16 "health" tips to stop immediately after

Stay healthy by following these smart tips.

Thecoronavirus Crisis You pay special attention to information on widely disseminated health than ever before. Some of them are essential and useful; Some of them (including relatives of home or remedies) are nonsense. And although much of nonsense has been quickly demystified, it has allowed us to think about how less useful health advice can support over the years. Although none of these is as dangerous as the consumption of bleach - please do not do this - these are the highest "Health" advice you should stop following immediately. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Do not think you're safe from coronavirus if you've already had it

Positive test result by using rapid test device for COVID-19, novel coronavirus 2019

The CDC always studies the way you can develop immunity to coronavirus - but for having any warranty. "We do not know if the antibodies that result from the SARS-COV-2 infection will provide a person immunity from future infection," they report. "If antibodies provide immunity, we do not know what title or which antibodies will be protective or the duration of the protection would last."


Do not feed a cold, starve a fever

Sick young woman eating broth to cure cold in bed at home

This folk remedy belongs to the past - there is no scientific basis for that. Your body manages a fever in response to an infection and recovering from this disease, it needsA lot of nutrients, fluids and rest (including when you have coronavirus). When you run a temperature, eat as normal, or as close as you feel capable. Certainly not quickly; You do not do your body of favors.


Do not eat a low grease diet to lose weight

avocado halves in bowl

Low fat schemes and processed foods have become a craze in the 1980s. What else do you know? Obesity. Our bodies need fat to feel full - and parts of the body, like the brain, are mainly composed of fat and the need to function - otherwise, we continue to consume calories. Terme your diet in lean proteins and healthy greases, such as unsaturated type in nuts, lawyers and olive oil. Keep processed food labeled "low fat" from your kitchen; They are probably packed with sugar.

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Do not avoid eating eggs to protect your heart

hot scrambled eggs pan

Like low fat regimes, another tip healthy eating was Gospel for decades: avoid egg yolks; They are raised in cholesterol, so they can increase your blood cholesterol, which can contribute to heart disease. Today, we know that cholesterol we consume food has little effect on blood cholesterol and eggs are back on the menu. They are a good source of protein, vitamin D and vitamins B. Experts say it is prudent to have two egg yolks a day.


Do not receive your first colonoscopy at 50


This was the guideline for the colorectal cancer screening test. But the rates of the disease have increased in younger-expert people do not know why the American Cancer Society has recently revised its advice, suggesting that the first screening begins at the age of 45. If you are approaching this age, talk about your doctor about what type of screening you best suits you: a traditional colonoscopy, a less invasive test called flexible sigmoidoscopy, or a test that seeks blood in your stool.


Do not think it's good to have less sleep like you age

Woman Turning Off Alarm While Sleeping On Bed

Your parents and grandparents may have declared less sleep than their older lives, but that does not mean it's a natural or healthy part of aging. Experts, including the National Sleep Foundation, indicate that adults of each age should have seven to nine hours of sleep per evening to keep your immune system in high level and reduce your risk of chronic disease.

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Do not do detox

Internet is family with promising products to detoxify your body regimes, drinks, supplements and your and on. The truth is, they are not necessary. The body has its own super-efficient detoxification system: the liver and kidneys. They will detoxify your body, as long as you support them with an appropriate diet, exercise and limiting your use of harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco.


Do not make juice juice

Juice cleanse plastic bottles

The juice could make you feel good, but it will not "clean" your body. These diagrams can also let you hung up, since the juice eliminates the fiber of satisfaction of fruits and vegetables, but maintains the sugar.

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Do not take a daily multivitamin


Many of us have been taking a multivitamin a day since childhood, believing is the way for better health. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that this is the case. Last year, Johns Hopkins researchers rated studies on nearly half a million people and determined that multivitamins does not reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline or early death. Their advice: do not waste your money on multivitamins; Get the vitamins and minerals you need the food.


Do not think "eight glasses a day" is the magic number

healthy beautiful young woman holding glass of water

This is another health trick that has been so long Gospel is everything. And he is certainly a good idea to stay hydrated. But according to the researchers of the Mayo clinic, "eight hours a day" is not suitable for everyone, some people might need less water, some might need more, in particular, including your level of activity. and the environment. A good basic rule: drink water when you are thirsty, and enough to keep your colorless urine or yellow.


Never eat after 20 hours

Woman Taking Out Bottle From Open Refrigerator

Although it is true that eating a large meal just before bedtime is not a good idea, it can keep you awake and drive to acid reflux your body does not automatically convert food to fat after a certain time. In fact, some experts recommend having a small snack rich in protein before bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep.


Do not just do a lot of cardio to lose weight

man running on a treadmill at home

Physical activity is essential to maintain a healthy weight (and health in general) and losing some books if it's your goal. But spending hours on the treadmill can be counterproductive: long periods of intense exercise causes the cortisol liberation body, a stress hormone that tells him to cling to fat. Instead of Marathon cardio sessions, being more generally active and training sessions such as HIIT (high-intensity interval training), which have been proved effective for fat loss.

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Do not count the calories to stay slim

Man counting calories on table

This habit of being the golden rule of weight loss, but the experts today advise to focus on whole foods, including lean and fatty proteins and healthy avoiding processed foods and added sugar instead of counting calories. The reasons? You will feel less private, which will make it easier and more enjoyable to see your diet of eating as a change of healthy lifestyle instead of punitive something.


Do not take vitamin C to cure a cold

Vitamin C pills spilling out of a jar

According to the Harvard Medical School, the vitamin C plug is only "slightly beneficial" when you have a cold-200 mg per day can reduce the duration of a cold of about 8%. But it's not a cure, and taking every day will not reduce the risk of catching a cold.

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Do not drink skimmed milk to lose weight

glass of milk being poured from glass jar

Experts diet once recommended to avoid dairy products full of fat if you do not want to gain weight. CornStudies have shownWhether the consumption of milk and consumers rich in fat Other dairy products with fat content like yogurt, can actually help keep your weight down. Why? It is more filling, it helps you to keep calories from other sources


Do not think Internet KNOWS BEST

A man browsing the CDC website to learn key facts about the Coronavirus Disease 2019

We are in blooming water in the information nowadays, and it seems that everyone is looking for miracle remedies and state-of-the-art tips. But these can be outright dangerous if they do not come from legitimate sources and solid studies. Do your search online, but trust your doctors. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid

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