If you see it on your nails, you may have ever had Covid, say doctors

Even if you had an asymptomatic case, you can always deal with this strange symptom.

It seems that there is not part of your body the new coronavirus can not affect, with symptoms ranging from hair loss to toes and cutaneous eruptions with brain fog. TheThe virus can also continue to linger Even months after you have apparently recovered. One of the most strangest lasting symptoms to emerge lately has been cropped on VVID survivor nails. Although people have social media about this long-term side effect for some time, it has won Steam when a genetic epidemiology professor at King's College London, who leads the largest study of Covid symptoms at world,TIM SPECTOR, MB, tweeted about it. "The Nails of Covid are increasingly recognized as the nails recover after infection and growth recovers the release of a clear line," Tweeted on May 3, noting the symptom "seems inofpensional".

Eileen Deignan, MD, head of theDepartment of dermatology At the Emerson Hospital in Concord, Massachusetts, saidBetter lifeThat these clear lines, clinically called handsome lines, may appear on the nails or nails.

"If something highlighted the body such as Covid, the nail matrix cells stop temporarily growing," says Deignan. The lines are a consequence of this break. "The entire nail matrix is ​​affected as a result of a system across the system such as Covid," she says. "[The lines of beautiful] occur as a result of the sudden stop and the recovery of the growth of the nail plate. ... The depression in the nail is in the whole nail."

Dermatologist Susan Bard, MD and other expertsBetter lifeAttache notes that the lines of beautiful are less likely to follow an asymptomatic or light covidant infection, but it is always possible.

"Even if you have contracted asymptato, your body will always be shaken from viral infection that triggered an immune response," saysPreventive global health expert Sandra el Hajj, N-MD. "So your nails could be affected by this physiological reaction."

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The lines of good can occur at any time where the body undergoes important stress, explains Bard. There are a series of other diseases thatcan cause the lines of beautiful, including diabetes, thyroid disease, pneumonia, chemotherapy and zinc deficiency, among others, according to health. Deignan notes that these lines could even occur after subtle changes in your system, such as some vitamin deficiencies or new drugs.

So, if you notice clear lines on your nails, you have to talk to your doctor. Although nothing, they can not do anything for the lines themselves, it is useful to know why they grew up in the first place. They could mean that you had Covid or you have another underlying disease.

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In addition to talking to a health professional, you should also try protecting your nails in you notice the handsome lines. "There is nothing more precisely to do for the nails of Covids, except protecting the nails because they can be more vulnerable to tear in the sight of weakness," says Deignan. She suggests wearing gloves when washing dishes or doing wet work and keep your nails and skin around your well-hydrated nails.

The lines will disappear when your nails will develop, that Deignan says is about six months for nails but could take more time for nails.

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Categories: Health
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