Best salad Ingredients for fat loss

Open your refrigerator and count the tightweight bottles of the half-used salad vinaigrette, taking up the real estate of the refrigerator door. Your goopy collection is uncontrollable, hoggelez the refrigerator when you do not even need a bottle.

In fact, if you are serious aboutlosing weightYou'd be wise to rid your fridge - and your diet from the bottle. This is because most purchasing dressings stores, as well as ingredients contain ingredients such as corn syrup and vegetable oils proven to contribute to weight gain - even sprinkled on a plate with stacked highWeight loss foods. Srawing Up A pot of your own vinaigrette based real natural ingredients can be as practical - and infinitely loan on your waistline.

Skip the film in a bottle and consider adding one or all of these fat ingredients in your favorite salad dressing recipe:


extra virgin olive oil

olive oil

This seems against-intuitive: add fat to lose fat. But in fact, research shows that adding some fat to your salad maximizes the body's ability to absorbFAT COMBUSTION nutrients. Oils rich in monounsaturated oleic and fatty acids such as olive and avocado oil are most effective and can even help to spot reduce belly fat by controlling the regulation of the expression of some fat genes. A recent study by Penn State found people who consumed daily high-level oil (about 3 tablespoons) of high oleic oils for four weeks lowered their abdominal fat 1.6% compared to those consumed a mixture of oil flax / safflower, which is comparatively high in polyunsaturated fat.

Eating this! Advice: When shopping for Evoo go Greek! Scientists have found that the Koroneiki olives from Greece have the highest content of polyphenols for health, while Arbequina olives grown in Spain and California, have the lowest.


Apple cider vinegar of

apple cider vinegar

A salad dressing is not a salad dressing without acid and the best source is apple cider vinegar. This variety is rich in acetic acid, a compound which accelerates the burning of fat and prevents fat storage by interfering with the body's ability to digest starch. People who eat bread with vinegar felt reported feeling more full than a group of only bread and had post-meal blood sugar levels significantly, a study published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper find. A second study conducted by researchers in Japan found that mice fed a laboratory diet high fat and acetic acid has been developed significantly less body fat (up to 10% less) than other mice on the same diet.

Eating this! Advice: A nobleHealth benefits of apple cider vinegar - The raw and unfiltered kind - is rich in pectin and probiotics burning fat. But you do not have to limit yourself to stroke. All vines contain acetic acid; Just search for whose label says 5% acidity, which you will find in most vineyards cooking and salad.




Of course, you may want to skip the garlic the night of a big date, but studies suggest that allicin - the same compound that makes hot pink blown nasty breath - can also be a bad fat burner . A study in postmenopausal women - a group already at risk of a slowdownmetabolism - The addition of garlic extract significantly accelerated reduction in body weight and body fat. Rats fed a high-fat diet had less fat and improved blood lipids profiles when given daily dose of garlic compared to a control group in the same regime of another study found. Scientists attribute the effects of size to the size the ability of garlic to "turn off" the genes involved in fat.

Eating this! Advice: The dried garlic powder provides some health benefits, but nothing beats the bulb. Peel and mount your own; Remember that the more you cut end, more flavor.




Used for thousands of years to tame Titus and help troubleddigestionGinger is mentioned in medical texts from the fourth century BC! Today's researchers discover an incredible fat loss potential in the quenching spice, both as a solder of metabolism and an appetite suppressor. Men who added ginger to a meal felt satisfied until 6 hours later; In addition, they burned nearly 50 calories more than a control group, a study published in the newspaper.Metabolism show. Give your Asian Flair salad with a clean and bright ginger vinaigrette.

Eating this! Advice: The fresh ginger is the richest in Gingerol, the compound that contributes to many benefits for the health of spices. But when buying dried spices, researchers say that you will get the most ginger of organic varieties.


Coconut sugar

coconut sugar

Ask any chef: the most delicious salad dressings have a perfect balance of sweet and acid, or agrodolce while the Italians call it. There are many ways to complete the acidity of your brown sugar, honey, agave to name a few - but coconut sugar can be the most suitable option for diets. Unlike granulated substances, only 78% of palm sugar is in fact sugar; The remaining 22% come from nutrients such as zinc, iron and inulin, a type ofinsoluble fiber This slows down digestion and absorption and prevents spikes from glycemia associated with grease gain.

Eating this! Advice: Although coconut sugar is marketed as a "low sweetener GI", it is still a sugar: caloric and potentially fattening. So, approach this salad vinaigrette ingredient with caution - and a measuring spoon.




Add a mustard teaspoon to your vinaigrette and feel the burn literally! Scientists from the Institute of Oxford Polytechnique of England have found that by eating a mustard teaspoon - which will cost you a calorie track - can increase the metabolism up to 25% for several hours after consumption . The advantages, researchers say, can be attributed to allyl capsaicin and isothiocyanates, phytochemicals that give mustard its characteristic flavor.

Eating this! Advice: Make sure you heat objects with a variety of pure and low calorie mustard. This means avoiding everything that is neon yellow or charged with sweeteners.


Hot sauce

hot sauce

Give your favorite home dressing a kick with some hot sauce shakes. The ardent condiment is rich in capsaicin, a compound that has proven to remove the appetite and boosterthermogenesis-The body's ability to burn fat as energy. A well-cited Canadian researcher study found that when men eat aperitifs with a hot sauce (0 calories per tea spoon), they ate about 200 calories later to meals later than those who do not have it made. Couple who finds with search on the state of Penn who suggests eating a low aperitif on a simple green salad can reduce the totalCalorie admission During the meal up to 20%, and you look at the smartest boot salad on the planet.

Eating this! Advice: Make sure to check the sodium accounts first. Some shakes of popular varieties can provide nearly 20% of your recommended daily limit.

Eating this!

If you can not stand the thought of breaking with the bottle, at least chosen these healthy stocks.Vinaigrette options.

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