If you have this type of blood, be worried about COVID-19

A study has shown that people that this type of blood are 50% more likely to develop a severe coronavirus.

Since the first cases of COVID-19 began to appear in Wuhan, China in December 2019, researchers have been held to gather indices on the highly infectious, often fatal and very mysterious virus that affected the planet. The determination of populations that are more important are likely to develop severe and threatening variations in the virus. A new study amplified further in the reason of which some people become incredibly ill and others not and according to researchers, it concerns genetics that determine your type of blood.

Increased risk of respiratory failure

The New York TimesReports that the study, always in the peer review process, determined that there are two stains in the human genome where there are variations, related to an increased risk of respiratory insufficiency in patients with Vis- 19. One of them hosts the gene that determines the blood type.

According to researchers, which includes the co-author of the study, Andre Franke, a molecular geneticist at Kiel University in Germany,People with type A blood have a 50% increase in the probability that, if infected with the virus, they would need to get oxygen or go to a fan.

Researchers emphasize the importance of their conclusions - that there are coronavirus risk factors that we have not explored. "There are new children on the block Now," said Franke at the time. In addition, learn why certain genes can increase the chances of serious illness could also help drug designers in their mission to design vaccines and effective treatments.

"This haunts me"

This is not the first study to find a link between type A blood and the increase in coronavirus risk. AChinese studyouExamine the types of blood from nearly 2,200 CIVID-19 patientsIn the hospitals in China, as well as the types of blood of 27,000 people who did not have COVID-19 in the same areas, showed that those who have types of blood are at a significant risk of contracting. Coronavirus compared to other types of blood.

Dr. Franke admits, however, that neither his study nor the Chinese study do offer strong evidence exactly how blood types could affect the disease. "It haunts me, quite honestly," he says.

According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionIn addition, other people at risk of Covid-19 include older people, immunocomproduced people, people with asthma, HIV, liver diseases, severe heart conditions and severe obesity.

As for you: cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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