If you feel it at night, you have to check your liver, let's say that doctors say

The experts say that the experience of the night could be a revealing sign of liver disease.

Too much sugar consumption, putting some pounds and even drinking a little alcohol canAll will potentially harm your liver. And unfortunately, you can not just register and make sureAll works well with this vital organ Without the help of a health professional. But there may be a way to notice if anything does not succeed early. According to experts, if you encounter some uncomfortable symptoms at night, you have to have your liver check as soon as possible. Read it to find out if you should be worried, and for home health tests,If you can not do that in 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, the study says.

If something is missing with your liver, it could feel itching at night.

Scratching itch on hand
Monster E / Shutterstock

If you start making itching at night, you should talk to your doctor.Itching is associated with liver diseaseAnd he tends to be worse at the end of the evening and during the night, "says HealTLINE.

According toWendie A. Howland, RN-BC, aNursing Consultant and Registered Nurse, one of the tasks that the liver is responsible for breaking and excreting the substances that your body does not need bile. "If it fails to do that, for some reason, the next member excretory to try to take the soft to get rid of the bile salts is the skin," explains Howland. "It produces itching." And for more than what habits could affect your liver, read it onWhen you should take Tylenol instead of Advil, doctors say.

The itching associated with liver disease do not tend to produce a skin rash and are the most common on your palms and soles.

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Itching is usually associated with skin diseases, but unlike skin diseases, "you generally not notice a rash" if itching is an answer to liver disease, saysLeann Poston, MD, aCertified doctor and medical advisor For Revigor Medicine.

"The itching associated with liver disease tends to mainly affect members, especially palms and soles," she explains. "This is usually the night and exacerbated by heat, during the menstrual cycle, with hormonal replacement therapy, pregnancy and wool contact." And for more symptoms, you must be careful, check out theSubtle signs Your body tells you that something is seriously false.

If you notice to yellow skin or eyes next to itchy, you need immediate medical attention.

Shot of an attractive young woman inspecting her face in the bathroom mirror

According to Poston, it can be difficult to correlate itching and liver disease for yourself, because everyone who has liver disease develops only itching and itching could also be your only symptom of liver disease. . CornJaveed Siddiqui, MD,chief doctor TELEMED2U, stresses that if your itching are delivered with the yellowing of the whites of your eyes or your eyes, known as Jaundice, your situation "justifying [s] immediate medical care."

Howland says that other symptoms of liver disease may include bleeding, bruising, black stools, dark urine, abdominal swelling, nausea, lack of appetite and abdominal pain. And for more health news update directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Itching can also be caused by many other things other than liver disease.

Cut view of young woman sitting on bed and touching her skin with one hand. She is in room alone. Her legs are covered with blanket. Woman has problem

Of course, itching can also be a symptom of many other non-serious problems and other diseases, ranging from renal failure and blood disease, poston points. You are also more likely to tune night at night when these types of odious sensations are more perceptible because you are silent and you rest and other factors do not drown them, indicate the region.

But it is important to get any type of unusual itchy verified, especially if it happens during the night. "It is best to assess the cause of itching to treat itching. See a health professional is the best step", explains Siddiqui. If it is a liver disease, the delay of a diagnosis can limit your processing options and arouse permanent damage to your liver or even death, he added. And for more health problems, you risk facing late during the day, If this part of the body hurts you night, consult your doctor .

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