Drink that every day reduces your risk of diabetes, the study says

Even moderate amounts of this popular drink decrease 25% risk of type 2 diabetes.

As cardiovascular diseases, diabetes is a serious condition that often needs to be proactive to avoid. After all, the 2020National Report of Statistics on Diabetes found that 34.2 million Americans - or a person in ten - A of diabetes, while one in three out of three is predicted, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC). But in addition to the lifestyle and diet change, a study has found that drinking a popular drink every day can significantly reduce your risk of developing the disease. Read it to see which drink should be part of your daily routine.

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An analysis revealed that drinking coffee every day reduces your risk of diabetes.

Shot of an attractive young woman drinking coffee while using a digital tablet at home

It turns out that the morning pot could do more than starting your day at the right foot. A team of researchers from the Institute of Scientific Coffee Information, a non-profit organization "devoted to the study and disclosure of science related to coffee and health", analyzed 30 studies that included cumulatively included data on nearly 1.2 million participants.

The results found that those who drankthree to four cups of coffee a day were 25% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to those who consumed 2 cups or less. But it was not just an ordinary coffee that saw the advantage of extra health: even those who drank decaffeinated coffee saw their risk of falling diabetes at the same rate.

Many compounds found in the cafe were found to be important in health.

Close up woman and man holding cups of coffee on table

The researchers theorize coffee consumption provides the body more compounds naturally discovered in each infusion, including caffeine, coffee acid, trigonelline and cafeol. It is thought that each affects blood sugar levels while finding that moderate coffee consumption can have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate antioxidants.

Research has also shown that coffee could prevent hyperglycemia after meals, which helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The team also wrote that "a cross-sectional multiethnic study in non-diabetic adults suggested that The effect of cafeveine coffee is positive positively to insulin sensitivity, while decaffeinated coffee improves the function of pancreatic beta cells. "

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The research team always recommends to stick to moderate coffee consumption.

couple sitting side by side on their porch or balcony, drinking coffee. They are looking at something in the distance, squinting to try to figure out what it is.

So why not overload on Joe? The results already hold a lot of good news for anyone already used to "moderate consumption" of three to five cups a day. But the study also suggested that those who are truly obsessed with java-obsessed can see more better results, noting that there was an additional reduction of six percent risk for each extra cup bu, up to eight to 10 cups. Nevertheless, researchers stated that data on high coffee consumption were limited and suggested to stick three to five cups per day - and in the case of diabetic benefits, to avoid adding sweet syrups or ingredients.

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Another study revealed that three to five cups of coffee a day can also reduce the risk of death.

Self-serve coffee machine

But this research is not the first to draw a link between moderate coffee consumption and improved health. In a meta-analysis published in the American Heart Association Journal (AHA)Traffic In 2015, a team used data from three major studies totaling 208,501 participants who were followed up to 30 years. This included a food questionnaire that followed each person's coffee consumption.

The researchers found a direct correlation between theamount of coffee consumed- having decaffeinated coffee and mortality, with those who drank three to five cups a day, testifying a15% drop in early deathFor some reason. The authors of the study wrote that "significant reverse associations were observed between coffee consumption and deaths attributed to cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases and suicide".

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