80 percent of people with a long COVID have in common, a new study,

This symptom is most common among long-haul covid, according to the Mayo Clinic.

For many people, the Handle of Covid does not let go after the 14-day quarantine is elapsed. Some patients develop long Covid, also known as Covid-19 long-haul syndrome, withSymptoms last weeks Or even months after the initial illness has passed. And while long covid complications vary from person to person, there are significant similarities between cases. A study by Mayo Clinic published May 11 found that the majority of long COVIDs have a trainer symptom: fatigue.

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The study published inMayo Clinic Proceedings, found this80 percent of people With long Covid reported having suffered ongoing fatigue. Depending on the research, another current phenomenon in long haulants was respiratory problems, with 59 percent of people who declare breathing is the difficulty, coughing, or both. Patients with a long COVID also endure various neurological symptoms: 59 percent said they have experienced headaches, dizziness, numbness or combination of these symptoms. In addition, 45 percent of participants have cognitive impairment, also called "brain fog. »

Long before this study, Long Halter Covid reported a wide range of symptoms. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),Other symptoms Long Covid understandLoss of smell or taste, Heart palpitations, thoracic pain, joint or muscle pain, fever and symptoms that aggravate after physical or mental activity.

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These persistent symptoms have prevented long haulants from returning to their normal life, which prevents them from work and exercise. More than a third of the study participants said they had difficulty carrying out basic daily activities. Only one in three people had been able to return to work without restriction. studyGREG VANICHKACHORN, MD, medical director ofCOVID-19 MAYO Clinic Rehabilitation Program Activity, Stated in a statement that many of the study participants were unable to resume their normal work life for several months after the infection because of the long symptoms of COVID.

And they are not able to return to privacy on a regular basis. "Most of the patients we have worked required physical treatment, occupational therapy or rehabilitation of the brain to treat cognitive impairment," said Vanichkachorn.

Strike that, the majority of these long-haul patients were healthy before infection and did not have a serious case of COVIDs, suggesting that anyone can be affected by a long COVID. "Most of the patients in the study had no pre-existing comorbidities before COVID-19 infection, and many do not have any symptoms related to Covid-19 which were quite serious to require hospitalization," said Vanichkachorn. in the declaration. "Most patients had normal or non-diagnostic laborators and imaging results, despite debilitating symptoms. It is among the diagnostic challenges [long Covid] in a timely manner and then respond effectively. »

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