Without a sign that you have ovarian cancer, like Christiane Amanpour
Know could save your life.

The last four weeks have been a bit of Rollercoaster for the CNN Broadcaster Christiane Amanpour. "Meanwhile, like millions of women around the world, I was diagnosed with ovariesCancer"She said on the air today." I had a successful major surgery to delete it and that I am now doing several months of chemotherapy for the best possible long-term prognosis, "she said. Could you be in danger? And what is the difference between ovarian cancer and an ovarian cyst anyway? Here we break down all on ovarian cysts, cancer and when it's time to recover. Read it and to ensure your health and the health of others,Do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
What are the ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are generally harmless, bag-type substances filled with a clear liquid generally formed in an ovary of a woman every month. Rarely malignant, the ovarian cysts are quite common since most forms during a woman at a monthly cycle of a woman, mainly during premenopausal years, reproduction - and generally resolve by themselves.
In more severe cases, when these cysts grow, they can cause a brutally appearance of severe pelvic pain, nausea and vomiting. (Friel, with a distant belly, we said to "pull your belly in" during a photoshoot, who led her to discover he was filled with blood.)
If cysts persist more than a few months or when they start to be more than 5 cm in size, it's time to seek medical care, according to Dr. James Stuart Ferriss, Assistant Professor and Gynecological Oncologist at the School of Medicine. Johns Hopkins. These cysts can result in cramps and, in rare cases, can cause a seriously painful enigma called torsion where ovaries are turning around its ligaments. As painful as the torsion can be, fortunately, it is also a rare and non-cancerous condition related to ovarian cysts.
"There are different types of cysts that can form in the ovary for reasons we do not understand perfectly," says Ferriss. "The cysts with clear liquid without echo to the ultrasound suggest that there is blood or mucus or any other type of fluid tend to solve by themselves."
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What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is really an umbrella term since most ovarian cancers start in the fallopian tubes and can develop in several areas surrounding the ovaries. On average, women have a chance of 1.3% acquisition of ovarian cancer, but still rarely rare of more than 22,500 cases per year, according to theNational Cancer Institute.
The key to distinguish benign cysts and ovarian cancer: persistence. When cysts are persistent and continue to grow, it could be a possible sign of cancer.
There is no clear cause of ovarian cancer, but women carrying rare BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are 30 to 40% higher risk of developing ovarian or breast cancer. Actress Angelina Jolie, whose mother succumbed to breast cancer in 2007, had a mastectomy as well as her ovaries and faschopian tubes abducted in 2013 after learning that she had the bcra1 gene.
Other reproductive factors, identified to place women at a slightly higher risk, include late menopause, endometriosis and infertility, in addition to environmental and lifestyle factors such as obesity.
What are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, the symptoms of ovarian cancer are so subtle and often not detected. It could be something to become complete quickly and persistent bloating that will not disappear, of the subtle changes of your GI tract, your fullness of the basin and pain, irregular and strange bleeding, which are generally symptoms. currents for women, making cancer detection. cunning.
More serious symptoms generally occur until a cyst has become very important or started applying to other abdomen organs, or if ovarian cancer has expanded to remote organs.
If persistent, these could be some of the current signs / symptoms of ovarian cancer:
- Abdominal bloating
- Lower abdominal pressure or pelvic pain pressure
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent urination
- Constipation
- Irregular bleeding
- Gas / diarrhea
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Feel full after eating little
- Nausea Vomiting
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What is prevention and treatment?

Unfortunately, there is no prevention or clear test against ovarian cancer, howeverresearchershave found that birth control pills are linked to a lower risk of getting the disease. In addition, the tube ligation (that is, you have like your tubes) or that the falling Fallopian tubes have also been linked to the reduction of the risk of acquiring ovarian cancer.
"We do not recommend bioopsies of ovarian cysts when it is the only anomaly noted on imaging," says Ashley F. Haggerty, MD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital . "Women with an ovarian cancer diagnosis must be offered genetic tests because it is important information for them and their families and also provides additional processing options for approved medications for these patients."
Women with an increased genetic risk of ovarian cancer are recommended to eliminate Fallopian tubes and ovaries once maternity is completed, according to Haggerty or 35 to 45 years, depending on the mutation.
"If you do not have a higher genetic risk, there is no routine test that is made to filter ovarian cancer," says Haggerty. "If you have a cyst found on imaging or review, you can order more specific gynecological imaging to assess whether the cyst seems simple or more about."
Although the annual blood and ultrasound are not recommended to detect ovarian cancer for the average woman, you should start educating yourself on your family history and pay special attention to your body and more persistent symptoms. .
"It does not leave your average patient with many options," says Ferriss. "The message we need to settle right now is that we have to educate everyone on the symptoms and looking for the persistent nature of these symptoms. I think if you have a family history of the chest or another Cancer, it's worth having a conversation with your supplier. "And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.