5 superfoods that will save your life

The diet and diseases have been linked since the beginning of time, when plants were grown not only for food, but also as a remedy for a multitude of conditions.

Fortunately, we have progressed since the days of catering in the woods for salad with the risk of discoveringDOH! This one is toxic. But ironically, for all that we have learned, we continue to eat foods that kill us slowly. In fact, chronic diseases introduced by obesity - including (but not limited) cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease - account for about 120,000 deaths per year, according to disease control centers. Whenever we eat, we choose a choice: nourish the disease or fight it. Here is a break of food that save life.

Cancer: Broccoli


If cancer is a complex printed circuit board, broccoli is like the large red shutdown switch. The average American eats more than 4 pounds of flowery vegetables a year, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Department. And it's a good thing because there is an important proof of the value of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli in cancer prevention. In fact, clinical trials show steam broccoli a few times a week can reduce prostate, chest, lung and brass rates. The researchers attribute the anticancer properties mainly to sulforaphane, a compound that operates on a genetic level to "disable" the cancer genes, resulting in the ashen death of the cancer cells and the slowdown in the progression of the disease. A study revealed that men who have eaten three or more portions of Broccoli per week had a decrease of 41% risk of prostate cancer compared to men who have eaten less than a portion per week.

Get the advantages: Ok, naked with this important science-babble: the myrosinase enzyme is required for the formation of sulforaphane. The bad news is that Miss Myrosinase is a bit of a prima gave when it comes to the temperature. Broccoli is freezing makes the enzyme almost useless; So boiling it. But the good news is that new research shows that you can revive and almost double-mr. The anti-cancer qualities of Broccoli by introducing it to a hottie! That is to say that the pair of frozen broccoli then cooked gently (2-3 minutes in the microwave) with a spicy feed which also contains mustard of myrosinasine, horseradish, wasabi or pepper rocket .

Cardiac disease: walnuts


From all walnuts at the bar to go home with, what will be best for your heart? The walnut, the researchers say. Ironically, or maybe the way of mother nature to give us an index, heart-shaped nuts are overflowing with omega-3 antioxidants and fatty acids that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease - an umbrella term that Refers to a number of deadly complications (including heart attack and stroke) that account for about 600,000 deaths in the United States a year. The more complete examination of clinical trials on walnut consumption with respect to cardiovascular diseases has shown only one oz of nuts from five times or more per week - about one everyday handle - can reduce diseases Cardiacs of nearly 40%. And a recent study showed two ounces a day was sufficient to significantly improve blood flow to and from the heart in just 8 weeks, without causing weight gain.

Get the advantages: A recent study that has analyzed the health benefits of different parts of the nuts - the skin, "meat" and most of the healthy healthy benefits come from oil. You can free the volatile oils of Walnuts by roasting them in a dry stove on the average heat until it is fragrant. And give an oil of nuts a finishing oil that is delicious in salad or watered dressings (with a teaspoon!) On pasta dishes.

Diabetes: renal beans

kidney beans

Not only the most pretty bean of the group, each kidney bean resembling gems can be considered an effective blood sugar control pill - and a particularly good defense on type 2 diabetes, an altered disease of life that changes Radically how your body manages the blood of sugar. The main beans are so good to prevent and treat - obesity-related disease is their rich fiber content. Kidney beans pack the largest dietary wallop; Just half a cup of beans supplies 14 grams-more 3 servings of oatmeal! And it's not just a window fiber, but a special shape called "resistant starch". This type takes longer to digest that other fibers, making it a very "low glycemic" carbohydrate that helps prevent blood glucose peaks. In fact, a recent study revealed that diabetics that ate a cup of beans every day for 3 months have seen better improvements in fasting blood glucose, cholesterol and even body weight than a group that ate a cup of whole wheat products as fibrous. And a longer study that followed more than 64,000 women for 4 years found that high bean consumption was associated with a risk of diabetes of 38%.

Get the advantages: Any increase in beans and food pulses (such as lentils) is a healthy choice. If you are serious about diabetes prevention, a cup a day should be your goal. Dried beans tend to be slightly higher in fiber and slightly lower on the glycemic index; For more convenience, however, canned cereals are usually well, simply check the label for additives like sugar and thoroughly rinse your beans before enjoying.

Liver disease: spinach


Spinach are like this guy. The captain of each university sport, the homecoming king, the king of the ball and the Valedictorian. It can do everything, and now the researchers say it can cure liver disease - a complex disease caused by poor nutrition, excess alcohol and inflammation. The role of your liver is mainly to detox; When it does not work properly, the liver becomes "fat", toxins develop in your system and you are very sick. Studies suggest spinach can be particularly cleaning because it is rich in vitamin E and two compounds called "betaine" and "choline" that work together to extinguish the fat storage genes in the liver. A study found steam spinach to be 13% more efficient to reduce levels of fatty acids in the liver than a pharmaceutical drug, while other research suggests that the addition of leafy vegetables to its Diet can improve fatty acid profiles in just 4 weeks.

Get the advantages: It's hard to eat too many spinach. Make stocks on some bags at the beginning of the week and challenge yourself to sneak it at each meal. A handful in your morning smoothie? You will never enjoy it! And plan to add curcuma to your spinach jump; The classical Indian spice has also been revealed to be a powerful anti-inflammatory in the liver.

Alzheimer's: blueberries


More than five million Americans are estimated at Alzheimer's disease - a number that should almost triple by 2050 if there is no significant medical advances, depending on the Alzheimer Association. There is a genetic base on Alzheimer, and if the disease circulates in your family, it is particularly important to make changes to your lifestyle to minimize your risks. Just add more blueberries to your diet can help you. Rich in antioxidants that give them their purple or dark red color, the berries protect the cells from the damage by changing the way neurons in the brain communicate and reduce the accumulation of the most frequently observed protein loops in Alzheimer's disease. In a study, older adults that complement with blueberry juice for only 12 weeks have been marked above on memory tests than those receiving placebo. The researchers found the same thing in animals: these nourished blueberries undergo a cerebral cell loss significantly a cerebral cell loss when exposed to oxidative stress like that felt at a neurodegenerative disease.

Get the advantages: Believe it or not, studies suggest that frozen blueberries are actually superior nutritionally to fresh varieties and contain more antioxidants. But, sorry pie amateurs, science is not on your side: a study in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal Found antioxidant levels in blueberries from 10 to 21% when cooked in the oven.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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