7 secrets to buy a house in winter, according to real estate experts

There are significant seasonal considerations for house buyers during the coldest months.

Whether you have just started to dive your toe on the market or have been looking for for years, the perfect house can become available in any season. But as for regular maintenance and maintenance, closing on a new property During the coldest months Maybe very different to do this in summer. Before you start packing your personal effects and lugging boxes in the crisp air, there are a few things you should know that could help you avoid errors and facilitate the entire process. Read more for secrets to buy a house in winter, according to real estate experts.

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Ask for a better image of what the property looks like during the hottest months.

A senior couple hugging each other in their back yard

Winter certainly has a lot of its own charms, and many houses are beautiful covered with fresh snow blanket. But before finalizing your investment, you may want to have a better idea of what your potential property in full blooming of summer looks like and how seasonal equipment works.

"During the house tour during the coldest months as a potential buyer, keep in mind that many external equipment can be" out of service "for the" "season" Jackie Dunphy , a long island Real estate agent With the Corcoran group, says Better life . "The swimming pools are closed and covered, and the nozzle systems have been winter, so it is intelligent to obtain letters from companies that serve these articles that attest to their functionality before closing - or you may be in an unpleasant surprise at the spring."

"It is also useful to see photos of the landscaping of the property, because trees and shrubs have lost their greenery!" She adds. "Ask the owner photos of gardens and meters taken in hot weather. In this way, you know what you are buying."

You may have the advantage of a buyer during the winter.

house with exterior lighting in winter

The past few years may have made the housing market look like fairly volatile Where is all going. But if you buy a house in winter, experts say you may see that you are a slight advantage compared to other seasons.

"Buyers may be easier to buy a house during the coldest months", " Clare Trapasso ,, editor From Realtor.com, says. "There is generally less competition on the market.

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You may want to request an additional inspection before finalizing the purchase.

An exterminator or pest control agent looking at eaves in the ceiling of a basement or attic

Depending on where they are or the amount of maintenance they may need, your potential dream home could have a devastating problem even before you enter. Fortunately, experts say hunting at home The coldest months Can indicate how bad it is of a problem and allow you to prepare and negotiate accordingly.

"Rodents and other critters like to move to hot basements during the winter," said Dunphy. "An inspection of pests before closing will assure you not to have unwanted guests!"

It is easier to spot any problem with a house during the coldest months.

A home inspector on a ladder checking a roof covered in snow
Shutterstock / Mooremedia

When you meet a property that looks like the house of your dreams, it can be easy to lose sight of the major problems that could wait once the dry ink on your contract. But these house hunters during the coolest months have the possibility of seeing how certain vital systems work and if there will be expensive repairs on the whole line. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"The purchase of a house in winter is great because you can see the house as it is without all these pretty flowers that flourish," explains Trapasso. "It will be more obvious if there are problems with the boiler or the heating system inside the house, which can be expensive to upgrade or replace. Is the house at home? For be replaced or repaired? "

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You may be able to negotiate a better decision - or at least speed up the process.

signing morgage to buy home
Comzé / Shutterstock images

Once the holidays are wrapped, winter can take a much slower pace than other moments of the year. However, experts say that this is not necessarily the case with sales of houses, because natural lull in transactions can open the way to all offers that take place.

"Since you do not buy during the more busy seasons of spring and summer, you can receive a faster closure," explains Trapasso. "You can also have more flexibility, and even be able to negotiate agreements with movers and other companies."

You must use the coldest time to take note of a potential danger on your property.

snow on driveway with man shoveling it

Even if each season presents its own challenges for owners, colder temperatures can clearly indicate when a particular characteristic can become a problem. According to Dunphy, this means checking the sloping roads or paths that can become more dangerous during the winter.

"For safety, do not forget that the highly classified alleys are more dangerous during the winter months. This is something to keep in mind because these surfaces will need more salting or sanding," said -she. "And if the house shares a common aisle, find out who is responsible for snow. Do owners who use the aisle share the responsibilities?"

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Get an idea of the functioning of snow removal from your street.

snow covers street, trees, and single car on open road

A soft and white snow blanket can make an already magnificent neighborhood even more attractive. Unfortunately, if your potential house is in a climate where blizzards are regular, this could also mean that your picturesque property will require a lot of additional work in winter.

"If you notice that the road is covered with snow, check if the street in which the house is located is private or public," explains Dunphy. "If it is a private street, the city or the municipality will not plow the region, so the owners are responsible.

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