30 best and worst health lessons 2017

A series of revolutionary research of the year that will make us reconsider our daily habits.

At the end of the year, we examine the preparation of 2017 innovative nutrition and health whose results will bring the greatest impact on our lives. We cheated on these 30 worthy buzzing studies in the best (positive news that had jumped from joy) and the worst (titles difficult to hear that will make us reconsider our current habits).

So, without any other teen, here is our gathering of the best and worst health lessons of 2017. Ready to transform things into the new year? Do not miss these50 new recipes for the new year.

First ... the worst


Your diet can actually cause weight gain.

Woman drinking diet coke
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

There is a common misconception that dietary drinks are better for you because they do not have empty calories and sugar loads that their regular counterparts have. Unfortunately, it is not the case;Telegraph reported These dietary drinks are linked to weight gain. The article noted that a review of the dozens of studies covering 30 years found that there was no evidence at zero-calorie and sugar-free drinks are useful for preventing weight gain, type diabetes 2 or the lowering of the BMI. The researchers believe that artificial sweeteners can always trigger sweet receptors in the brain, which can trigger food cravings. If you are looking for syrup on a low aromatic drink, trywater instead of.


Sitting all day can cancel the benefits of exercise.

Man at office

If you have an office work that forces you to sit in a chair all day (so, most Americans), this could bring about problems for your overall health - even if you are a regular gym rat. The results of more than 40 studies have revealed that more time people sit down, the greatest risk they are for premature death, cardiovascular disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, even if they do exercise regularlyAccording to CNN.


It could be more dangerous to try to lose weight than never try at all.

Woman on scale upset

It seems to be discouraging, but a new retrospectiveto study found that people with the most fluctuated weight are twice as likely to undergo a heart attack or a stroke compared to those who maintain a constant weight. "You are worse if you drop your weight and you recovery that if you have not lost it first," Chief Author Dr. Sripal Bangalore,Reuters. However, do not take this as tips to avoid fully weight loss; Rather, you should take weight loss seriously and use this "as a motivation to lose weight and keep the weight", according to Bangalore.


Frozen food or browning grills expose you to carcinogens.

Dark toast

Sorry for all these lovers of Toast Burnt-Toast. TheBBC Reports that a carcinogen-acrylamide compound - is produced when starchy foods are cooked too long at high temperatures.


Stress can make you more likely to be obese.

Woman stressed at work

Here is a reason why you should definitely check these32 foods that deactivate stress hormones: AObesity The review of the journal discovered that people with the highest level of cortisol - a stress hormone - had the largest body weight, the IMC and the circumference of the size.


Curcuma is not as healthy as we thought it once.


It does not mean that you have to stop drinking these currelare lattes, but aMedicinal Chemistry Journal The examination revealed no evidence to support this curcumin (the Curcuma active compound) has therapeutic benefits.


A single meal of great fat can damage your metabolism.

Large Pizza

Be suspicious of your cheating meals, especially if you are overweight or diabetic. Scientists from the German Diabetes Center and Helmholtz Center in Munich have found that even consuming a high meal in saturated fats found in palm oil that can reduce the sensitivity of dinner to insulin and cause an increase in fat deposits as well as changes in metabolism in the liver. In the long run, these metabolic changes can increase the probability of developing a foie gras disease.


Artificial sweeteners vent from metabolism of your body.

Sugar cubes

Revolutionary research of Yale Neuroscientifian, Dana Small, discovered that sweetness plays a role in the metabolic response of your body to food. Little overdraft that when the amount of sweetness of a food does not match the calories that your body would expect to be associated with this softness, your body will eventually store additional calories in the muscles, the liver or fat. In summary: carbonized foods, artificial sweet foods, such as low sugar protein bars, can cause your body to be installed more calories in adipose cells than to convert them into energy.


Your finesse is not a good predictor of global health.

Woman looking in mirror

Just because you are thin does not mean that you are healthy. According to a February 2017 study in theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatrics, the excess belly fat measured by the circumference of the size - increases your risk of early death more than being overweight or slightly obese. The difference is that overweight and obese classifications depend on the BMI, which only takes the height and weight into account rather than the quantity and setting up of body fat.


Your salty diet makes you make it balloon, it is also hungry.


You know the trick: the bars indicate free popcorn salted, so it makes you thirsty and more likely to order another beer. Unfortunately, their trick is a little guided. On aThe Journal of the Clinical Survey Study, a salty diet is actually more likely to make you hunger rather than thirst. In fact, researchers have found that consuming a salty diet has made participants drinkless. So, if you generally consume an salt diet, this study suggests that you are more likely to feel the strongest and to be able to consume more calories per meal. It's probably better that you avoid these21 foods with more sodium than a pack of Ramen.


The high consumption of red meat increases the risk of dying of nine diseases.

Bacon cheeseburger

Scientists do not try to demonize red meat, but they suggest that you may want to stop eating them several times a day every day. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute followed more than half a million people for an average of 16 years. They found that those who consumed the most red meat had the highest risk of dying of eight diseases: cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, renal disease and liver disease. Alternatively, theBmj The study also found that white meat, on the other hand, could really reduce your risk of dying of different 25% causes.


Like stay late? You are more likely to make unhealthy food choices.

Woman looking in refrigerator late at night

There are two types of people around the world: birds and night owls. You probably know what you are. If you answered the night at night we have bad news for you. A study published inObesity I found that despite the consumption of the same number of calories, the night owls consume fewer protein throughout the day and more sugar in the morning and the night compared to the mornings of the morning.


Sweet alcohols of low calorie are not as safe as we thought.

Halo Top gingerbread house
Halo Top courtesy

In light of the demonization of artificial sweeteners, food marks use more and more "low calorie" sugar substitutes, such as sugar alcohols. Once I thought I would circumvent the body's metabolic process, a sugar alcohol found in your preferred-erythritol foods - can be metabolized and even produced in the human body, according to innovative research published inActs of the National Academy of Sciences. (Translation: alcohol sugar probablyto do to have calories after all.) Ever worse? CORNELL University researchers also identified erythritol as a biomarker to increase fat mass.


Consume a high fat diet ruins your health.

Potato chips

It's time for you to cut off all bacon, pizza, churches and potato chips. The researchers at the University of the Western Reserve have discovered that a large fat diet changes the composition of your intestinal bacteria in a way that reduces their effectiveness to cause harmful inflammation to weight induction. In addition to reducing the supply of fat foods, also consider eating more from these30 best anti-inflammatory foods.


Eating in front of the TV makes you more likely to be obese.

Watching TV and eating popcorn

Remember to eat at home is healthier than eating? Not so fast. When families eat at home with television, they have a higher risk of being obese compared to families who eat without watching a show, according to a study of theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The reasoning? "Adults could eat more food when they watch TV and meals that are not cooked at home can be less healthy than meals cooked at home," said Author Rachel Tinmin in an email atReuters.

And now ... the best


You may not have to give up alcohol to lose weight.

Woman drinking champagne

Thanks toThe New York TimesWe can now justify this indulgence of red wine during our weight loss trips. The revision of the evidence, the conclusion was that "while heavy drinkers might gain weight, a moderate alcohol consumption is not associated with weight gain or changes in the waist circumference."


Possess a dog makes you more likely to exercise.

Happy couple walking dog

Cut calories and work consistently are not the only hacks at the height-guide that will lead you in advanced shape. On aJournal of epidemiology and community health Study, being a dog parent can help you drop the books! The researchers found that those who traveled their pets regularly had higher levels of activity by 20% and were more active for half an hour each day than those who did not have a fur friend.


Hot sauce lovers live longer.

Hot sauce bottles

We already love hot peppers for their weight loss capabilities; They are packaged with capsaicin, the active component that gives them a taste of fishe. It has been linked to the regulation of blood sugar and can help strengthen your metabolism. Now, more research has proven that hot peppers and hot sauce have another health benefit - more precisely, they can help you live longer. An analysis of Plos One found that 16,179 US adults who participated in a larger health study, those who ate hot peppers had a reduced risk of dying earlier 13%, depending onThe New York Times.


You can pause your diet and lose weight.

Woman eating dessert

Staying a strict diet diet and the day can be overwhelming, that's why most people fail and abandon entirely. Fortunately, you do not need to have a perfect diet to lose weight; In fact, take a break can actually help increase weight loss. According to a study in theInternational Journal of ObesityThe people who have a diet for two weeks, then paused for two weeks, then repeated the lost motive more weight than those who remained on their diet continually for two weeks. It's a complicated problem for diet people; When you eat less losing weight, your body responds by increasing the appetite and slowing down the metabolism to conserve energy as a reaction of famine. The researchers believe that by balancing a calorie restriction with upper calorie grip, it tries your body without entering Famine mode.


A vegetarian diet is one of the most effective regimes for weight loss.

Strawberry spinach salad

Most people go to a vegetarian diet for ethical or environmental concerns. But a study this year out of theAmerican College of Nutrition Journalfound that this can be the most effective diet for weight loss. The study revealed that people who went to a vegetarian diet had reduced muscle fat, which improves their metabolism. Vegetarians have lost an average of 6.2 kilograms (about 13.7 pounds) compared to meat participants, who lost only 3.2 kilograms (about 7 pounds).


Whole grains will help increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Yogurt with granola

According to the scientists of the Nutrition of Toufts University, the grance of fine grains to whole grain foods can help keep your weight checking as much as a fast walk of 30 minutes of daily work. "Whole grains both seem to lower the number of calories as your body absorbs during digestion and velocity metabolism," explained the J. Philip Karl study author toIn good health.


Surprise! Eating vegetables every day can reduce the levels of psychological stress and the chances of Slash obesity.

Raw vegetables on cutting board

Yes, the vegetables are good for you. We all know that. That being said, do you know that the vegetables were good for you in what they could help you feel less stressed? AOpen British Medical Journal The study revealed that women who have eaten three to four portions of vegetables daily had a lower 12% stress risk than those who only eaten between zero and a portion. It's better: a separateto study Presented at the European Congress on Obesity, Portugal has found that eating more fruits and vegetables that can reduce your risk of obesity by almost half.


Women should be a force training.

Woman stretching after workout

You do not need to be a bodybuilder, but you should know that the formation of force is an important component of being healthy. In fact, the strength of force considerably reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases significantly for women, according to a new study published inMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. In addition, women engaged in a form of force training "were more likely to have a lower BMI, more likely to engage in healthy food schemes, and less likely to be a current smoker", compared the women who avoided it, according to the study authors.


Do not hesitate to sleep on weekends if you want to lose weight.

Woman sleeping in bed

Do you want to sleep on weekends? Now you can do it without feeling guilty. Sud-Korean researchers have discovered that the slowdown of sleep lost over the weekend could help Dieterskeep their weight.


Do not panic; Coconut oil is notthis Bad for you.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil made headlines this year when the American Heart Association (AHA) said that the exchange of saturated fats, such as coconut oil, for vegetable grease, such as Canola oil, decreased by 30% of your risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, their examination said "coconut oil [...] lifting LDL cholesterol in the same way as other saturated fats found in the butter". Although we will not think about their conclusions, a comprehensive review of Dr. Tania Dempsey's study onObserver.com reminders that "eating coconut oil by the spoonful is probably not the best idea - mainly because there are so many other important fats that you should eat daily for the health of your cells And that nervous coconut oil is certainly not the bad player it was made to be. "It's worth reading all the article, but point it: eat all fat with moderation and consume a Variety of fats, not only coconut oil exclusively.


Do not worry about being a weekend warrior.

Woman running in woods

You do not need to fight for you only find time to work on weekends. Although it is not ideal for focusing the recommended weekly weekly quantity of exercise in a weekend, new discoveries published inJAMA internal medicine Suggest that the size of two workouts can reduce your death risk similar to what regular exercise offers.


Prebiotic foods can help improve sleep quality and cope with stress.

Prebiotic foods

What do the artichokes do, raw garlic, leeks and onions all share? They are allprebiotic foods: Fiber-rich foods that help feed the beneficial bacteria of your intestine, called probiotics. According to two new studies published in February 2017, prebiotic fibers can help protect beneficial intestinal bacteria, improve sleep and protect against the physiological impacts of stress. The two published inBorders in behavioral neuroscience, thestudies suggests that the consumption of a prebiotic rich diet could help mitigate the negative effects the stress on your microbiome helping you to help youBack to normal sleep habits Faster than if you have consumed some prebiotics.


The selfies are good for you.

Gym selfie

The next time someone rejects you to be on your phone, tell them that helps you achieve your weight loss goals. AJournal of Interactive Marketing The study published in October 2017 found that the public engagement of fixing and achieving weight loss objectives - such as the display of a selfie on Instagram after losing five books - help participants stay motivated and responsible for their weight loss trips.


Exercise is not just good for health; It's also good for your sex life.

Sex life

You probably know the link between regular exercise and general health, but did you know that your perspiration can also improve your sex life?CNN reports This regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of erectile problems in men and a greater sexual desire, excitement and women's satisfaction than when people in both sexes are sedentary.


Green tea can protect your body with a bad diet.

Matcha powder

If you have not sprouted yet on the trend of green tea, it may help you convince you. A study published inThe FASEB newspaperSuggests an active compound in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can combat the negative effects on the health of a high fat and high fructose diet, which include weight gain, diabetes type 2 and a low cerebral function.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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