James was not allowed to go to this cabin as a child. Years later, he went there and was surprised by what he found
The stories of haunted houses are fascinating as it is not one of us who had the experience of living in one or living. Several times when he

The stories of haunted houses are fascinating so much is that it is not part of us who had the experience of living in one or living in one. Several times, when there is a complaint about a haunted house being, stories fall flat. Frightening noises in the night or fluctuating light often turn to mice or bad wiring, but sometimes a house, a palace or cab often turns to be haunted.
Here is the story of such a place.
Prohibited place
More and more through a haunted house can also be traumatic as living in one, especially for a child. Children are impressionable and are easily scared. This is a reason why most children do not like to sleep alone in the dark. It is normal that children to be afraid of unknown shadows, but in some cases these shadows behave abnormally.
Just like horror movies
This person who is an adult now lives not far from this cabin in the woods, the most weird cab. He grew up there and Sleeplessly passed every night of his childhood in the fear of being abducted by beings in the cabin. His childhood is marked by the noises, the light, the very existence of the cab. What happened there?
terrifying childhood
The boy was said by his parents not to go to the other side of the woods ... never. But curiosity always gets the best of the cat or a child. Most children are more intrigued to do what they are specifically said not to do. Then the boy, obviously curious to know what was on the other side of the woods, made a visit ... but never.
It was not normal ...
One day, during the day, when a nap took the boy's mother, he flee to go to the hut his mother had expressly forbidden to go. When he crossed his sides of the woods and gets closer to the cabin the air seemed colder in a way. He wanted to turn around, but his curiosity got the best of him.
What he saw
He wanted to boast of his friends as he went to the cabin alone when all the children expressly said not to. Transpiration a little now, he went closer to the cabin that seemed inhabited. He thought he was a good sign, he could go, look around and come back quickly to his place. But suddenly something happened that made it stopped in his footsteps.
The door
While the boy, with the legs shudder, all the courage gather in his little body headed towards the door, he heard her cringe and he arrested death in his slopes. The door started crying loudly as if moving in slow motion, it was just like horror movies he was looking with his father, but he was alive to come!
Who was there?
While the door took an eternity for open creek, adrenaline rushed through the body of this little boy fight- or theft? Obviously, if the rumors were true, it was as good as death, but he could not gather the courage to flee too. Meanwhile, the door was almost completely open now. But there was something strange, James could not see, but he could not say it.
The instinctive fear
The door was wide open in front of the boy now and it is only a few feet from him, frozen. At his amazing the door was empty, no one stood there and there was just the dark beyond. The boy rooted in his place, but something happened that made him run for his life.
The boy did not have time to make a decision. A voice of a smashing glass came from the inside of the cabin without apparent source. He let out a piercing cry that would have numb to the ears of any auditor if there were, turned around and Ran, Ran for his life. He returned before his mother woke up and told him what happened that day. He kept the secret for him.
To grow
He grew up in this cabin, well against his will. He did not dare to go anywhere near the territory of the cabin never until recently. An adult man now, it was time for James (named name) to leave his place of current residence and determined to unveil the secret of the haunted hut, he decided to go one last time.
Face Fears
Part of growth faces fears of one. James took too literally and landed in a situation threatening life. He had no idea what he was going to find there. He never saw someone at the door at his last visit all these years ago. Is it really the place haunted as it was said or was this something else? But what?
Time for answers
To continue his little adventure of James took a camera with him, to record everything he saw and outdoor cabin, all the pictures of the front have been clicked by him and they are, to say the least advanced shocking. Many discoveries that James made to this dangerous adventure of his spine are cold in the back.
This is the first view of the cabin in the woods. Reaching in itself is a big task because it is on the river and is almost entirely surrounded by the tree, camoulant with the dry environment. James captured all the stages of this small trip from his house to the cabin and each step reveals impressive details.
Climb it
James did not remember the path he took like a child, but he does not doubt remember looking at these. This time he was very careful of his path to the cabin. Someone had built a kind of stairs to the cabin to make the way easy because walking on a dry leaves path on an inclined plane has been difficult. It seems to suggest that the cabin has not always been abandoned, someone remained, but who?
Spooky Does Not Cut It
James wanted to capture the strange feeling of the house under all angles and we must give him, he nails him. But it does not need much effort on its part either. The cabin strange stove. However, no photo was able to get a clear view of the cabin. It was time to see more closely and what this place of horror organized.
Do not have the basement
His curiosity declined when he took a look outside the basement. It was a place of the cabin he does not dare to explore. Aside from the fact that there was hardly light in the cabin, the idea of the basement in an isolated place like this does not seem to appeal to James. So he let go, but he was about to make some outstanding discoveries.
Old, rusty, unused
The first feeling that James had when he reached the cabin was as if he were the only person there, all along. The cabin had always a rustic appearance, but now, it has just been abandoned for a long time. He was the only man there, that is to say. Apart from outside the cab, he noticed this water pump that looked completely dry.
The question is, how long it had been out of use?
From James had been to the haunted hut just once and even then, he could not enter, he did not know how the rear side of the place looked like. Well, when he saw it for the first time, it was not a nice show. The windows did not have glasses and wood could rot. The cabin was literally in a state of disrepair. But it was not the only thing he finds on the back side.
Not the only
After reaching the back side of the cabin, James, to his astonishment discovered that there was not the only cab. It was like entering a horror show and discovering that each house is a place- haunted without leak. Each cabin was quite similar to each other and everyone seemed in decomposition without any sign of human life. James stumbles on something much more than a ghost place?
Broken glasses
If you do not believe in supernatural powers, you try to find a logical explanation for these broken Windows- that some children could have broken these glasses while playing, or maybe the wind or simply rot. But the kids have been banned from going everywhere near this place and the wind can take full glasses and can erode really glass like that? Things have strange.
Mossy decorations
The decline in the cabin is illustrated by the roofs covered with foam, the foam covered well. If ever there were residents here, they are not bothering to keep the place clean. And several layers of foam show that the cabin has been declining for a long time now. What happened here? And why this abandoned place?
The room upstairs
The cabin also had an attic, whose windows still stole, almost non-existent. He captured from the outside, but if all these horror movies are true, he might not have been a good idea for him to go inside to explore or satiate his curiosity to find out if there was any 'one or something.
total darkness
James wanted to avoid entering the cabin as long as he could help. He wanted to get his motives, look for all the exit points in case he needed it. Even if it is out of bright, it seems that this light can not penetrate in the dark inside the cabin. It is not black in there, but the man does not inside go, he probably should not have.
Topsy Turvy
Now that James found that there was more than one horror cabin, his research area and therefore increased vigilance. He had a strange feeling that someone watched him. He was aware of every step he did. When he was about to enter one of the cabins, he found his path blocked by this wheelbarrow. Fully rusted and fixed on the ground, James could not understand his goal. Not before his entry into the cabin.
Garbage and dust shot
The interior of the cabin was more horrible than the outside. Destruction seemed to persist everywhere. Rubble, roof, poles, all shattered and rusty pink in a mountain. It was as if a mini-war had arrived here. Who lived here? Have they been killed? Or are they escaping? There were too many questions inside James' mind and there were no answers. Only mysteries intensified.
A sign
In all the rubble, James stumbled on a sign that has resolved some of his doubts but raised many more. He found a board that read "Sunkist Oranges". Has the resident sold oranges or have they brought them to eat crates? But if they have sold oranges, where did they push them? There are no orange trees in the wood or in a farm nearby? It did not make sense.
Chemicals found!
When James took conservative marches inside the house, his horror, he found chemical powder spilled on a table. He was smart enough not to touch them. They could have been acidic, could have been toxic, could have been really really. It did one thing, there were humans here, what they did and why they hid all these years was not even clear.
Not a usual refrigerator
One of the most interesting discoveries in the cabin was this fridge. We do not seriously know if it even qualifies to be called a refrigerator, but for the absence of a better term, we will simply use that. The internal do nothing like that of the usual refrigerator. The words fall short in my vocabulary to describe the contents of this refrigerator. Enough to suppose safely that it has been used for more than free food.
Blind blood?
This must be one of the most frightening images captured. We hope it would be an old burned coffee, but it could also be burned with dried blood. A cup upside down on the carbonized blood ... I fell on a few things as a sinister like that. Was the blood inside the cut and then overthrown? Whose blood was it? Animal? Human? And why would someone keep blood inside a cup?
Wheel of death?
It certainly does not qualify like a makeshift wheel. This wheel without apparent attachment seemed only to raise more. Which vehicle or what equipment was this wheel part of? James tried to lift him too, but failed and managed to get his rusty and dusty clothes. A wheel, fixed in a door. What could this be?
What in the world
There are too many wheels in this cabin for a place where there is no vehicle or a piece of plowing equipment or something like that. It could only be one stove or so we think. What are the wheels, we still have no index. Which caught James' Eye was what was above the stove.
Goth feels
Interior painting of a small cabin rot seems gothic, is not it? But throughout the cabin gives Goth feels, painting comes to intensify aesthetics. In the background we can see a few plastic chairs. James did not find a bed or mattress inside the cabin. Where residents have they even slept? Do they even sleep at night?
As a normal house?
Also baffled that James was not to find a sleeping place in the cabin, he was also relieved to find the toilet in the cabin. You can not call bathroom because, well ... it seems hardly to be enough space to stay inside, let along the dip. Although it seems normal, the image seems to have something dark about it ... is the whole aura of the cabin?
Utensils and all
Another image that confirms the human presence is this. The number of vessels seems to suggest that there was more than one person living here. It also suggests, if they left, they did so quickly. If they left. We are afraid to even mention other possibilities.
Sorry excuse light
The cabin wore, what looked like a light bulb, but James could not find any switch in the cab. It seemed somehow in a delicate condition, as if she was falling even touched. Is an oil lamp? How the inhabitants of this cabin have they even survived here? Did something terrible happen to them it? James shuddered at the possibility.
Of course, there was poison
If there is a cup full of dried blood in the cabin, you should not be surprised that there is also a poison inside the house. The gum turpentaine is a kind of oil and pine sap if consumed, it acts as a poison. Why do residents could not use regular oil? Why something that can also be used as poison? Whoever was here, was not the usual, normal people.
As we mentioned, behind the cabin, he found others who were in a state similar to one he had seen in his childhood, if anything, they were worse. Was it a regulation? A kind of close community of people who have not retarded or who no one has seen? Or was it an establishment of something more sinister?
Lost time
The roof of this particular cabin sold and attic seems to have disappeared completely, leaving broken windows to give the clear view of the woods. It's hard to tell if someone broke the roof or broken into. Get out of all cabins, only it has sold its roof. Why? James could not find out.
Ending the visit
Dried blood and poison sufficient to ring the final bell warning of James' head and he did not see what other secrets the other organized cabins. He quickly walked but not without taking some final snapshots. This hook is usually found outside the Gothic palace a torch attached thereto, for the light. This unsurprisingly hook has no such goal. So what was the purpose of the catch here? Like all other things in this cabin, it's a mystery.
A last collective view
This cabin and the cabin area and their history and truth are shrouded in mystery. Were they all left together? Or something has happened in one of the cabins that were from the others? Was something illegal going on here? What were all these noises that bothered James at night as a child? I guess James or we would not have those answers.
No problem
If you do not solve the mystery of horror booth, James was able to get something. He confronted his fear of the cabin and dared to explore it. He fell on dark stuff there and he is sure to have messed up his mind, he is certainly messed up by ours, but the fact that he took the step makes us respect more.
We are just happy that he is getting physically unscathed. We hope he got a closure, turns out it was not the ghosts that haunted this place but shady stuff made by humans.