25 coronavir facts that you should know now

How long does it last on the surfaces? Who is the least affected? These coronavirus facts can surprise you.

It is very unlikely that you do not already know a lot of coronaviruses, the global pandemic that is currently rolling around the world, killing thousands and infecting hundreds of thousands, including world leaders and movie stars. In fact, we bet an hour would not hear that you do not intend to talk about someNew coronavirus information. But while you have no doubt read a lot ofAlarming titles on the new virus called COVID-19You may have missed some of the fine impression. We consulted scientific research and health professionals to gather facts on the coronavirus that you probably have not heard.

The symptoms vary depending on the person - and some people do not show any sign at all.

young girl having severe chills

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) originally published a list ofCurrent coronavirus symptoms, like fever, coughing and shortness of breath. But now, the CDC has addedNew symptoms, including chills, repeated jerks with chills, muscle pain, headaches, sore throat and loss of taste and smell.

Doctors also reportedStrange coronavirus symptoms They saw on the front lines: the purple, blue or red lesions on the feet and toes, a sparkling feel on the skin, pink eyes and confusion, among others. Some people are also asymptomatic, which means they show no sign of illness or infection.

There is no healing or approved vaccines.

Close-up medical syringe with a vaccine.

Even ifPresident Donald Trump mentioned in a television press briefing that hydroxychloroquine is an effective medicine it isnot a cure for coronavirus. According to the director of NiaidAnthony Fauci, MD, the anti-malaria drug has potential but requires longer clinical trials more intensive before physicians can assess whether it is an effective treatment for COVID-19.

In another press briefing on April 23, President Trump also discussed disinfectant injection as the potential remedy of coronavirus. It was largely opposed by doctors and health professionals. Even reckitt Benckiser Group, the British company that produces Lysol,released a public statement On the same day, saying, "Our disinfectant products should in no way be administered in the human body (by injection, ingestion or any other way)." And for more information on false coronavirus vaccines,It's fake covid-19 healings that you have to ignore right now.

Men are more likely to die of coronaviruses than women.

Man coughing wearing a scarf

As the propagation of Covid-19 is spreading, doctors consider a drastic difference in the way men and women are affected.Sara Ghaandehari, a pulmonologist and an intensive care doctor at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles saidThe New York Times "75% of patients intensive care of the hospital and those of the fans are men". Ghandhari and other doctors are nowConduct studies using hormones Promotably found in estrogen women and progesterone, the end of anti-inflammatory properties - to try to treat patients.

Minorities are more at risk of coronaviruses.

An African-American man wearing a protective face mask to prevent virus infection while staring out window

Of course, everyone can contract coronavirus, but the data show that some ethnic groups are more likely to die from the pandemic than others. This is due to a variety of factors, including a systemic lack of health care, a public transport dependence in urban areas and inflexibility of employment that does not allow or does not permit in quarantine. In reality,The Metro de Detroit Times report thatAfrican Americans account for 40% of coronavirus deaths In Michigan, even if they represent only 14% of the state population. And if you are afraid to contract the disease, check10 mental health tips for high-risk people for COVID-19.

Coronavirus can cause young adults.

woman with her hands on her head

Doctors saw a series of coronavirus patients in the 30s and 40ssuddenly blows, a condition that is most often observed in the elderly (median age for a severe stroke is 74 years old).J MOCCO, a doctor-researcher at Mount Sinai, saidThe Washington Postthat "the number of patients entering with big blood locks in their brainDoubled during the three weeks of the COVID-19 surge. "More than half of the patients - who were younger and have few risk factors, tested positive for coronavirus.

If you have high blood pressure, you could have a greater risk of COVID-19.

Doctor with older patient

The researchers examined5,700 Coronavirus patients in New York and found a condition they had in common:Hypertension. The resulting study, published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (Jama) in association with Northwell's health based in New York, found that the most common comorbidities among those with Covid-19 werehypertension (56.6%),obesity (41.7 percent) and diabetes (33.8 percent). This is disconcerting that half of the US adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). And if you want to support physicians and health professionals on front lines, see7 simple ways of support for health workers at COVID-19.

It poses a greater risk for people suffering from obesity.

Man's stomach

Although it is well known thatseniors and those who haveCompromises Respiratory Systems Increasingly increased risk of contracting and dying of coronaviruses, is the fact that obesity and diabetes can also make people more sensitive.

"Patients with diabetes are more sensitive to serious complications of viral infections of any kind, and consequently, are considered a high-risk population for Covid-19 ", saysRocio Salas-Whalen, MD, ofNew York, Endocrinology. "Due to the pathophysiology of diabetes, patients may take longer to heal, putting them at risk of developing complications of the virus. This is true with any type of infection in diabetes. »

Salas-Walen also points outResearch that found that excess weight Modifies the efficiency of the flu vaccine.

One in three test results are false negative.

coronavirus test kit

If yourCoronavirus test Comes from negatives, do not celebrate yet.One in three negative results are actually defective, According to a report by AprilWall Street newspaper. This high rate of false negatives could be due to how manufacturers quickly created and distributed testing, lacks the time required for veterinary health regulators the test themselves. AShortage of hospital staff and a lack of training to collect samples are also possible reasons for the margin of error, according to Bloomberg. And if you want to separate the facts from the fiction, check these21 myths of coronavirus, you have to stop believing, according to the doctors.

You can contract coronavirus twice.

Woman sick in bed with a fever and the flu

Countries around the world are considering "an immunity passport" or government official documents allowing those who have recovered coronavirus to return to work. But that can not be the wisest you could potentiallyget coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a brief scientist on April 24 by declaring: "There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies areProtected against a second infection" In this spirit, people must continue the security habits of social and hygiene distancing.

Covid-19 air conditioning spreads faster.

An air conditioning unit

The CDC has published a new report that connectedan epidemic January in a restaurant In Guangzhou, China, to its air conditioning unit. Although the families affected were sitting each other, 10 people fell ill because "the years restaurantAir conditioners blew viral particles around the dining room ", according toThe New York Times.

"Like most air conditioning systems can not filter very small droplets so that the droplets could be delivered in circulation within spaces we need to be concerned about the use of air conditioning systems,"Qingyan Chen, PhD, Professor at the Purdue University of ResearchThe transmission of virus by ventilation, previously saidBetter life.

There is a new coronavirus at home test but you will not be able to get for a while.

nurse holds a swab for the coronavirus / covid19 test

Pixel, a new product of LabCorp, is theFirst Covid-19 home test Approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The emergency authorization will now allow people to use themselvesSampling by taking a nasal levy. The test costs $ 119, and the results will be available online. However, not everyone can access an immediately. TheKits will first be with medical professionals On the front line, then later available to quarantine those completing a short health screening investigation and are reported as at risk of coronavirus.

Retain your breathing is not a valid test for coronavirus.

Young white man making a face while holding his breath amid white background

This is proof that you should not believe everything you see on the internet. A viral social media post after asserting that if you are able toRemember your breathing for 10 seconds Without coughing or feeling pain, then you do not have Covid-19. However,Gail Trauco, Rn, previously saidBetter life that the position "was falsely credited to a member of the Stanford Hospital Council and that your airways are irritated when you have an acute viral infection, so it is difficult to take a deep breath without coughing, but this is not proof of coronavirus.

Covid-19 can live on surfaces up to three days.

Woman in a cafe with a cup of coffee

Of course, you know you do not want to catch the seat at the cafe next to someone who coughs, but you have stopped thinking about who was sitting at your table before you ... even as long as three days? The truth is,Coronavirus can live on surfaces Long after an infected person left. ANew Study of National Institutes of Health Discovered that Coronavirus can live on plastic and stainless steel as long as three days.

There could be a second wave of coronaviruses in the future.

two men wearing masks on the street

Although we can not predict the future, it would not be a surprise if there is aSecond wave of the pandemic After companies open their doors again and life in normal resume. In fact, theCDC is preparing For this exact scenario at the end of autumn or early winter, according toRobert Redfield, Md, virologist and director of the CDC. It would not be the first time that it happened in history - the 1918 influenza epidemic and the 1968 flu pandemic, among others, had subsequent waves.

This will not diminish in hot temperatures.

Woman in the hot sun

Since most people associateThe regular influenza season With the colder months of the year, many assume that Covid-19 cones while temperatures increase. But Salas-Whalen points out that it's not as simple as that.

"Unfortunately, Virology of Covid-19 does not diminish in hot temperatures," she says. "Although the virus can have a seasonal cycle, it is not reasonable to expect a huge drop in transmission because of the only time of hot weather. We see the greatest decrease in infections when people. Abstant to be in places with a small ventilation and / or a large crowd. "

Some face masks offer better protection than others.

People in London wearing face masks to protect themselves against coronavirus

Because coronavirus is transmitted via droplets, facial masks help prevent transmission when an infected person coughs or sneezes. But you may not know that some face masks are actually more efficient than others. According toThe New York Times,N95 masks block at least 95% of tiny particles Although medical masks are much less efficient, but only filter 60 to 80% of small particles.

With short masks, many people have resorted toHomemade masks, which can protect you if you use a durable fabric like cotton. If you want to sew your own face of covering cloth, checkThis Nifty guide by the CDC.

Coronavirus has cousins.

Female doctor doing testing in a lab

On aArticle of the coronavirus study group (CSG) of the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy, COVID-19 is a variant of the coronavirus which caused the impression of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002-2003. As a result, its official name is: Coronavirus 2 or SARS-COV-2 related to acute respiratory syndrome. It is also a parent of the Coronavirus respiratory syndrome of the Middle East, also known as seas, who has rebound in the Middle East from 2012.

COVID-19 refers to the disease that the virus causes, not the virus itself.

Covid in testing lab

Who realized that calling the new SARS-COV-2 virus could lead to someConfusion and anxiety. AsTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, responsible for who,Put the In February: "From a perspective of risk communication, use the name of SARS can have unexpected consequences in terms of useless creationFear for some populations, especially in Asia, which was worse affected by the SARS epidemic in 2003. "

For this reason, who has chosen to refer to the name of the disease, it translates into Covid-19 - rather than the name of the virus itself.

Pets can get coronaviruses.

Husky at the vet

Unfortunately, cats andDogs are able to contract coronavirus-Somed with deadly consequences. A 2011 study in the newspaperVirology advances Discuss how so-called pantropic canine coronavirus can infect cats and dogs. And a virus known asFeline infectious peritonitis may causeExhibition cats of flu symptoms or even an organ failure.

At the beginning of March, it was confirmed that a dog in Hong KongCoronavirus contracted by its owner. "There are coronavirus strains that affect dogs, usually puppies"Christie long, DVM, head of veterinary medicine atModern animal In Los Angeles, said previouslyBetter life. "While the coronaviruses themselves are capable of rapid change, we are always on the lookout for evidence of the disease caused by new strains of this virus."

The good news? Which stipulates that there is no evidence that a dog, a cat or everythingpet can transmit Covid-19 to humans.

Previous pandemics were very worse than Covid-19.

Man in hospital bed talking to doctor

Almost215,000 people diedAll over the world, as from the time this article has been published - a terrible toll, to be sure. But he makes a comparison with the 1957 H2N2 flu, who killed1.1 million people (0.04% of the world's population at the time), or the Spanish influenza of 1918 (responsible for the death of50 million people), or the black death, whichkilled 75 million people (nearly 17% of the world's population at the time).

It is less infectious than air viruses, such as measles.

Woman sneezing or coughing into her elbow

Covid-19 is incredibly contagious. But it is not as contagious as air viruses, such as tuberculosis or measles. "It is an infectious disease that is probably widespread via the droplet transmission. This means that it requires large droplets containing virus particles to infect a new host," explainsTaylor Graber, MD, a resident anesthetist of the University of California San Diego School of Medicine.

"It means that overall, it is less infectious than oneAirborne Transmission Virus or bacteria, such as measles or tuberculosis. For these other pathogens, it is much easier to become aerosolized in the air, "Notes Graber". The more they are in the air, the more infectious they become because they can infect more patients faster. The first studies suggested that Covid-19 is not widespread via the aerosolized road. "

Twenty second hand washing will not suffice.

Washing hands

You have probably thought that you were hygienic enough - always cautious forwash your hands After using the bathroom andusually before having something to eat. But as many health officials have reminded us since Coronavirus really started spreading, there is a difference between quicklyrun your hands under the tap and really give them a scrub. And although 20 seconds have been the recommended duration to spend brushing, even this may not be enough.

"Be diligent about washing your hands appropriately: for 20 to 30 seconds with soap, under hot running water," recommends to Graber. Try to calm down with some of theseUseful.

Delete your shoes is a must.

Parents taking off their children's shoes at the door

WhileHandwashing is a vital way to reduce its risk COVID-19 contractors, these aforementioned droplets can also travel from the outside world in your home at the bottom of your shoes. In order to keep your home without coronavirus, you shouldDelete your shoes When you come inside.

It's hardly affected children.

Child on father's shoulders doing muscle arms

A recent study in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL Shot that children aged 10 and under represent only 1% of all COVID-19 cases, while those aged 30 to 79 represent nearly 90%.Scientists do not know whyBut they think the answers can help us to overcome Covid-19.

This seriously tests our health system.

Hospital hallway

As coronavirus spreads throughout the United States, the strain it will put on the country's health system is becoming more apparent. AsThe New York Timesreports:

Our country has only 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people. It's less than in Italy (3.2), China (4.3) and South Korea (12.3), who have all had difficulties. ... it is estimated thatWe have about 45,000 intensive care unit beds in the USA. In a moderate epidemic, about 200,000 Americans needed one.

Yes, this means that less than 25% of the Americans infected with coronaviruses could receive hospital care. And if you are in the mood to feel good content, check:These acts of kindnessIn the middle of panic coronavirusWill restore your faith.

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