20 things you should never tell your family of your health

Here's how to get the best care for people who care the most.

It can be incredibly difficult to talk to the family on anything, not to mention your health. Whether your parents, siblings, children, or even second cousin, your loved ones have emotional involvement in your life, which can make the subject of health complications difficult to solve.

What you say (or even what you do not say!) And how are you saying that it is incredibly important if you hope to keep the relationships in your life as functional as possible. Here are 20 things you should never tell your family of your health, an essential reading for anyone with a disease or their loved ones.


"I feel good"


If it's the truth, then go ahead and tell it. Heck, sing it by dancing a template. However, do not lie to your family your health to make them feel better. You must be honest so that they can be there to support you. "Why would you keep something as important as the details of your physical or emotional health a secret of people who love you and are part of your world?" underlines the Dana McNeil family therapist, LMFT, founder ofThe place of relationship. "Your health problems are not a burden and you do not protect your family sharing with them." In addition, telling them the truth, you only create distance and isolation by avoiding vulnerable or demand support and help.


"I do not wanna talk about it"

Displeased serious-looking assertive intense disagree asian blond girl making cross arms frowning disappointed

Having to discuss your health with the family can be overwhelming - especially because they are probably a lot of questions. You may not want to look weak, or vice versa, could assimilate stoicism with courage. However, it is very important not to close your family. They are concerned and want to be part of the conversation. Try to think about the situation of their point of view and your helplessness they have to feel. If you need to pause the conversation, to express it gently and thinking.


"If you do x, y or z for me, maybe I'll go better faster"

sad man with beard pointing at camera indicating guilt and blaming in anger

Try to refrain from using your health status as the control method of other people. Not only will it work, but it could turn around you. "Manipulation through guilt is a way to destroy relations," explains the famous clinical psychotherapist and Paul Hokeyer consultant, Ph.D., author ofFragile power: why it was not enough. "Do not do it."


"It's your fault I'm sick because I inherited your genes"

Worried mother talking to daughter on sofa

Genetics is something completely out of our control. Blaming your family for your health will not help you naked or improve your health - and some experts believe that negative and unfortunate thinking may aggravate certain conditions. "While science tells us that we can inherit genetic predispositions for certain health challenges, most chronic diseases are due to what we eat, drink, breathe, and possibly think - and thinking includes believing. What we Believe of ourselves and our prognosis is huge, "says Cynthia Li, MD, an authorized board of the board and author ofBrave new drug: a non-conventional path of the doctor to cure his autoimmune disease.

She points out that if you can stop believing that you are intended for a chronic illness, you may be able to visualize complete health. "This prohibits our right brain to start changing how our genes bend and unfold, thus change their expression of inflammation to healing - to say nothing about how this change could begin to heal our relationships."


"That's my problem, not you"

Lonely young latina woman sitting on bed. Depressed hispanic girl at home, looking away with sad expression

With the family, your problems are also theirs. "Family members can often feel so helpless as the sick person who is withdrawing or diminishing the challenges may aggravate the situation," Dr. Li supports. "Sometimes the most healing law is simply to give oneself particular attention. Healing does not occur in isolation."


"The pain is not so bad. It will pass"


When you are sick, and make a statement like this to your family, you essentially encourage them to worry. "You have just put two things together that sends smoke signals in the people who know you well. First of all, you admitted to have suffered, then you used this sentence" it's not so serious, " Very unfortunately, it hurts. Many "" explains Eudene Harry, MD, Medical Director of the Center for Wellness and Rejuvenation Oasis. "All you are talking about to become the only goal of their attention."


"It's not a big deal"

woman tapping male colleague on shoulder at coffee break.

You may think you're more easily doing things for the rest of your family by brushing the severity of your situation, but it's really not just for them. "When you minimize the severity of your symptoms or your conditions, you miss the opportunity for someone from your family to help you, and that does not give your family room to be empathic and compassionate, both of which are both Very useful for healing, "Adrienne Nolan-Smith, patient's lawyer and founder of the Certified Patient of the Board of DirectorsWell-being Explain.


"I will take care of it later"

Senior Man Having Serious Conversation Adult Son

About 99% of the time we say to our loved ones we are going to "take care of that later," they immediately know that we are not going to settle for any time. "These are people who know your expression, which gives you energy and more important when you are not yourself," says Dr. Harry. "If they are concerned about your health, take care of it."


"It's probably nothing"

couple having coffee together at the coffee shop

You shared your symptoms with your family, and now they make suggestions about what it could be. "" This is probably nothing "is something I often hear from my family and my patients", reveals Dr. Harry. "I came to understand that it often means that they are concerned about the symptom, but are more concerned about what it could be something they are not ready to hear or accept right now." Unfortunately, what you do not know can hurt you, and brush it, for nothing could be seriously harming your health. "Remember, no matter what it is, small or not so small, your family is there to support you."

RELATED:70 things you should never do for your health


"You led me to my state"

The man and woman quarreling in the cafe

When you play the game Blame, the family is still first of all on the list, especially with regard to mental health conditions. However, nothing will be solved by pointing your loved ones. "It does not matter how difficulty your children or parents, blame them for your depression, your anxiety, your high blood pressure or another disease is never a good idea," says Hokemeyer. Instead, try to focus on recovery, including maybe they in the healing process.


"Please stop checking on me"

woman uses her phone and laptop

Your family will probably want updates on your health, so expect a lot of phone calls and texts. It could be boring but just try keeping in mind that they are in your team and you just want to be there for you. Consider sending an update by weekly email to those who are concerned, so they know what's going on without having to disturb you.


"I do not need any help"

Woman plugging ears with fingers doesn't want to listen

With regard to your health, you need a village. So many people have trouble asking or accepting the help of others - including their families. We do not want to put other people or feel a nuisance. But keep in mind that your loved ones are probably pretty helpless because they can not "solve" you. Allowing them to help them help them because then they want to do their part.


"It's not your business"

Confused young woman gesturing with hand

First of all, telling your family that you are not their business, it's quite wrong. Second, it can go down as rude. If you do not want to share, say something like "Now is not a good time" and plan a better time to talk.


"There is no way you can understand"

Sad and unhappy daughter sitting in cafe bar or restaurant with her mother and talking

Maybe your family member did not do exactly what you are going through, but that does not mean they did not go (or are not they perceived) their own health crisis. It is possible that you do not even know about it. Do not forget that this can be incredibly and traumatic to watch your being loved to suffer.


"I am not sick"

Young sick woman with flu blowing her nose, sitting in bed

If you are 100% sure you are not sick, so go ahead and say it. However, if there is even the slightest chance that you are with something and you could potentially infect someone else, you must be honest about it. "We are the most contagious towards others about a day before our external symptoms show and that spreading germs that can make other patients up to a week later," says McNeil. "Leaving our family members know that we start feeling under the weather gives them a head to avoid sharing cups or kisses for a short time while your disease passes."


"I do not want to talk about the health history of our family"

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

It may not seem like a fun conversation to have, but always talk to your family in genetic history and certain provisions. If you are a parent, talk to your children. And children, ask a lot of questions. Also, be sure to open the conversation with your other significant. "When creating a family, it's important to be honest with your partner with your family history," says McNeil. "Even if there is only a low risk of spending along a specific gene, it always shows your partner that you have given them the opportunity to take into account the risk of passing beyond these questions to your future child. "


"I do not take any medicine"

Patient refusing to use medication

The medications you are taking may seem like anyone else business, but it is important to inform your family of prescriptions, supplements and even vitamins that you are currently taking. First of all, McNeil points out that our family members are often the front line to detect all side effects. "Since they are with us on a daily basis, they may notice that cognitive or physical changes occur that we would not notice because of the effects of drugs," she says.

For example, some psychiatric drugs impact on appetite, sleep, libido and can in some cases increase suicide thoughts. Having a family member help monitor unusual mood or behavioral changes help managing potential side effects of new drugs. In addition, in the event that we are still incapable, they can provide important information on our health history for medical service providers.


"Of course I never think about suicide"

Sad thoughtful teen girl sits on chair feels depressed

Keeping your family in the loop of any fight against mental health is absolutely crucial. They, more than anyone, have the ability to guide you out of a dark place. "Working hard times and depression depression is difficult enough without isolating yourself from your support system," says McNeil. They can also help you go to the direction of a mental health specialist. "Sometimes the person who suffers these symptoms of depression is afraid or not knowing how to teach help," she continues. "Tell a family member, you feel safe for attention to the question and at stages to get help."


"These thoracic pains are probably nothing"

woman with chest pain

Other important symptoms you should be totally initiated with your chest pain family. "Most of us probably hope that these symptoms will pass and tell us about hardship," says McNeil. However, these symptoms could be a sign of a heart attack or a stroke and could result in loss of consciousness. "Dear beings need to know what was going on just before, so they are better able to consult a doctor for you."


"Do not worry, I'm fine"

Senior mother and attractive daughter looking at each other

Your family will not be possible to avoid worrying about you because they love and care about you. All right, you may be fine, especially if you indicate them on what you are going through first. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these 38 ways of living in good health .

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