CDC has just warned to these spaces

"In general, interior environments without good ventilation increases" your risk of Covid-19.

The CDC has changed its orientations on its website yesterday, alerting Americans that Covid-19 can be spread by aerosols hanging in the air. "There is growing evidence that droplets and airborne particles may remain suspended in the air and be respected by other persons and travel distances beyond 6 feet (for example, during the practice of the choir, restaurants or in fitness classes) ","declared. Read it to see where they warned that you are not going, and protecting your health, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

How Covid-19 spreads most often

The news comes at the same time where theCDC updated its page ontransmission, saying "Covid-19 spreads most often

  • Between people who are in close contact between them (about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets or small particles, such as those of aerosols, produced when an infected person cough, sneezes, sings, speaks or respirat.
  • These particles can be inhaled in the nose, mouth, respiratory tract and lungs and cause infection. It's thinking that the virus spreads.
  • Droplets can also land on surfaces and objects and be transferred by contact. A person may become Covid-19 by touching the surface or the object that has the virus on it and then touch his own mouth, their nose or eyes. Spread touching surfaces is not considered the main way of the virus spreads. "

The agency also said where you are at risk:"In general, interior environments without good ventilation increase this risk."

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How Covid-19 transmits in poorly ventilated areas

If a person is infected with the virus, he can transmit it quite easily. "When we, expire, talk, laugh, cough or sneezes, to expel us respiratory secretions in the air", explains Dr. Deborah Lee, a medical writer toDr. Fox Online Pharmacy. "The smallest droplets are called aerosols."

Aerosols are a big problem in the spread of all infectious diseases, especially at home. "COVID-19 [Femininehas been detected for example in 63.2% of aerosol samples taken (more than 6 meters away) from parts housing an infected patient, "explains DR LEE" and in 66.7% of aerosol samples taken outside the door of the room. "

Tripts outdoors, these droplets have a better chance of dissipating. But inside, less like: "Droplets can not travel more than six feet", says Dr. Lee, "after which they are diluted and dissipate in the atmosphere. However, when you sisters Or sneeze, you create a "gas cloud" that can browse much further 8 meters. " (Indeed, bromage estimates that only one sneezes can release 30,000 droplets up to 200 miles per hour.)

This could explain why some cities see epidemics despite stay orders at home. Propagation is happening inside. New York, for example, found that 66% of the new hospitalizations in mid-May for Covid-19 were people who stayed at home, in an investigation of about 1,300 new patients. "It's a surprise: most people were at home," said Gov.rew Cuomo at a press conference. "We thought maybe they took public transportation and we took special precautions on public transport, but no, because these people were literally at home."

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How to avoid Covid-19

Avoid interior spaces, the period or if you have to enter one, make sure that it is ventilated appropriately with open windows, for example, and only shelters with people you know are without covidation. And to cross this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss this essential list of35 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Update 9/22/20:After the publication of this story, the CDC removed its advice from its website on the airborne spread of Covid-19, claiming that they have posted it by mistake. "A draft version of the proposed amendments to these recommendations has been posted by mistake on the official website of the Agency. CDC updates its recommendations concerning the airborne transmission of SARS-COV-2 (the virus which causes Covid-19 ). Once this process is complete, the update language will be displayed, "Jason McDonald, a CDC spokesman, said in an email response to CNN. During this time, Dr. Anthony Fauci The best infectious infectious expert in the nation, confirmed the same day as the coronavirus is actually airborne - see here for his remarks.

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