If your nails look like this, your lungs can be in danger, doctors warn

Keep an eye on this anomaly, which can give you an overview of your health.

You can onlyPay attention to your nails When you dorce them nervously or get a manicure, but keep an eye on your nails - both on your fingers and your toes can also be useful because they tend to be a window revealing your overall state of health. Nails and nails may contain the key to the discovery of skin conditions, infections or deeper underlying diseases. "For the general population,Nail health is most often an indicator of low nutritional consumption or bad digestion "Sara Norris, ND, a naturopathic doctor at the Natural Family Health Center of Paracelsus, "said Healthline. But other anomalies in your nails could also reveal signs of thyroid, heart and evenpulmonary problems. Continue reading to learn what you should search for your nails in terms of health of your lungs and more things your body can tell you,If you notice this on your skin, you might be at risk for 13 cancers.

If your nails are a bluish or purplish color, blood oxygen levels could be extinguished.

fingernails and fingertips blue, purple color
Zay Nyi Nyi / Shutterstock

Sometimes you might encounter Bluetail nails because of the cold weather that can temporarily cause poor circulation in your ends, causing discoloration in the nails. And injuries to the tips of your hands or feet can cause bruising under your nails that can also change their hue. But if this is not the case, your nails can become blue or purple, because there is not enough oxygen in your blood, called cyanosis.

"[Cyanosis] is aSymptom of an underlying condition rather than being a disease in itself, "Ananya Mandal, MD, Associate Professor in a government medical college, explained in the new medical life sciences. "The treatment of cyanosis therefore focuses on the underlying disease rather than the symptom alone."

Andrew Weil, MD, Director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, suggests looking for medical careDiscover all the underlying causes "If blue nails are not just a temporary reaction to cold temperatures." As Weil explains on her website, "Your doctor will probably want to make a simple analysis of blood gas to measure oxygen in your blood and maybe tests to check your heart and lung." And for more subtle signs of serious health problems,If your breath feels like that, check your liver, say experts.

Cyanosis can be a symptom of various pulmonary conditions.

woman breathing, holding her chest, lung pain
Dimaberlin / Shutterstock

Many pulmonary conditions, which affect your blood oxygen levels, can cause your nails andfingertips to have a blue hueIncluding chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (Ards) and pulmonary embolism (blood clot), medical news explains today. Weil notes that the emphysema, which is a form of COPD, and chronic bronchitis are two other underlying conditions that can lead to nail discoloration.

An excellent way to check how much oxygen is in your blood consists of using apulse oximeter, an apparatus that is placed on the fingertips and uses a light to project oxygen saturation levels, the administration of American foods and drugs (FDA). But if you have noticed a bluish or purplish hue with your nails that were not due to temperature or injury, you must contact your doctor. And for more useful health information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Pulmonary problems can also cause fingers to appear large and curved.

patients with big fingertips, clubbing
Kris4to / Shutterstock

According toKatherine R. Garrity, MD, Aurora health care in Wisconsin, if your fingers appear to be important and bombing-a symptom known asnail clubbing-He could also be a weak oxygen sign in your blood, and therefore pulmonary disease. Mount Sinai's health system explainsSymptoms of nail clubs Include soft nail beds that seem "floating", hot fingers and nails that curve down, similar to a spoon upside down.

"It's a very characteristic discovery and aGood diagnostic index Watch the lungs "Phoebe, MD, Director of the Nail Trouble Clinic at the University of Oregon Health and Sciences, saidToday In 2018. "This probably has something to do with the oxygenation of the numbers, although there is really no literature that explains it with a certainty of 100%."

Nail clubs could take years to develop, but in addition to being a sign of pulmonary illness, it could also be an indicator of inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, HIV / AIDS, thyroid disease and heart disease, harness notes. And for more indicators of health problems on your fingers,If you see that on your nails, it could be a tough sign of diabetes.

Nail anomalies can also be a sign of thyroid disease and heart problems.

man holding his chest in pain indoors.

If it turns out that you do not have problems with your lungs, it is important to know that nail abnormalities can also be a sign of other serious problems. Bleuish or purplish nails could be an indicator of congestive heart failure, which can also come with extreme fatigue, swollen extremes and shortness of breath, experts from medical news explain today.

And if you notice another color in your nails, it could be a sign of something else. While yellow, brown or green nails are probably due to aFungal infectionYellow nails could also be symptoms of diabetes, psoriasis or thyroid condition, explains Healthline.

Specifically, onycholysis - also called plummer nails - which can turn your brown or green nails, could be aSign of hyperthyroidism. Onycholysis takes place "When the nails move away from the nail bed underneath,"DearBhaile Collins, PhD, doctor of the CORK University Hospital in Ireland, previously saidBetter life. "Due to the presence of air," Collins noted, your nail can become brown or green so infected because of onycholysis. And for another indicator of a thyroid problem,If you can not stop doing this at night, have your thyroid check.

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