Here's how you can train to forget a bad memory

New research suggests that you can. The question is: Do you want?

The memory is a wonderful thing, but we have all those we would prefer not to see again. Maybe they arePainful souvenirs of an exOr maybe they are embarrassing events that bring us up with shame. Anyway, you can bet they will stay where they are, being worried in the nooks of your mind. But should this be the case? Is it possible to really forget aMemory? According to a new study published in the newspaperNature Communications, It's entirely possible. And the trick is to train you to focus on ain competition Memory.

This is called selective amnesia, and it has always been since the 1960s, when a study published inThe personality log found that inducing hypnosis could allow people to erase many memories they were educated to forget.

To a certain extent, selective amnesia is something that occurs naturally in everyday life. Your brain can not store all the data you are treating daily. He selects those who will help you avoid danger and survive. But the question that this new study wished to answer was whether people could erase memories without being put in hypnosis - and the conclusions were promising.

Researchers at Cambridge University have experienced rats, which we knowShare many genetics, biological and behavioral Features with humans, as well as similar brain regions.

"The rats seem to have the same ability to actively forget that humans, they forget memories selectively when these memories cause distraction"Professor Michael Anderson, a neuroscientist for cognition of cognition and brain sciences for the research of medical research at the University of Cambridge, and led the author of the study,noted. "And, crucially, they use a similar prefrontal control mechanism as we do. This discovery suggests that this ability to actively forget less useful memories can have evolved from afar on the" tree of life ", perhaps As far as our common ancestor with rodents about 100 million years ago. "

What they have discovered was that, "when rats have recovered past events, he caused substantial oblivion of competing memories, and that this active obliging forced control processes supported by the cortex pre-front. "

By simply putting it, the results suggest that rats (and therefore humans) can forget an unpleasant memory by focusing on another, leaving it out of the limited storage unit that is your brain.

"Simply simply, the very act of remembering is a major reason for which we forget, shaping our memory according to the way it is used," said Anderson. "People are used to thinking about forgetting it as something passive. Our research reveals that people are more committed than actively performing actively shaping what they remember their lives. The idea that the idea that Even act of remembering can cause oblivion is surprising and could tell us more about the ability of people to selective amnesia. "

Of course, controlling your thoughts is not an easy task, although practicingmeditation Or otherConcentration exercises has been shown to help do it. There is also a dark side potential to selective amnesia, the letter of information notes that "if the police questioned a testimony to a crime, for example, their examination repeated on certain details could give the witness to forget about information that could later be important. "

It should also be considered as if you want to erase one of your memories at all.

After all, there is a reason why your brain chooses to store this information. Like the classic movieEternal Sun of the Spotless Spirit Poetitically involves, it can be devastating to remind how much your ex your ex has caused you, but these painful memories can also prevent you from coming back with them and cross the same vicious cycle and again. And for more information on how we remember and lose memories, discoverWhy you can not remember most of your childhood memories.

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