Dr. Faisci has just said that you should look for each room

Outside, it's better, but inside, look for good traffic.

While the coronavirus deaths most 700,000 worldwide, Mr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, talked about how to protect yourself - and others - COVID-19. During the Harvard of Today Chan School of Public Health Forum with Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, Fauci warned that the virus can actually be airborne, revealing a few secrets on how to stay healthy, independently. Read to find out how, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these21 subtle signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Prevent propagation does not necessarily have to be an all or nothing approach

closed sign at a restaurant

The country does not need to stop completely to recover, according to Dr. Faisci. "I think the strange approach binary you are locked up or let it all fly, there is a place in the middle when we can open the economy and avoid these types of surges that we see" mentioned.


If people did 5-6 fundamental things, the curve would start flattering in a month

According to Dr. Fauci if, if people have made 5 to 6 fundamental people - wearing masks, held remotely social, closed pieces and avoided inside situations and extensive gatherings, washed with hands and remained Outside instead of flattening. The curve in just one month at a month and a half. "I think it would be the kind of recovery that when you know that the southern states that have been very unfortunately Mal-being California, Arizona, Texas and Florida - What Arizona did that they finally said, wait for a Minute, we "withdrawal of problems. We will institute these fundamental principles. And they came in a beautiful curve, "he said.


The fact that so many people infected with Covid never fall sick is a double-edged sword


The good and bad news of Covid-19 is that 40% of people who get it never have symptoms. "It's good. I mean, you are infected, you do not get any symptoms. The bad news for messaging is that 40% of the population gets no symptoms," said Fauci, stressing that he is difficult to obtain a "unified answer with this most unusual virus." In other words, the variance of how the virus affects people makes it almost impossible to get a "unified message, that everyone understands " Because the virus is apparently less threatening some, as it's up to others, they end up "spreading" the virus. "You see photos of people in the bars without masks, no social distancing. I do not blame them because I think they do it innocently because it's if I'm infected, I'm infected, a vacuum, a vacuum, It does not bother anyone else. I do not bother them. Do not bother me, "he says. "It's incorrect. Because even if you probably do not get symptoms, you spread the epidemic, which means that you will infect someone who infects someone who has a serious consequence."


We still do not know why some young people and healthy people are really sick

Group of teenagers friends at park wearing medical masks.

While the majority of people with serious coronavirus violence are older or suffering from a number of pre-existing conditions, there are still those who are considered young and healthy who become extremely ill and even dying of coronavirus. And Dr. Faisci still does not have an answer on why. "We must be humble that we do not know. We can give the possibilities, but we do not know," said Fauci.


What to look in each room

Until it proved otherwise, it is probably intelligent to suppose that coronavirus is airborne. And, Dr. Faisci suggests acting accordingly. "It gives you a greater reason to wear a mask at any time, but it also tells you that the outside will probably be much better than from the inside. That when you are inside, you really have to look at what is the circulation." Ato studyPublished by the CDC revealed that traffic plays a role in spreading the virus, highlighting an incident when some people have been infected inside a restaurant, but others were not. They came to the conclusion that "the direction of air flow was compatible with the transmission of droplets" and that the improvement of the interior ventilation spaces is the key.

So, how do you judge traffic? The CDC advises restaurants with a guideline that you can also use: "Make sure the ventilation systems work properly and increase the flow of outdoor air as much as possible by opening the windows and doors and in hierarchizing outdoor seats. "


On the HEPA filters

If you do things, like using a HEPA filter? "These are things that are unknown now, but let's approach because it's something that has always had a kind of hanging there without really understanding the role of aerosol and, especially exactly what The aerosol, "said Fauci. The Environmental Protection Agency maintains that air cleaners and HVAC filters will help filter pollutants or out-of-air contaminants that transmit them. "Cleaning and filtration of air can help reduce airborne contaminants, including particles containing viruses," they write on theirwebsite.


Follow these fundamentals to stay safe

Dr. Faisci said the time and again that there are "five or six fundamental things" that will help slow the spread of the virus. They are: "Universal and a good port of masks, avoiding crowds, the physical distance (six feet or more), stay away from the bars and gathering in places (and in some places, the bars should even be Closed), outdoors always better than interior, wash your hand and hand hygiene. "Listen to man and cross this pandemic with your healthier, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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By: aasma
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