If you are this age, you could have a major blow because of coronavirus

Younger people you think of falling into a prey.

According toCDC, AVC is the fifth cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of serious disability for adults, with about 795,000 people in the United States suffering each year. However, for the most part, young people are not likely to undergo a serious risk of suffering from the health urgency caused by a lack of blood flow to the brain. Onlyone by sevenPeople who have a stroke are less than 49 years old and many of them because of pre-existing conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.Yet, according to new research, young people and elsewhere healthy are blowing - and that's all because they contracted Covid-19.

They showed no symptoms

A new study of a new surgeons study in Thomas Jefferson University and Ny Langone Medical Center published in the medical newspaperNeurochirgery, affirms that many young victims of the ARDV - without any symptoms of highly infectious and potentially fatal virus, positive for Covid-19. In addition, the types of features they suffered were very unique.

"We saw patients in their 30s, 40 and 50 to massive strokes, the kind we generally see in patients in their 70 and 80," Pascal Jabbour, MD, head of the neurovascular surgery division and the Endovascular surgery in the Vickie and Jack Farber Institute for Neuroscience-Jefferson Health and Senior author of the study, explained in aRelease.

Their conclusions are based on observations of 14 patients who were victims of blows, eight men, six women - half of whom did not know they had the virus - and are still preliminary. However, Dr. Jabbour describes them as "disturbing".

"Young people, who may not know that they have coronaviruses, develop clots that cause significant stroke."

They delayed to seek care

The researchers highlight some of the most prolific results of their paper, many of which are very worrying.

First, even if patients showed signs of stroke, they delayed to seek medical care because they were afraid to catch coronavirus in the hospital."There is a small window of time in which the blows are treatable. The delays can thus threaten life" They emphasize.

Secondly, nearly 43% of patients with Covid-19 riders died. This is surprisingly high compared to the typical stroke mortality rate, which is only 5 to ten percent.

Then, more than 75% of all blows in the country occur in those over 65 years old. But, according to the researchers, 42% of the positive coronavirus patients studied ceres were less than 50 years old. In addition, according to this patient sample, the incidence of coronavirus in the cerebral population was 31.5%.

Finally, the location of where the blood clots took place in the cerebral coronavirus patients were strange. "The patients observed had brain strokes in large vessels, in the two hemispheres of the brain, as well as in the two arteries and veins of the brain - all these observations are unusual in brain patients," write researchers.

Why doctors warn you

The researchers offer some explanations of how Covid-19, mainly a lung disease, causes induced blood clots.

The first is that the virus enters the human cells via a very specific access point - a protein on the human cells called ACE2, where it locks on the protein, using it as a gateway in the cell, where the cell. virus can reproduce. The researchers suspect that the virus can interfere with the normal function of this receiver to control the blood flow in the brain and use it as an input point to the cell.

The second possibility relates to inflammation of blood vessels causing vasculitis with injuries to cells that line the vessel light, called endothelium and causing micro thrombosis in small vessels.

"Our observations, although preliminary, can serve as a warning for medical staff on front lines and for all those at home," says Dr. Jabbour.

"The cerebral accident occurred in people who do not know they have COVID-19, as well as those who feel sick of their infections. We need to be vigilant and react quickly to signs of stroke. "

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these Things you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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