15 signs you have COVID this will not let go

A new article examines some of the most frightening long dumper symptoms.

In the first months after Covid-19 became a common global vocabulary term, the virus survives very contagious and potentially fatal was the main objective. However, as the virus continued to spread, it became clear that everyone was recovering from it, and even those whose first infections were considered benine suffering from the long-term repercussions of the latter.

Now the term "long handler" is recognized around the world, the identification of people who suffer from the scary symptoms of the virus for months. Inspired by a movementNew York Times Article published on Monday, we collected the symptoms mentioned.Continue reading to see if you have any of these symptoms, andTo ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


prolonged exhaustion

Sick Woman On Bed

"Many people who have recovered SARS continued to develop chronic fatigue syndrome, a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that aggravates physical or mental activity, but does not improve with the rest. The same thing can be true for people who got Covid-19, "theMAYO Clinichas recently reported. TheNew York Times Tell the story of Judy Londa, a 55-year-old Brooklyn art teacher who developed the symptoms in March. Six months later, she still knows one of the most common symptoms in Long Hauler: exhaustion and fatigue. She revealed to the publication of climbing a few hill walks turns out to be completely exhausted, despite the fact that she was an "athletic, energetic, healthy woman" before infection. "I will feel better for about five days and able to walk a mile or more and do yoga, I'm flattened again for five days," she revealed.


Shortness of breath

Young man having asthma attack at home

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and can cause significant damage to long positions, scars, even their small pulmonary bags, reports theNew York Times. They bring the case of 107 yearsShapiro Asher Marilee, Whose damage to the lungs resulted in its death several months after its initial infection. "I'm about to fall asleep, then suddenly start panting as if I drown, and I have to get up and walk. He is really, really depressing, "said Londa on the symptom.


Irregular heartbeat

Mature woman having heart attack on stairs, outdoors

Because Covid-19 damages lungs, heart and brain, it increases the risk of persistent health problems in particular cardiovascular. The Mayo clinic explains that "the imaging tests taken month after the recovery of COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who had only sweet Covid-19 symptoms. »


Premature ventricular contractions

ekg ecg heart test with stethoscope

Londa explains that she knew "a heartfall caused by extra beats in one of the pumping rooms of the heart.


Other cardiac complications


Londa revealed that after his Covid-19 infection, she began to experience cardiac complications that never arose before. These pre-diabetes included, high cholesterol levels and arterial hypertension.


Neurological complications

woman suffering strong headache

A number of brain-related complications have been reported by long carriers. The most common are stroke, convulsions and a guillain-bar syndrome, which translates into temporary paralysis.


The loss of sense of taste and smell

Portrait of young woman smelling a fresh and sweet nectarine

Loss of taste and smell is a very common symptom of an Active COVID-19 infection. However, long after they recover a lot of people do not reach their reintegrated senses.


post-traumatic stress

woman with face mask holding her head in pain and looking away at home

Health experts also argue that some surviving COVID-19, especially those who have suffered from a serious infection, resulting in a long history of intensive care or need usage fan develops post-traumatic stress syndrome and / or Anxiety and depression. Londa reveals that she still experiences "anxiety without solution resulting from acute illness" and "a fear that she can never be again the person she was before Covid. »



hispanic woman at home bedroom lying in bed late at night trying to sleep suffering insomnia sleeping disorder or scared on nightmares looking sad worried and stressed

The experts also reveal that the trauma of their infection can lead to "recurring nightmares and a fear of being alone and even to go to sleep," reports theNew York Times.


Brain fog

woman with a headache on sofa

Other extremely common long-haulant symptoms encountered by Londa had fog problems and brain memory. A recent long-haul survey found that 924 of 1567 surveyed reports difficulty in focusing or concentrating long after the virus was out of their system.




Prolonged cough is another symptom known by Londa-577, as well as respondents in the long-haulant survey. Cough is probably the result of damage for body respiratory tract.


temperature irregularities

Lady Holding Thermometer Having Fever Measuring Body Temperature Sitting On Sofa At Home

The long-haulating survey of temperature irregularities as a common problem with survivors. 475 people reported nocturnal sweats, fever or chills 441, and 91 an abnormally low temperature.


Irritated throat

portrait of woman having sore throat problem

Another symptom that does not seem to go for long-haul-londa-east, including a sore throat. According to the survey, 496-about a third reported as a current symptom.


Chest pressure

Senior man with pain on heart in bedroom

609 respondents in the long-haulant survey reported persistent thoracic pain or pressure. "The cement grows on my chest," said the feeling londa.



Doctor neurologist examining female patient

Londa revealed that she knew "tingling" in his arm. Neuropathy member has been frequently reported by the survivors. As for you, if you have experienced one of these symptoms, contact one to your healthier health professional, and get through this pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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