I am the general surgeon and ask you not to do this July 4th

You can do this simple thing and help fight the coronavirus in front of the July 4 weekend.

Before the holidays of July 4, the surgeon General Jerome Adams, a member of the Coronavirus working group, shared an important message for Americans: slowing the propagation of coronavirus, each of us must continue to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and protect us. By doing a few simple things, we can make a big difference.

He asks you to not forget your mask

Here is his complete message, which was shared on the CDC website.

I am the general surgeon of the United States, the doctor of Jerome Adams-America.

And everywhere in our nation, we have taken steps to slow the propagation of coronavirus.

Now we must continue to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Because even though we do not like to make a serious case of coronavirus, we all risk getting it and spreading it to others - perhaps without even realizing that we are sick.

So, if we want to go back to school, return to work, return to worship and overall health, there are things that our country must do.

We must: follow state and local status guidelines;

Take extra precautions if a higher risk;

Wash your hands frequently; Stay six feet from others when you can; And when we can not stay at six feet from others, thank you, I ask you, wear a face covering.

These small actions will make a big difference.

So, I ask you to say with me,

America: coronavirus stops with me.

Masks are an "instrument of freedom"

This is not the first time Adams has been admiring to wear a mask. "Please, please, wear a facial covering when you go out in public. It's not a disadvantage. It's not a removal of your freedom," a Declared Adams at a briefing Tuesday. "This mask, this face really covering an instrument of freedom for Americans, if we all use it ... If you want the return of university football this year, wear a face blanket. If you want a chance at the ball ball, wear me a face covering: "

"Adams has provided the public's strongest way to the public of an administration that has often avoided direct recommendations to wear masks", reportsBloomberg. "Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Vice President Mike Pence have both urged to wear a mask at the event in Rockville, in Maryland, although the pence said only if the local authorities have recommended. 'Call for masks came the same infectious day- Anthony Fauci's expert disease told a special group in the Senate that the United States "go in the wrong direction" in its efforts to contain the new coronavirus and case accounts Daily could more than double if behaviors do not change. "

So celebrate your independence this weekend by making the independent choice that brings us together: wear your mask. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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