This factor X makes you twice as likely to die of coronavirus

Those who have these problems have a higher mortality rate when they have been infected with coronavirus.

The researchers are still trying to understand why some people who contract Covid-19 remain asymptomatic, while others are in the hospital for their lives - and in the worst scenarios, die. One thing that has become clear over the last six months, since the first cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed in Wuhan, China, at the end of December, is that all kinds and race for health conditions and blood type. An impact on your chances of contracting the virus, but also how your body will respond.New research has found that intellectual disabilities are also a factor with respect to your chances of surviving virus.

Those who die at higher rates

According to a new analysis of Pennsylvania data and the New York permission ofNPR, intellectual disabilities and autism that are infected with Covid-19 die at higher rates than the rest of the population.

NPR The numbers analyzed in Pennsylvania by the Office of the Development Programs of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services examine the persons who obtain state services while living in group houses, state institutions or their own home. . They found that the mortality rate for intellectual disabilities and autism that test positive for coronavirus was twofold than that of other residents of the state. In New York State, similar statistics have calculated the mortality rate for those with disabilities to development are even higher, finding that they were 2.5 times more likely to die.

Scott Landes, Associate Professor of Sociology of the School of School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University, who has co-writtento studyOn the subject, saysNPR That the high mortality rate "is disturbing, but it is not surprising," and that those living in development homes are also more likely to contract the virus than others.

4x as likely to contract

"They are more likely - four times more likely than we show - to truly contract-19 than the general population. And if they contract Covid-19, what we see is that they are about twice as many More likely to die, "he explained.

According to Landes, there are two reasons for surprising morturation rates. First, those who disabled development are much more likely to have pre-existing health problems, such as respiratory diseases, which can increase their risks. In addition, like the elderly, they are more likely to live in group houses with roommates and staff, where the rate of infection tends to be higher.

"You live with several roommates, with the incoming and outgoing staff," says Landes, "your chances to truly contract Covid are high. And then if someone from your house gets him, it's like he's not There is nowhere where you can not leave. "

NPR highlights some elements that can be done to slow the spread and reduce the death rate in these communities. Mainly, home health workers need more access to EPI equipment in addition to additional compensation and homes themselves need more public funding.

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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