Never eat or drink this during a heat wave, say experts

Remove this drink and go away from these foods that dehydrate you.

Withclimbing temperatures To record rupture levels across the country, everyone should do what it can do security. Drink water and wear solar screen (preferably with aSPF of 30 or more) Can help you protect yourself during a heat wave, but there are also some foods and drinks you should avoid while trying to beat the heat - and they are not what you might think. Read to find out what four things do that experts, you should never consume as the temperatures rise.

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Coffee and tea

close up of woman drinking black iced coffee

In summer, you can assume an iced tea or coffee would be the refreshment pinnacle. But these drinks have powerful diuretic properties, which means they naturally help to rinse the body water. Diuretics can be good help to help theThe kidneys rinte excess water, which, in turn, lowers blood pressure, according to Harvard Health publication. But when the temperatures increase, it is important that we hang as much water as possible. And that's when we press diuretics like a coffee too could result in dehydration.

As a stimulant, caffeine can actually bring the desire to go to the bathroom. And before taking out your iced slat for iced tea, keep in mind that many herbs used in popular teas also have diuretic qualities. According to the Mayo Clinic,several herbs Including dandelion, ginger and juniper, have diuretic qualities. Hibiscus too is also anatural diuretic And should be avoided, medical news today.

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Healthy vegetables, including fennel, artichokes and asparagus

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Some vegetables are also considered diuretics. The amino acids in the asparagus, for example, are natural diuretics and reduce the retention of water. There are several other foods, including onions, garlic, peppers, artichokes and fennel, thatCreate a similar effect, Health Reports.

Once again, it's not that you should avoid eating these foods, many of them offer excellent nutritional benefits. Just know that they also contain diuretic properties and schedule your water consumption accordingly.

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A fresh and ripe mango seems to be a great idea in the stifling summer months, but mangoes are another food that might hunt the water from your body. The mangoes are high in potassium, which is a natural diuretic. Eating too many mangoes during a heat wave could dehydrate you.

If you want something sweet and natural, experts say that strawberries and melons make a good substitute,Due to their high water content.

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pink palomas, three glasses with grapfruit

Many of us love kicking with a fresh cocktail for a hot day to quench our thirst. But too many alcoholic drinks could make you feel less hydrated than if you bleed anything at all. It's because alcohol has naturalDiuretic properties, Forcing your liver to go to the overdrive to clean your system, explains Healthline.

A normal day, it can cause a hangover. But on a particularly hot day, stress and strain that your bodily experiments of alcohol can lead to a major dehydration episode. So make sure you drink in moderation when it is particularly hot and alternate water glasses with cocktails.

This advice is true if you drink alcohol or not. National Academies of Science, Engineering and US Medicinerecommended That women should drink about 2.7 liters a day and men should drink about 3.7 liters a day to stay hydrated.

RELATED:The only reason for bottled water is more dangerous than tap water.

Categories: Health
By: galyna
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