The silent Covid way can you kill you, the study says

About half of the critically ill patients of coronaviruses have this in common.

While the majority of people are recovering fromCOVID-19 [Feminine, more ... than232,000 Americans are deadAfter contracted the virus. Researchers continue to explore why some people do not show a single symptom when they have been infected, while others end up fighting for their lives. According to a new study, it can have something induced by Covidblood clots, and more precisely, what causes them in the first place. Read to learn more about how blood clots can assign you and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

What is the silent Covid way can you kill you?

The study published inScience medicine translation, found thisPart of the deadly coagulation is triggered by a self-immune antibody in the blood, which attacks cells and induces clots in arteries, veins and microscopic vessels. These types of blood clots can induce features and restrict blood flow in the lungs, two things that mortally prove for covidant patients.

Yogen Kanthi, M.D., Assistant Professor at theMichigan Medicine Frankel Cardiovascular Center And a Lasker investigator to the national institutes of the National Institutes of Health's National Heart, Lung and Solid Institute, explains that similar antibodies causing disaster causes are also victims of patients with antiphospholipid disease of auto-immovable disease rare. .

"In patients with COVID-19, we continue to see a cycle of inflammation and coagulation of the amplification of self-amplification relentlessly in the body," said Kanthi, byDoctorxpress. "Now we learn that the self-antibodies could be a culprit in this coagulation and inflammation loop that makes people who were ever ill."

Author Co-Correspondent Jason Knight, MD, Ph.D., a rheumatologist by Michigan Medicine, studies antiphospholipid antibodies of antibodies in the general population for years, says it's "part of the worst coagulation that We never saw ".

"Half of the hospitalized patients with COVID-19 were positive for at least one of the autoantibodies, which was a big surprise," he said.

According to their conclusions, half of the extremely ill patients involved in the study experienced these types of antibodies as well as "super-activated neutrophils", dangerous, exploding white blood cells.

"The antibodies of patients with Active COVID-19 infection have created a striking amount of coagulation in animals - part of the worst coagulation we have ever seen," Kanthi said. "We have discovered a new mechanism by which patients with COVID-19 can develop blood clots."

They also pointed out that people with the largest amount of self-antibodies aggravated in terms of respiratory function, which even caused inflammation in healthy cells.

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The next step is to identify triggers

"We do not yet know what triggers the body to produce these antibodies, so that the next step would be an additional search to identify the triggers and targets of the antibodies," added Knight. As for yourself, protect yourself: wearing afacial maskpractice social distancing and cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
By: alberto
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