Eat this sweet treat every day Ephrus of heart disease, study programs

It is a food you will not want (and should not!) Exit your diet.

All the sweet things in sweets-life, cookies, cakes, ice cream are usually not what we have in mind when we think aboutthe food that is good for our health. In fact, we are often said that we should limit our consumption of these delicious foods, and instead of eating something more "healthy", likefruits and vegetables. But there is a snack that falls in this tasty food group that you do not have to feel guilty of eating. Research has shown that consumption of a type of mild treatment every day could reduce your risk of heart disease. Continue reading to know who dessert decadent You should really include in your diet.

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Eating up to 100 grams of chocolate every day decreases risk of heart disease.

young man biting into chocolate

A 2015 study published in theHeart review examined howChocolate Impacts Health Coeur. The researchers analyzed nearly 12 years of data for more than 20,900 adults of Norfolk, England, who participated in a follow-up more study of the impact of food on long-term health. Among those studied, 20 percent said they do not eat chocolate, while others had an average daily consumption of about 7 grams a day, with a little eating up to 100 grams a day. According to the study, the consumption of higher chocolate has been linked to a lower risk of 12 percent of coronary heart disease compared to those who do not eat chocolate. The researchers also found that chocolate was associated with a lower 9 percent risk of hospitalization or death as a result of a coronary heart disease.

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And it can reduce your risk of heart attack.

Elderly woman having chest pains or heart attack in the park

The researchers also examined the risk of event that the coronary heart disease, including heart attacks, unstable angina and angina stable by including a systematic review of the nine studies that presented nearly 158,000 participants. The meta-analysis of the 2015 study found that there was a "significantly lower risk for any cardiovascular event" with those who consume higher amounts of chocolate at a lower risk of 25 percent of A heart attack, unstable angina or stable angina. In addition, there was a lower 45 percent risk of deaths associated with an event of coronary heart disease.

Eating chocolate can also reduce your risk of stroke.

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Chocolate has even more health benefits to note. According to the study, greater chocolate consumption has also reduced the risk of stroke. The researchers found that higher chocolate consumption was linked to a lower 23 percent risk of strokes and a reduced risk of stroke-related mortality. By combining the risk of coronary and stroke disease, researchers found that there were 11 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and 25 percent lower risk of deaths associated with cardiovascular disease.

"There does not seem to be evidence that chocolate should be avoided in those who are concerned about cardiovascular risk," researchers have concluded.

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The researchers say that chocolate is full of healthy nutrients for the heart.

Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Powder with Chocolate Bars on Wood Table.

Many experts noted the benefits for the health of chocolate. According to the Mayo clinic, flavonoids in cocoa beans haveAntioxidant effects which reduce the cell damage involved in heart disease, as well as to help blood pressure and improve vascular function. And these benefits do not necessarily have to come from dark chocolate often gets praised as healthy than milk chocolate.

"It has been suggested that dark chocolate can have more beneficial effects than milk chocolate. Milk chocolate is more often consumed than black chocolate in this cohort. However, we still observed a reduced risk, "the 2015 researchers stated in their study. "This may indicate that not only flavonoids, but also other compounds that may be related to the components of milk such as calcium and fatty acids-can provide an explanation of the observed association. »

But you should always be careful before adding too much commercial chocolate in your diet.

Close up of young beautiful woman biting chocolate candy.

The Mayo clinic warns simply that you should always add only chocolate in your diet, however. "Most commercial chocolates have ingredients that add fat, sugar and calories. And too much can contribute to weight gain, risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, "explains the experts of the Mayo Clinic. "On the other hand, cocoa itself, unlike chocolate, is low in sugar and fat while providing potential health benefits. If you like chocolate flavor, add an ordinary cocoa to your weak milk in fat or to your morning oats. "

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