Weight loss drugs like Ozempic can make you appear older, say patients
These lost pounds can be accompanied by an undesirable side effect.

When Kim Kardashian lost 16 pounds in three weeks to adapt to a vintage Marilyn Monroe Dressing at the 2022 Gala is, some have speculated that She was taking semaglutide , a drug against diabetes sold under the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy, and increasingly used out of AMM for weight loss. While Kardashian did not comment on rumors - he is told Seduce She lost weight With the help of a nutritionist and a coach - the ozempic buzz, as well as the shooting (Mounjaro brand name), has only increased in recent months.
These drugs, which work by regulating blood sugar and abolishing appetite, rage in certain circles, The New York Times reported. "Everyone is on it or asks how to get there", dermatologist Paul Jarrod Frank , MD, spoke at the exit of Mounjaro. "We have not seen A prescription drug With so many cocktails and chatter since Viagra arrived on the market. ""
However, some patients notice A side side effect After using the drugs. Read the rest to know why a doctor says that semaglutide and shooting can make some older people - and how you can reach healthy weight without adding to your appearance.
Read this then: People say Ozempic is a miracle of weight loss. Is it worth the brutal side effects?
Ozempic and similar drugs are extremely popular at the moment.

How many people take Ozempic, Wegovy or Mounjaro out of AMM in the hope of losing weight? Statistics are not easily available, but in October 2022, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) added Ozempic to its drug database Projecting proceedings - and it is still listed as "in shortage".
This is frustrating for diabetic patients who take the drug for its expected use. "We have really heard relationships of people fighting to fill their orders , " Robert Gabbay , MD, in chief science and doctors of the American Diabetes Association, said US News & World Report in December 2022. "I still see patients at the Joslin Diabetes Center, and I can tell you that some of my patients said , Oh, yes, you know, I had to go to many different pharmacies to finally find it. It was a problem. "
The term "ozempic face" describes a possible side effect of the drug.

Is you reaching your weight loss goal is worth adding years to your appearance? This is the question that some people are asking themselves at the moment, because the term "ozempic face" enters the lexicon. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"'Ozempic Face' refers to the increase in croggles or crevins of the face when people lose weight In case of ozempic drugs , "Explains Healthline.
And it is not only Ozempic that can cause this effect. Some patients notice this unwanted change in their faces after also taking Mounjaro, The New York Times reported. Jennifer Berger said to the point of sale that even if she was satisfied with her body when she had lost books with drugs, "I remember watching in the mirror, and it was almost as if I didn't recognize myself Not even. My body looked great, but my face looked exhausted and old. "
Read this then: Gernor this helps you lose weight and sleep better, says a new study .
Quick weight loss often leads to tank skin.

"Medicines ... can cause rapid weight loss, and when it happens, it happens all over the body, where fat reserves are. This includes the face," family doctor certified by the board of directors Laura Purdy , Md, tells Better life . "As people lose weight, especially at a quick pace, it can cause the skin that has been extended and more complete seeming to collapse and hollow. Additional fatty fabric, which is no longer there."
In other words, it is not the drugs that make people look older - it is weight loss.
"Although it is possible that part of this is due to the speed with which people lose weight when they are on the medication, there is nothing specific about the drug itself which entails A facial distortion or to look strange, "clarifies Purdy, noting that" there are other changes that occur in the face and body with age, including the sagging of fat and fat and the Loss of bone structure opposite, it is therefore possible that this also contributes. "
Losing weight gradually can help you save your face.

What should you do if you are at the end of your mind to try to lose weight and plan to try one of these diabetes drugs? As much as you may not want to hear it, lose the old-fashioned weight, thanks to food and exercise, could be A more sustainable option - and can also help preserve your young appearance. Yes, losing weight in this way takes longer - and that's the point, says Purdy.
"It is possible that the skin can do a better job to regain elasticities and bounce back if the weight was lost at a slower rate," she explains.
But if you have already lost weight quickly and you are in distress at your reflection in the mirror, she says that there is no cause of despair. "The changes in the face should also be temporary, and if someone had to gain its weight, they can see that these changes are reversed."
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Cosmetic procedures and products are also an option.

Cosmetic procedures are another option. "There are certain procedures, such as micro-needle, surgical lifting, charges, PDO wire elevators , and others, which can help the appearance of facial changes that occur after a lot of rapid weight loss ", Purdy shares.
Approved esthetician Heather Wilson ,, Marketing Director F still, skin care, says that if you don't want to follow the surgical or filling route, some skin care ingredients can be useful.
"Although the charges are often recommended as a form of treatment, they are not good for everyone because of their cost and their potential side effects," she explains. "Alternatively, the integration of ingredients known to support a healthy collagen and elastin - such as peptides, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C - will be the best measure against the sagged skin."
Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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