study of 2018 published. in the newspaperPopulation health management.

"Have things that offer you a really strong and unique meaning, which goes back to make the world better a better place and that you want you to have an enormously positive impact and can slow down the aging process," says Kaiser.

Pick up a creative hobby

woman painting in art class

If being at home while Covid-19 encouraged you to learn an instrument, start painting or developing your garden, you think - it will take advantage of your longevity. Creative engagement could have a neuroprotective effect on seniors, help them maintain their cognition and strengthen their resilience, according to a 2010 study in the journal.Geriatric medicine clinics. This may be due to the motivation, attention and social aspects of creative time.

"There are fantastic associations between creative engagement and increased life, increased quality of life, improved health and improved function," Kaiser said. "This is one of the best things you can do for brain health."

In fact, a 2014 study published in theInternational Journal of Alzheimer's Disease I found that playing a musical instrument was linked to a significantly lower risk of dementia development.

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