30 ways to better isolate

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If you go through all the problems to self-isolate, you could do it exactly so well. Do not let all your work difficult to be canceled by a potentially fatal error. We asked the experts of their professional overview of all means to isolate yourself in a self-insulating way and what they have to say could save your life.


You have a misuse of your bed

Young woman drinking coffee at home in her bed and checking her laptop, top view

It's not because you're at home all day do not give you an excuse to stay in bed. Christina Pierpoli-Parker, Ph.D. Student of Clinical Health Psychology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) and expert in behavioral medicine forPsychology today Stresses that many people tend to use their bed incorrectly for things other than working, television looking for drool, and other behaviors that can disrupt sleep. She suggests using the bed for three things and three things only - the three s: sleep, sex and illness. "All watching TV about Covid-19, reading on Covid-19, scrolling with anxiety through your phone, your tablet or laptop about Covid-19 - must occur outside of that "she educated.


You keep the windows closed

Woman Asleep In Bed As Sunlight Comes Through Curtains

Having a properly ventilated space is crucial. "Like many respiratory viruses, Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, worse worst (and its host human do better) in well-ventilated spaces," saysJAIMIE MEYER, MD, a specialist in infectious diseases of Yale's disease. "The best practice is to close your door (to protect your roommates, see above) and open a window." Add theCDC: "Make sure that the shared spaces of the house have good air flows, such as an open air conditioner or window, time permits."


You do not wash sheets and clothes thoroughly

male hand putting a cloth into washing machine. Wash Linen Bedding

If you are sick, try to make your laundry yourself to avoid contaminating others. The CDC provides the following instructions on how to properly bleach potentially contaminated sheets.

  • First, remove and wash clothes or bedding immediately with blood, stool or body fluids. Always wear disposable gloves while manipulating dirty objects and keep stained objects away from your body.
  • "Clean your hands (with soap and water or a hand-based alcohol disinfectant) immediately after removing your gloves," they explain.
  • "Read and follow the instructions on laundry or clothing labels and detergent. In general, using a normal laundry detergent according to the instructions of the washing machine and dryingly dry using the hottest temperatures recommended on the Clothing label. "
  • Finally, place all your disposable protective equipment used in a linen trash can.

You do not maintain enough moisture in your room

ultrasonic humidifier in the house. Humidification. Vapor

The quality of the air can be the key if there is someone who is sick of coronavirus at home. "The basic infectivity of this coronavirus is quite high and the sick people can lose high quantities, or volume of the virus. Nevertheless, how much coronavirus spreads in a family or co-living situation really depends on your indoor environment "Explain Stephanie Taylor, MD, Mr. Arch, CIC, Harvard Medical School.

His research has shown that indoor air inside - where relative humidity is less than 40% - compromises the spread of germs in the air, including coronavirus. The good news? "It's something you can actively manage," she explains. By increasing the amount of water vapor, called moisture, at home, you can actually reduce the risk of propagation and help the immune system of your body to fight the virus. She suggests keeping the level of humidity around 50% at your home. If you do not have an installed system, it suggests buying a humidifier to the pharmacy or order one on Amazon.


You contact an infected person

Man sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket feeling sick while girl hugging him and trying to help him.

Do not assume that because your roommate, your family member or other has been exposed to Coronavirus, which you will get it anyway and that you use it as an excuse to get in touch with them. "If you are isolating with someone who suspects, they have the virus, to reduce the risk of infection, you should try to avoid contacts," says Dr. Taylor.


You keep your space too hot


The heat will not help your illness or keep others at home to become sick. "A misconception of viruses is that people believe that low temperatures are the driver of hinterential diseases. It's incorrect," says Dr. Taylor. Once again, the driver of seasonal winter time diseases is indoor air.


You overallize

Eating pizza and social networking with a laptop.

With all the food, many of us have been stored in our homes and all the time in the world to eat it, the meal can become a common practice of isolation of oneself. However, according to Bethesda, MD, internistMatthew Mintz, MDFACP is probably one of the most important problems. "Many people, especially those who are overweight, are stressful eaters and there are certainly a lot of stressors," he says.


You are "boring eating"

Woman eating

Another danger to health a lot of people commit themselves when isolation of oneself, eats when they are not even hungry. "A factor that leads to excess consumption is boredom, which can be a problem if you are stuck at home," says Dr. Mintz.


You eat unhealthy food

Prepper Shelves Basement Black Granola and Poptart Stockpile

Many of us have stored our freezers and trousers with non-perishable products. Unfortunately, many of these items are not exactly in good health. "With the two tours limited to the grocery store and some healthier food shortages, it can lead to eating more unhealthy foods like chips and sweets," says Dr. Mintz. He explains that the trifecta to eat emotional, boredom and less healthy food can put problems. "There is no magic solution here other than the state of mind", he continues. "Even if you're stuck at home, you need to have the mentality that at the better of your abilities, you will drive" business as usual ", which applies not only to your work, but also your eating habits. "


You stay inside

 A woman wearing protective face mask is seen walking in the park during COVID-19 virus outbreak

A misconception about social distance or self-solition is that you are not allowed to leave the house, says Dr. Mintz. "Unless you are really sick with Covid-19, it's safe to go outside," he explains. The only plug? You must maintain a distance of 6 feet from others and touch nothing but nature. "However, a walk or an outside run is not only safe but also encouraged."


You do not exer

Woman sitting on bed looking at phone bored and in a bad mood

Self-isolation is not an excuse for sedentary. "In addition to doing exercise, it allows you to interact with others so as not to involve screens," says Dr. Mintz.


You avoid friends and family

smartphone with an incoming call

Self-isolation does not mean that you can not physically see your friends and family. It simply means that you have to keep your distance. "The visits to the family and neighbors are going well, as long as every party will remain at six feet away and stay outdoors," says Dr. Mintz.


You have misuse of social media

social media

Social media can be a great tool when you are isolation if you use it to connect to people. However, if you start using it to compare, you could make a bad service to your mental health. "During social distancing, social media become our main source of human interaction," says Viktor Sander, B.SC, B.S., Advisor toSocialpro. "It can make us feel satisfied or miserable - depending on how we use it."

He suggested using social media to keep in touch with friends and improve your real relationships, which "helps you connect with others." Avoid using social media to compare you to others - for example by looking at instagram models and influencers. "It has been shown that we feel worse about ourselves and more isolated."


You read sensationalists

Shocked stressed young woman looking at laptop screen feeling bad surprise,

The 24-hour press cycle can be overwhelming, especially if you fill your feed with sensational reports. "The news can make us feel informed or submerged, depending on the type of news that we consume", explains Dr. Sander. He suggests looking for summaries such as theNew York Times' Free mail newsletter or confidence-organizational information such as WHO and CDC, while avoiding the tabloids or news that are distributed, for example, Facebook. "They are often designed to get clicks rather than helping the reader get a nuanced image."


You have failed to set up a "disinfection table"

Cleaning with spray detergent, rubber gloves and dish cloth on work surface concept for hygiene

The preparation can be the key when it comes to keeping your family in good health.Patrick Hardy, an expert in disaster preparedness that created the applicationFartsuggests that everyone has set up a specific home area designated for disinfecting purposes. "Families do not constitute appropriate areas for disinfecting articles before their introduction to their home, thereby passing potentially infected items," he explains. "They must create an adequate disinfection table."


You do not define a daily coronavirus routine

A small girl cooking with grandmother at home.

Just because your family is out of their daily routine, this is not an excuse for not implementing a new one, incorporating the new normal coronavirus. "Every morning, every family should spell exactly the same disinfection routine of their homes, checking the updated COVID-19 information and evaluating their responses to the crisis," encourages Hardy.


You type

An Asian woman storing tissue toilet paper during Coronavirus outbreak or Covid-19, Concept of Covid-19 quarantine

Remember that the Coronavirus health pandemic is not a Zombie Apocalypse - so you do not need to shop as if it were the end of the world. "The Government agencies of FEMA and other government agencies have advised more families and more than the purchase of a 30-day offer is useless," says Hardy. "They advise to go to the grocery store on a weekly basis because the stress on distribution networks has created artificial shortages on shelves."


You avoid shops entirely

Asian shopper disinfecting hands with sanitizer in supermarket during shopping for groceries. Public shopping cart is high risk virus and bacteria contact point.

While you should keep your excursions at a minimum your excursions, you do not have to avoid everything as long as you are not sick. "Continue to adhere to what public health experts recommend and what are the limiting state officials, but you will still need to go to the grocery store or at the pharmacy," Dana Hawkinson, MD, Disease Specialist Infectious to the health system of the University of Kansas explains. "With the added caution about going out in public, shops are less likely to be busy, and you should be able to maintain the distance between yourself and other customers and practicing healthy behaviors, such as washing the Hands and using cleaning wipes on trolleys. "


You look at the wrong type of television

Scared millennial couple watching horror movie on tv holding remote control at home

PsychiatristCarole Lieberman, MDStresses that many people keep their television 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, watching news about the coronavirus. "They have scared to death because of all the new sensationalized that make people believe that people believe" we all die! "" She emphasizes. Instead, she suggests limiting the vision of TV news to brief recordings once or twice a day, and instead, "watch shows that make you laugh instead of news that make you cry!"


You drink too much alcohol

wine before bed

Similar to stuffing comforting food, some people drink too much alcohol to try to escape from reality, claim Dr. Lieberman. "At the end of the isolation, they may not have coronavirus, but they will have become alcoholics," she explains. "There is really no need for alcohol during isolation, which takes enough toll on the body and mind." To avoid occurring in Booze, she suggests keeping it out of the house.


You are a pain in washing / cleaning products

hands in yellow gloves are washing food products to get rid of bacteria or virus

In order to disinfect everything, you can do more harm than well, explainsAKUA WOOLBRIGHTPh.D., the National Nutrition Director for the Foundation of Whole Cities, the Non-Profit Arm of Whole Foods. "Some people wash their products with severe soaps and household cleaning agents who endange them. Washing products in a cleaning product like bleaching can leave behind a harmful residue for people to ingest," says Dr. Woolbright.

For fresh produce, you will want to spray or soak these objects in a cup of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or soda bicarbonate for five minutes. Farm products can be washed in hot or hot water, while delicate products should be cleaned in cold or lukewarm water. After washing your products, rinse and dry well.


You do not sleep

woman hugging pillow lying in bed alone

Do not treat oneself as a long weekend. Make sure you have enough sleep. "Being in isolation / at home, we can end up staying later than we wish and it further leads to the circadian rhythm," saysTsao-linen Avgspecialist in acupunctur and Chinese medicine based in New York. "Thecircadian rhythmThat's what helps our body know when resting and when waking up. When this is thrown, the whole body and the system of mind are disturbed.

Dr Moy suggests to regulate your schedule to block the standby time at least 7 to 8 hours. "Turn off the electronics and stop watching the news, avoid caffeine or alcohol and eating late night." Also, you can try to add essential oils, such as Jatamansi, a flowering plant known for its calming, anti-depression effects and for insomnia.


You do not create a separate space for work

man working from home sitting at kitchen counter using laptop computer

Even if you live in a studio, it is crucial to create a separate workspace. "If you live in an apartment and you work at home, work and personal life are mixed. Literally, you can feel like you're at work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and this creates blurred boundaries and stress, "says Dr. Moy.

She suggests incorporating Feng Shui, the art and science of placement and energy flow, in your space. "If the work invades your home, it can create a negative energy at home and affect your health," she says. "This requires being organized, deciding an area even if it is your dining table or coffee table that can be a temporary workspace. Personal items deleted. When you have completed your working time, Move the work items in a corner or to a shelf so that they have a place. "


You disconnect friends and family

sad woman near window thinking

The complete disconnection of friends and family will probably lead you to a dark place. Instead, use technology to connect to your loved ones and integrate them completely into your life. "It's time to really use all the technology we have," says Brittany Modell, MS, RD, CDN, founder ofBrittany Modell Nutrition and Wellness. She suggests a lot of ways to do that. "Set up weekly calls from FaceTime or phone with friends or family. Configure an hour to play virtual games, drink a good virtual hour, or cook a meal with loved on FaceTime." Or set up a playback club, group workout sessions on Facetimes or create a zoom group to launch a new hobby together. "It will allow you to stay connected to a friend or a loved one while also learning a new hobby or a new skill," she says.


You do not show you

man is taking shower in bathroom

Do not let your personal hygiene suffer from self-insulation. RumorDale Santiagosuggests starting and finishing your day with a shower. "It can be easy to get out of bed and spend the day in your pajamas," he says. "Start your day with a shower, put clean clothes, or finish your day with a shower and jump the nice and clean bed. The morning should give you some time to clean your mind and define an intention, while the end Of the day should help you relax and relax. In addition, it is incredibly important to stay clean during these hours. "


You neglect your mental health

Frustrated sad woman feeling tired worried about problem sitting on sofa with laptop, stressed depressed girl troubled with reading bad news online, email notification about debt or negative message

The biggest mistake that people earn while self-insulating isolation does not receive the support of the management of their symptoms of anxiety and depression, explainsHaley Nedich, LCSW. "People who have trouble worrying about themselves, do not sleep or have an excessive amount of panic should be in regular communication with a therapist," she says. The good news? Most therapists have moved their online practices to provide direct and immediate treatment for quarantine. "If someone has trouble, they deserve support now!"


You can not isolate yourself when you are sick

Sick woman in face protection mask lying in bed holding thermometer at home quarantine isolation

The most important part of self-isolation separates from others if you are sick, because the new coronavirus is considered mainly spread by the person who are in close contact (less than six feet) from each other via respiratory droplets. "As much as possible, stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home", exhorts theCDC. "In addition, you must use a separate bathroom, if possible. If you need to be around other people in or outside the house, wear a facial mask." Although it may not be possible for everyone in all the arrangements of life, Dr. MayerYou urge you to try your hardest. "Do your best so you can keep the places where you eat, sleep and go to the separate bathroom or, if there are shared spaces, clean and disinfect between uses," she suggests.


You do not clean your own sick space

Man in a face mask bowing his head while lying on a sofa at home during quarantine with red cup in his hands

You may not want to clean if you are sick, but unless you do not want to infect others, you should make a priority. "Clean up-leaf surfaces in your insulation zone (" sick room "and bathroom) every day" urges the CDC ", leave a caregiver clean and disinfect surfaces affected with other areas of other areas of other areas the House." If you are so sick that you can not clean, make sure your care provider has a mask and gloves to clean.


You take care of your pet if you are sick

man snuggling and hugging his dog, close friendship loving bond between owner and pet husky

It may be tempting cuddly with your fur friend if you are sick, but theCDCStrongly discourages it. "You should limit contact with pets and other animals while you are sick of Covid-19, just as you would surround each other," he explains. "Although it seems that pets are not so sick with Covid-19, even though infected, we do not want people to test this theory on the little fido," says Dr. Meyer. "Whenever possible, have another member of your care of your household for your animals while you are sick. If you are sick of Covid-19, avoid contacts with your pet, including caressing, the Blotting, being kissed or licking and sharing food. If you have to take care of your pet or be around animals while you are sick, wash your hands before and after interacting with pets. "That's going Also for tigers.


You can not call in advance before getting medical help

man holding a thermometer and looking at you while talking on the phone

In order to stop the propagation of Covid-19, it is absolutely crucial to avoid exposing others. Enter the office of a doctor or hospital if you are sick is not a suitable protocol. Instead, call first in advance. "Many medical visits for routine care are delayed or done by telephone or telemedicine", explains theCDC. "If you have a medical appointment that can not be postponed, call your doctor's office and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the office protect and protect other patients. "

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

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