Target wants this security policy that it makes you follow to become law

The retail chain asks the United States to help keep shopping environments safely in the middle of coronavirus.

There is growing evidence thatUniversal Mask-wearing can literally save tens of thousands of livesBut as many problems in today's hyper-partisan world, it has become a divisive political issue. The national target of retail selling a number of other national channels in the search for state government mandates onMask in mandatory store bearing by all customers andStaff.

The idea is simple: if the mandate of the Mandate Universal Mask, the pressure is removed from the outlets of the customers too stubborn to respect the guidelines. TheCDC recommends People cover their mouths and nose when others to help reduce the propagation of the virus cause CIVID-19.

The association of retail leaders, which represents the target and the house of deposit, among many other major chains, believes that the lack of cohesive mask requirements around the country has not only created the Confusion, but also led to conflicts between customers and workers trying to apply storage rules. The Association of National Governors reacted Tuesdays that they discuss the letter and others from different retail groups.

A recent Virginia Commonwealth University study reveals compelling evidence that countries that quickly adopted widespread mask use had much lower mortality rates than those who do not have it. APlairactor of Philadelphia study revealed thatStates recommending that their residents wear masks But do not require that it has seen new cases of coronavirus increase by 84% over the past two weeks. On the other hand, in 11 states that the masks of public masks, new cases fell by 25% over the last two weeks.

And yet, for reasons that are not quite clear, there is a stubborn set of citizens who refuse to wear a mask and to see the regulation of stores as a personal threat for their personal freedom. As such, aThe myriad of viral videos has recently emerged View grocery conflicts between buyers An associate store wanting to have clients wear masks as a public safety issue.

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