Expert warns the virus in the "new phase" as a case of overvoltage

According to BirX-as well as hard data data, city dwellers, are not the only ones to risk.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the virus extended mainly in urban cities and densely populated across the country. However, according to one of the main coronavirus experts in the country, the Birx Birx Birx Birx Working Group Coordinator, we entered a "new phase" of our fight against Covid-19, and the virus spreads dangerously in less populated areas.

"You are not immune"

During an appearance onCnn.State of the Union Sunday, Birx explained that there had been a definitive change since March and April, when the virus was centralized in big cities. "It's extraordinarily widespread," she said. "It is in rural urban areas that equal urban areas and all those living in a rural area: you are not immunized or protected from this virus."

Birx explained the change of "new phase", noting that the mitigation efforts of the state governments and local governments begin to be sophisticated. However, more than ever, taking precautionary measures is a must.

"No matter where you live in America, you have to wear a mask and a socially distance, make personal hygiene pieces, but more importantly, if you are in a cleaner of several generations and an epidemic in your rural area or in Your city, you really need to consider wearing a mask at home assuming you are positive. "

The CDC has updated their section on rural communities last week, explaining why those living in sparsely populated areas are at an increased risk of the virus. "About 46 million Americans live in rural areas, which face distinct challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic," they explain. "Long-time systematic inequalities and social inequalities have put rural residents at increased risk of becoming CVIV-19 or having a serious illness. In general, rural Americans tend to have higher rates of smoking, Hypertension and obesity, as well as less access to health care that can negatively affect health outcomes. They are also less likely to have health insurance. "

Why rural communities are objectives

They added that rural communities also become more and more diverse, both racially and ethnic. "Racial and ethnicminority groupsIncluding African Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, America Indians / Alaska Aboriginal People and Asian Islands / Pacific, are at increased risk of becoming CVIV-19 and having a serious illness " He explains.

The CDC also referenced recent research calculating the "uniquesusceptibility"From virus-specific rural communities, which have found that about 33% of them were very sensitive to the virus", driven by older compromised populations and health and care facilities for the elderly ".

No matter where you live: wear your face mask, do you test if you think of coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, only manage essential races, Wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas, and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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