The biggest misconceptions on autism spectrum disorder

Placing the registration directly on some common myths of autism.

As much asOne in 50 children in the United States Have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to disease control and prevention centers. And, all over the world, aboutone percent of the population falls somewhere on the spectrum. The TSA refers to a range of complex conditions including social, communication and behavioral challenges, ranging from light to severe. The symptoms of autism can beobserved in children from 18 months And often appear before the age of 3 years. Research has shown thatEarly detection and intervention are the best ways to improve the quality of life of peoplelive with autism, as well as their families and guardians. Here are some common myths and false ideas on ASD. And for famous characters that have been diagnosed with the disease, checkCelebrities who are on the spectrum of autism.

Autism is purely a social disorder.

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Most people with autismPhysical symptoms such as repetitive body movements, rituals and fasteners. They can also suffer gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders and convulsions. Like all the symptoms of autism, these can vary considerably in the gravity and type of person to the person. And for another condition where the facts are often misinterpreted, checkIt's the biggest myth about the dementia you have to stop believing.

People with ASD have no empathy or feel normal emotions.

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Alexithymy is a condition in which people have difficulty recognizing and communicating their emotions. About half of ASD people also have an alexitheymic, which can explain why many autistic people are fighting with emotions and empathy. However, studies show that many other people with autism have typical or even strengthened empathy levels. "There was this perception that people with autism have no empathy. And it's garbage. And you can see this immediately as soon as you meet autistic people"Geoff BirdAssociate Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, said in a statement.

ASD is something you grow up.

Doctor talking

For the most part, people do not exceed autism. Although a large part of the social and scientific accent is Childhood ASD, most children with autism finally become adults with autism. However, there are exceptions and recent studies show evidence of some childrenRetrieve ASD. These subjects tended to be strongly functional to start and even after their recovery, "many continued to fight with language, learning and behavioral problems. And to define the registration directly on some other things, check17 most dangerous health myths that are just not going to disappear.

Autism is hard.

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Although there is no cure for TSA, treatments such as behavioral therapy and family council can be very effective in reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life of people with autism, especially young children . "With anterior intervention and good treatments - and we have more and more good treatments - more and more children do good enough"Fred R. Volkmar, MD, a psychiatrist at the study center of Yale Medicine Child,said in a statement.

Some regimes are effective in treating autism

mother packing lunch for her child

Some alternative autism treatments includespecialty schemes Like those eliminating gluten and dairy. This practice is not only not via to help reduce the symptoms of the TSA, but the removal of certain foods from a child's diet can cause nutrient deficiencies. And for more useful health information delivered directly in your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

People with ASD are mentally handicapped.

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In fact, they often have normal normal IQs. Medical distinction between the two conditionsremains difficult to defineHowever, in part because most autism-related genes are also present with intellectual disabilities. People who have ads tend to fight communication and learning behaviors. As a result, both conditions are sometimeserroneous one for the other.

ASD does not affect boys.

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However, for unknown reasons, boys are much more likely to have trouble. "An intriguing aspect of autism is that it mainly affects males; four boys are affected for every girl"Ted Abel, PhD, Director of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine,said in a statement. This gender disparity is also true of other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD.

There is a unique diagnosis for ASD.

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As the name suggests, ASD refers to a group of development disorders, each withA wide range of symptoms. Although most people with autism share common difficulties in repetitive socialization, communication and behavior, they can still have a considerably different challenges, skills and treatment results.

All people with ASD also have a learned syndrome.

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scholar syndrome is a rare condition that appears in 10% to 30% of people with TSA, but farMore frequently in men. Autistic scientists usually have one or more remarkable skills that are distinguished either unlike their global disability or as prodigious in the general population. These skills may vary considerably in type and degree and may have few practical applications.

Doctors know exactly what causes autism.

Man talking with a therapist in therapy

There is no more definitive cause for ASD, butMost scientists agree that genes are a leading factor. "Although families are often the most concerned about the environmental risk factors for autism, the reality is that genetic factors play a much broader role"Andrew Adesman, Director of Development and Behavioral Pediatrics at the Cohen Kids Medical Center,said in a statement. Very likely, ASD stems from several causes, genetics and environmental.

Vaccines cause autism.

black baby with father getting vaccine from white female doctor
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The narrative of vaccinestarted in 1998 With a study that wrongly suggested a link between autism and the anti-pillow vaccine (measles, melts and rubella). Since then, researchers around the world have played at least20 Related Studies And no data has been found to support a connection between autism and vaccines.

People with ASD are generally non-verbal.

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About 40% of children with TSA do not speak, up to 30%Limited verbal capabilities. Other children with autism may have delayed the Word, unusual speaking schemes or can be verbally verbally verbally. With early intervention and the help of a speech therapist, some children who face challenges are able toImprove their verbal skills Or even become fluid speakers.

People with ASD can not make friends.

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Despite obsolete notions that people with ASD are non-social, research shows that they desire not only friendships, but are very capable of having them, especially with other autistic people. This may seem a little different. "There are a lot of swings and missing, but when they connect, it comes out of the park"Brett Heasman, a research associate at University College London,said in a statement.

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