That's what it's like living with multiple sclerosis

All those who lived with her for years

While countless people know multiple sclerosis (commonly referred to as "MS") by name, the condition itself remains a mystery to many members of the medical community and laity. However, withMore than a million individuals (70% of them women) Live with the SEP in the United States alone, it's great time that people understood what living with this affection really looks like. We have teamed up with three women with SP that define the record directly on the disease, telling their stories of struggle, perseverance and survival.

You can lose to feel throughout your body.

MS symptom

Numbness is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of MS, and it's aNancy Davis, founder of theRace to erase ms-The organization focused on fundraising for state-of-the-art research, which has been diagnosed with MS in 1993, knows too well. "When I was diagnosed for the first time, I was told that I would never walk again and had never had a loss of feeling in different parts of my body," she explains.

You can fear that you will lose corporal independence.

MS symptoms

These are not only physical symptoms that weigh in MS. Afraid of what the future could make can be just as nervous as the symptoms of the disease themselves. "I'm fine very well with my SP symptoms right now," says Davis. "However, there is always fear that exacerbation will occur and I would lose independence to live an independent life and be a mother to my children."

You may lose control of your engine function.

MS symptoms
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This numbness that often comes with the SEP, associated with a weakness and a lack of coordination, can quickly lead to a lack of mobility. "My first MS symptom would come out of the bed and falls to the ground since my legs did not work," saysMary Ellen Ciganovich, author ofT.r.u.t.h taking responsibility triggers the real healing andWords of healing, life lessons to inspire, which was diagnosed with MS in 1986.

While Cigonavich has found his ability to walk, she says no doctor could understand what has not been going with her for some time, something that is true of many sp. According to the search published in theNeurology Journal, the average time between the first visit to a SP specialist and a diagnosis of the disease is between five and six months.

Your view can fade.

MS symptoms
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Although many people are experiencing progressive vision loss as they get older, it can come suddenly among SP, regardless of age. "I would like to learn at school, get home to relax, take a hot bubble bath, and my view would leave until I cool down, so that would come back," says Ciganovich. "The symptoms have come until 1986, I received an MRI and diagnosed with multiple sclerosis."

You could feel pain.

asian woman experiencing stomach pain

Although many side effects of SP are unpleasant, one of the worst complications of the disease is the pain it can cause.Chantelle Hobgood, who has lived with the SM for 26 years, said that pain is one of its most common symptoms - and50% of SEP patients Experience the same thing.

However, the type of pain to patients with pain may vary. Often, it includes the neuralgia of Tréjumeau, a type of intense face pain, the sign of Lhermitte, the pain that radiates on the spine and in the extremities and pain associated with the jerky movements of the disease.

You can be sealed with extreme fatigue.

MS symptoms

One of the most difficult side effects of an MS diagnosis is theconstant fatigue You can end up with a Hobgood symptom says that it is experimenting so far and a person who affectsup to 80% of those with MS.

You may have cognitive problems.

MS symptoms

Hobgood reveals that one of the symptoms of the disease that followed it for years is problems with its cognition - and it is not alone. According toNational Association of SP, more than half of the people diagnosed with MS will suffer a kind of cognitive dysfunction, includingmemory loss, attention problems, reduction of information processing skills and visuospatial processing issues.

You can feel anxiety.

MS symptoms

According to Hobgood,Frequent anxiety was a major part of his MS trip and many other people with SEP feel that they feel the same. TheAssociation of Multiple Sclerosis of America Reports that SP and anxiety co-occupy in 43% of cases, although the combination generally affects more women than men.

You could feel vocal changes.

MS symptoms

ActressSELMA BlairThe diagnosis of recent MS has led to light to one of the most remarkable symptoms of multiple sclerosis: a change in the quality of a person's voice. While, in arecent interview withRobin RobertsBlair's voice was fragile and slow because of a condition related to the MS called spasmodic dysphonie. But this is not the only side effect: many other people with MS feel an inability to control their pitch or volume, as well as any general hoarseness during the Word.

You can find yourself depressed.

MS symptoms

With anxiety, the MS is frequently accompanied byDepressive symptoms, if they are intrinsically linked to the disease itself or exacerbated by its symptoms. In fact, research published in theJournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Suggests that up to 50% of people with MS will suffer from depression at some point.

However, despite the enormous changes that MS can bring, Hobgood says that those with the disease should not lose hope. "It's my passion for life to help other women watch the good side of life and live fully- Mrs. has been a blessing for me," she says. "I am able to focus on my family and take action every day to be as healthy as possible. I'm not surviving - I'm in full swing!"

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Categories: Health
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