Yes, can you drink too much water

Too much of anything, even if it's healthy, can cause you more harm than good.

We all know that drinking water consumption is essential to survival, but the question of exactly how much we should consume daily is something that, good, feels like unanswered. That said, we often find ourselves with a complete canteen (on a constant recharge!) Next to us to ensure hydration all day, given the notion we should drink a lot of water is essentially stuck in our heads at this stage. But if we told you that you can actually drink too much water and that could have a negative effect on your body?

That said, we recorded with Toby Smithson, MS, RDN, CDE,Diabetized and author ofPlanning meals of diabetes and nutrition To learn how much water a person should drink, the benefits of ensuring that you drink enough, but not too much, and the prejudice that the causes of drinking water.

Here's all you need to know about water consumption and advantages, the more the disadvantages, associated with drinking consumption.

How much water should you drink every day?

Before diving what drinking too much water makes your body, it is important to know the ideal amount of water you should drink daily.The Institute of Medicine for Dietary Reference Inputs Has created different daily water consumption guidelines for men and women, with men requiring more water than women on a daily basis.

Men aged 19 to 70 need about 15.5 cups per day of total water.

"According to the recommendations, the amount of drinking water for men is about 12 cups with three cups from other foods and drinks," Smithson declares.

For women, however, the guidelines are a little different. People aged 19 to 70+ require approximately 11 cups per day of total water. She says, "For women, the recommendations calculate nine cups of water plus two cups of fluid from food and other drinks."

Smithson also highlighted other contributory factors that could change the amount of water that should be consumed, such as physical activity, overall health, pregnancy, weather conditions and altitude.

"In your diet, the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sodium, protein, carbohydrates and fibers should also be taken into account in the equation when considering how much water is necessary," she says .

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How much water is too daily?

So how much water is exactly exactly? When you exceed the amount of liquid that your kidneys can not excrete through the urine, which can be complicated, Smithson says. On a2013 study, Our kidneys can usually get rid of 20 to 28 liters of water a day, which are about 84 cups of water daily. However, the kidneys can not excrete more than one liter per hour, that's why you do not have to drink a lot of water in a short time.

Ideally, you should not consume more than 0.8 to 1.0 liters of water (27-33 ounces) per hour.

What's going to drink too much water to your body?

This can be surprising, but water intoxication has a negative effect on the body and is very a real thing. Here are five disadvantages associated with the overconsumption of H2O.

Low your sodium level

Drinking too much water can cause a condition calledhyponatremia, which occurs when the body sodium level is too low. Because in this case, the body is too much water, it can make sodium into your diluted body. Hyponatremia can generate symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, headaches and even confusion.

"It is important to note that there are other factors that can also cause this disease as the use of certain medicines or other medical conditions," Smithson declares before emphasizing that the condition could be fatal. "If untreated, it could be in danger of life."

Increases the risk of muscle and weak cramps

Unfortunately, muscle cramps and weak feelings could be a side effect of drinking too much water, especially so too lowexercise.

"This is due to electrolytes being diluted," said Smithson. "The imbalance affects your muscular function."

Increases the risk of headaches

According toMAYO Clinic, hyponatremia can lead to uncomfortable headaches (a symptom curiously also associated with the sub-consultation of the water).

"When there is an overload of liquid entering the body, the brain can not compensate when your cells swell from this additional fluid," says Smithson.

Can lead to cardiac problems

A 2016 study shows that fluid overload could have a negative effect oncardiac healthAnd could potentially cause congestive heart failure.

"This is due to a high blood pressure of excess liquid in the blood," she says. "There is also a potential to affect your heart rate by both extremes to slow down or accelerate. »

Bladder lesions can form

Anomalies in the bladder such as a lesion, which "may appear as sensations of delayed bladder," have been associated with too fluid consumption, according to Smithson. A2017 study Also linked water intake plus at increased risk of bladder cancer.

What are the benefits of drinking the recommended daily amount of water?

As we have highlighted the potential risks of drinking too much water, it is also more than just as important to noteThe benefits of consuming the recommended amount of water per day, Which contributes to better overall health. For example, water moisturizes the body, which improves physical performance and helps you feel better as a whole.

"The appropriate water consumption helps maintain our body temperature in the normal range, it adds lubrication for our joints, it helps to eliminate the waste by sweat, the movements of the intestine (and prevent constipation), and Miction, and improves cognitive function and engine, "Smithson says.

Because the water contains zero calories, it helps reduce calorie intake, especially when you use the water in place of a caloric drink, theCDC noticed. That said, drink aA sufficient amount of water has been linked to weight loss, too much.

What are the disadvantages of not drinking the recommended daily amount of water?

Although there are disadvantages of drinking too much water, there are also disadvantages of not drinking enough water, with many symptoms being the opposite of those who have just drinking a sufficient amount of water. The lack of fluid intake can lead todehydration, Headache, Fatigue, Dryness of Skin and Mouth, Joint Pain, Digestive Problems, an increased risk of renal calculations, and more.

Overall, drinking water is extremely beneficial and important for our overall health, so do not let the chance of water intoxication instill fear or prevent you from consuming the recommended daily quantity, especially because quantity Water you drink is completely in your control. Be aware of your cash consumption on a daily basis, and do what makes you feel good without exaggerating. It really does not hurt to always have a bottle of water at your fingertips to ensure hydrated at all times!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips / water
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