6 Effective Ways to Overcome Broken Hair

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Hair is damaged by often exposed to sunlight, or because it often changes the color of hair paint, it really makes stress and depression. Especially if you have met with friends or gebetan, duh, it's really embarrassed if the hair is broken and branched out. Take it easy, this time we will discuss about 6 effective ways to deal with damaged hair. Check More Below!

1. Use a hair mask

Did you know that not only the face needs a mask, hair also needs it to keep the humidity. Therefore you must use a hair mask if you have damaged and branched hair.

Actually, instant hair masks are available in various brands and are sold in beauty stores that you can easily use when at home. But if you want to save it more, then you can make your own hair mask from natural ingredients, it's easy, how come!

One natural ingredient that you can use is egg. Even though the aroma is not so tasty, eggs have a positive benefit for hair, because the content of protein, sulfur, and phosphorus in it is able to overcome hair damage.

The method is quite easy, just mix the egg whites with honey, and olive oil. Then apply this mask herb to the hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. Do it 2 to 3 times a week to get maximum results.

2. shampoo as needed

Shampoo every day seems to be done by people in the Covid-19 pandemic period. Because after traveling outside the house, it feels not calm if it doesn't take a shower and shampoo it to clean the virus. But shampooing every day is not too suggested for hair health. Duh, if it's not shampooing there is a virus in the hair, but if shampooing the scared hair is broken, then what is the solution?

If you really have to shampoo every day because you are traveling frequently, then you must keep the moisture of hair by providing conditioner after shampooing. Besides that you also can't rub your hair while shampooing, but simply rubbing the scalp gently. Besides that, if you don't travel every day, or work at home, then you don't need to shampoo every day. Enough 2-3 times a week.

3.useSuitable shampoo

Number 3 points are still related to number 2, namely shampooing as needed. If you are indeed forced to shampoo every day, then you also need to pay attention to the type or category of shampoo that is suitable for hair. Especially if your hair is branched and damaged, where the appropriate shampoo can play an important role in recovering these conditions.

Usually, broken and branched hair caused by dry conditions. So the most important step is to choose shampoo typeMoisturizing. or containing moisturizers. It is very important to increase the humidity of the hair, so he won't dry anymore. In addition, you can also choose shampoo specifically formulated for dry and branched hair. Even though it's a bit expensive, but it's very useful for your hair health. Good luck!

4. Routine hair trimming

You have heard the termTRIMMING hair? If not, just calm down, we will explain first.TRIMMING Hair is cutting hair tip about 1 to 2 centimeters. It is often done byHair Stylist to provide treatment or care for branched and broken hair, without changingStyle hair.

If you don't want to spend money onTRIMMING At the salon, you can learn it self-taught in YouTube canals, or learn to haircuters near your home. However, if you really want toTRIMMING hair regularly at the salon,That's okay too. Important, if you have a branched hair problem,TRIMMING Hair regularly every 2 to 3 months will be the right solution to overcome it.

5. ReduceHot exposureOnHair

In addition to chemicals, hair is often damaged because it is exposed to heat from sunlight or hairdressing equipment. Especially if you often use the equipment everyday. The most effective solution is to reduce the use of hair that emits heat. But if it does require the use of the tool regularly, you can use coconut oil capable of providing the hydration needed hair. Coconut oil is also very powerful to protect hair from high temperature exposure, including also from sunlight.

In addition, you are also obliged to use serum orHeat Protector Before wearingHair Dryeror other hot transmitter hair tools. That way, the risk of damage to hair due to heat from the hairdresser can be minimized. Do you want your hair to be broken because of those tools?

6.useVitamins and conditioners

As we have explained before, if you have to shampoo every day in this Covid-19 pandemic era, then you must use the conditioner to moisturize hair. In order to use the conditioner to the maximum, then use it from the center to the tip of the hair, then let stand for several minutes so that the conditioner absorbs perfectly. Then rinse with a normal temperature or warm water.

In addition to conditioner, you can also use vitamins to overcome damaged and branched hair. Vitamins needed are vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and biotin. There are several hair care products that contain important vitamins, you can choose the appropriate product and used in the state of the hair still half dry, or before going to bed. Eating foods that contain vitamins that we mentioned above like guava, salmon, eggs, or bananas, also very helpful in maintaining hair health from within.

That's 6 effective ways to deal with damaged and branched hair. Do you have damaged hair problems and have you tried the ways above? Or you have another way to recover damaged hair?

Categories: Beauty
Tags: hair
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