50 quotes from the best sweet girlfriend to make you smile

The perfect words to tell your BFF how much you care.

The best friends make the world go around. They celebrate our greatest victories, empathic with our most difficult losses and offer honest comments on our most questionable actions - whether we are asking for it.

That's why if you're lucky enough to have abest friendYou should let them know how much you enjoy their love with one of these good friendly quotes. Whether you're looking for a serious ODE to friendship or a fun fine about being crime partners, we have the best ideal quote for you.

"Life is a terrible and ugly place for not having a best friend."

-Sarah Desgen

"My best friend is the man who will get me a book that I'm not read."

-Abraham Lincoln

"A friend in a life is a lot; two are numerous; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a goal rivalry."

-Henry Adams

"The ornament of a house is the friends who attend him."


"Love is more rare than genius itself. And friendship is more rare than love."

-Chares puyy

"If you are going to get a friend, you will find that they are very rare. If you come out of being a friend, you will find them everywhere."

-Zig Ziglar

"I get with a little help from my friends."

-The Beatles

"Friendship is born for the moment when a man says to another" what! You also? I thought no one but myself "

-C.s. Lewis

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

-Maya angelou

"A good friend is like a four-leaved clover: hard to find and lucky to have."


"I love everything that is old, - old friends, old days, old ways, old books, old wine."

-Oliver Goldsmith

"Every friend represents a world in us, a world eventually born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world was born."

-Sead Nin

"Good friends, good books and a sleepy consciousness: it's the ideal life."


"The stay is a charming word in a friend's vocabulary."

-Amos Bronson Alcott

"The best friendships are between those who can do without the other."

-Elbert hubbard

"Our triumph seems hollow unless we have friends to share them, and our failures are supportable by their understanding."

-James rachels

"Your friends will know you better in the first minute that you encounter your knowledge has been familiar with you."


"True friendship is like good health; the value is rarely known until it is lost."

-Coles Caleb Colton

"If we treated ourselves as well as we treated our best friend, can you imagine?"


"A friend is the one who knows you that you are, understands where you have been, accept what you have become, and always, allows you to grow softly."

-WILLIAM Shakespeare

"The best friend is it that when he wants a person's good, wishes him for the good of that person."


"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it's a friend with chocolate."

-Linda Grayson

"Do not walk behind me; I can not lead. Do not walk in front of me; I can not follow. Walk right next to me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus

"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life."

-AMy pirehler

"The friend who holds your hand and says that the bad thing is made of more expensive things than the one who stays far."

-Barbara Kingsolver

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

"Do not make friends who are comfortable with. Make friends who force you to get up."

-Thomas J. Watson

"These are the friends you can call at 4 important hours."

-Marlene Dietrich

"Friendship marks a life even deeper than love. The risks of love degenerating in obsession, friendship is never other than sharing."

-Ley Wiesel

"You can make more friends in two months by interested in other people you can not in two years trying to interest other people interested in you."

-Dale carnegie

"The best mirror is an old friend."

-George Herbert

"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people with two; it's not my nature."

-Jane austen

"A measure of friendship does not consist in the number of things that friends can chat, but in the number of things they have no longer mentioned."

-Clifton Fadiman

"Friendship is the most difficult thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn at school. But if you have not learned the meaning of friendship, you really do not have Nothing learned. "

-Muhammad Ali

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."

-Woodrow Wilson

"A real friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows you're slightly cracked."


"A faithful friend laughs of your jokes when they are not so good and sympathized with your problems when they are not so bad."

-ANold H. Glasow

"One rose can be my garden ... a single friend, my world."

-The buscaglia

"Do not I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"

-Abraham Lincoln

"Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice."

-Otto von Bismarck

"Between friends, differences in taste or opinion irritating to a direct proportion to their triviality."

-W.h. To allow

"Friends: people who borrow my books and give wet glasses on it."

-Dwin Arlington Robinson

"Friendship is the way of God to apologize for our families."

-Jay Mcinerney

"Everyone wants to roll with you in the limousine, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limousine breaks down."

-Oprah Winfrey

"Some people arrive and make an impact so beautiful on your life, you can hardly remember what life looked like without them."

-Na Taylor

"Silence makes the real conversations between friends. It's not the saying, but it never needs to say that it counts."

-Margaret Lee Runbeck

"It seems that they had always been and always be friends. The weather could change, but not that."

-Winnie the Pooh

"It is the privilege of friendship to talk about nonsense and to enforce its absurdities."

-Chals lamb

"Speaking between friends of friends is always a therapy."

-Jayne Anne Phillipips

"Sometimes, being a friend means to master the art of timing. There is a time of silence. A moment to let go and let people embark on their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when everything is finished. "

-Gloria naylor

Categories: Relationships
Tags: Quotes
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