Common things that give you cancer, doctors say

Protect cancer before hitting.

The big c lives up to its nickname:Cancer isThe second leading cause of death in the United States Nearly 600,000 Americans die every year. This means more than 1,600 Americans die from cancer every day. With such a mortality punishment, you probably wonder: what am I doing this could raise my risks?

The answer is as follows: Probably a lot, unfortunately. Cancer can ravage your body as an invasive army while toxic cell killers grow tirelessly in fast morphing tumors. Some cancers are out of our control, stimulated in genetic defects and certain predispositions, but others can be caused by our actions and our environment. Live dangerously, you increase the risk.

Eat this, not that! Health is there to help you down. Read it to discover our ways to protect you from sciences to protect you from cancer before hitting. Share this story with your family or friends or colleagues, and together we can reduce statisticsand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You eat too much sugar

sugary foods

Pour a sugar on me, just do not too much! Consuming too much sugaractively damage your cells, increasing your risk of developing cancer. And that's not all.New search Shows that sugar can actually feed the growth of the tumor in the body and why it is not so surprising: cancer is soft on sugar as fuel.

RX: Brake consumption of copious quantities of sugar. Start by cutting added sugars, which are hidden in all, pasta sauce bread.


You are sexually intimate before having your vaccine against your HPV

Boy getting flu shot

HPV, orHuman papillomavirus, is a family of sexually transmitted viruses that could be totally harmless or, if some strain can cause cancer. Thanks to the external celebrities - like Michael Douglas, Marissa Jaret Winokur and Marcia Cross-Cancer Cancers related to HPV have become less stigmatized, but they always pose a risk for almost anyone who is sexually active. According toCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionThere are more than 40 different types of HPV that can be transmitted via sexual contact. Of these 40 strains, many are resolved themselves and are essentially harmless; Other strains, however, can cause cervical, vaginal and peniscancer. And the use of the condom does not necessarily prevent the propagation of this virus. Here's what can: get the vaccine against HPV.

RX: Be smart. To get vaccinated. And make sure your children, Grandkids (yes, theCDC recommends That all children receive the HPV vaccine before becoming sexually active!) And your friend who crosses a mid-life crisis is vaccinated too!


You drink hot hot tea

Hot tea in glass teapot and cup with steam on wood background

A cup of hot tea looks like a soothing way to have a quiet time and drinking green tea can even reduce your risk of prostate cancer, chest and stomach. Corn. Slow. Down. Make sure you leave your beverage Cool first before drinking it. Why? It has been found that extremely hot tea consumption can actually increase the risk of esophagus cancer, according to a recent study published in theInternational Cancer Journal. The results of this study reinforce existing evidence ofOther studies On the link between consuming very hot tea and esophagus cancer. It was thought that the extreme heat of tea could be damaged the mucosa of the esophagus, especially if it is aggravated over time.

RX: Save the burning and wait for your tea to have cooled before taking a sip!


You always sit

young girl watching TV with remote control in living home

To avoid cancer, one of the worst things you can do is ... nothing. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the most important modern risks for health and session for long periods of time can increaseyour risk of cancer. The study revealed that the six-hour session or more per day during working hours was associated with a 19% increase in death overall, compared to the session of less than three hours a day. So, start! JAMA posted a study showingA link between exercise and reduce the risk of cancer.

RX: Get up and walk or stretch every hour to break long periods of session. And when not in the office, keep in mind that the more you get a physical activity, the more the risk of some of the most common cancers.


You eat processed foods

Woman reaching for chip and holding soda in processed junk food array on table with popcorn

Created successfully by food scientists to captivate your taste buds, it turns out that there is an unattractive reality in your processed foods. A Frenchto study published byBmjI found that ultra-transformed food consumption was correlated with a number of health disorders such as cardiovascular and coronary diseases, as well as cancer. More research must be done, but the results of the study emphasize the dangers of more and more composed of highly transformed foods, which "can lead to a growing burden of cancer in the coming decades", warns the researchers.

RX: You do not have to give up all your favorite non-soissant foods. Check these15 homemade swaps for the worst ultra-transformed foods And use real ingredients you can find in your kitchen to do them.


You inspire wood dust

Timber and wood chips background

I love tinkering with a saw and a hammer? Find things in meditative wood? Just make sure to take precautions with the size of sawdust sawdust. Recent studies have shown that saw workers and carpenters who regularly breathe in a lot of cutting and sanding dust have a higher risk of developingConcurrers of sinus and nasal cavity than the average person.

RX: CAUTION Aspirant Tim "Toolman" Taylors: Wear a mask to help you prevent you from breathing too much sawdust.


You have been infected with some bacteria

Helicobacter pylori bacterium

Small things can have huge impacts on our health. Case in point: bacteria. H. Pylori has coexisted with humans for thousands of years and an infection with it is very common.Disease control centers and prevention estimates that about 2 out of 3 people around the world are bacteria.

H. pylori does not make people the most infected sick, but it's a significant risk factor forpeptic ulcers And is largely responsible for the majority of ulcers affecting the stomach and the upper small intestine. The International Research Agency for Cancer, part of the World Health Organization,Ranked H. Pylori as a carcinogen In humans, despite conflictual study results at that time. Since then, however, scientists have increasingly accepted that the colonization of the stomach with H. pylori is an important cause of gastric cancer and gastric lymphoma.

RX: The tests for H.pylori can help mitigate the risk of cancer. If you are found positive, you will be treated with antibiotics and acid reducing drugs. Check with your doctor to see if you should be tested.


You eat ham, bacon, sausages

Woman at home eating english breakfast

The hot dogs are not so hot for your health. Ato study By the BMJ indicates that red meats processed like bacon, ham and certain types of sausages can contribute to an increased risk of cancer and mortality. This type of meat is treated to preserve or savor it, smoking, salting, hardening, etc., which may be the reason why these types of meat have been demonstrated as carcinogens.

Transform aside, red meat, in itself, has beenlinked At increased risk of colorectal cancer, there may also be evidence that pancreatic and prostate cancers, although more research is done.

RX: Do you want to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer18%? Then jump a hot dog or two tranches of bacon a day. Instead, opt for a healthy herbal option. Consider Italian warm Italian sausages byBeyond meat-A recent blow in supermarkets. For faster, easy and healthy meatless dinner ideas every time of the year,Click here.

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You use fabric softener and dryer leaves

21 Things You May Be Doing That Raise Your Risk of Cancer

Clean laundry can be quite dirty. Created to soften the fabric fibers and confer a smell of "clean laundry", these products can deliver a bouquet of toxic chemicals.The newspaper of toxicology and environmental health Studied different fabric softeners and found that some fabric softening sheets are exactly that. Among the most harmful ingredients found: benzyl acetate (relative to pancreas cancer),benzyl alcohol (Irritating from the upper respiratory tract), ethanol (related to the disturbances of the central nervous system), at the limonene (known carcinogen) and chloroform (neurotoxin and carcinogen), among others.

RX: Consider non-toxic options made of plant products likeSeventh Generation Natural Lavender Odor Fabric Softener WhereSoftener Natural Ecover Fabric. Both are free of hard chemicals.


You are not going to breastfeed

Mother in pink lace dress holding her 1 week old little baby

You are about to have a baby and ask yourself if you should breastfeed or not. Maybe it could switch the scales. It turns out that breastfeeding babies can reduce the risk of breast cancer. A study published in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute Suggests that women diagnosed with breast cancer that had already nourished would have a lower risk of recurring cancer.

RX: For optimal cancer protection, aim atNurse for one year.


You use some cosmetics and personal care products

Set of decorative cosmetics on color background

It's time to start reading beauty product labels as tightly as you read food labels. All ingredients are not healthy. Some higher carcinogens to search includedDEA (banned by the European Union),phthalates, andformaldehyde.

RX: For a complete list of what to watch for, discoverEWG's skin databaseSo that you can search for toxic chemicals that could be in your beauty and personal care products.

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You consume too much salt

Woman preparing healthy salad in kitchen, adding salt to the bowl

Too much salt can assack your body. Research has shown strong proof that someSalt-rich foods can cause stomach cancer-Don vegetables stored in salt in salty meats and fish. And the more you eat these foods, the more you risk developing stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is the third largest cancer killer and the fifth most common cancer in the world, depending on theInternational Cancer Research Fund. Some research suggests that the excessive consumption of salt damages the lining of the stomach, causing lesions, which, if it is not well cured well, can give rise to cancer of the stomach. Since Americans consume an average of 3,400 mg of sodium per day, despite the FDA's dietary guidelines for Americansrecommend No more than 2,300 mg-on a teaspoon, we could talk about you.

RX: Paste on 2,300 mg daily, and avoid any risk of hidden sodium), check the total amount of sodium indicated on the nutritional label.These sanitary advice You will help you to beat bloat, improve heart health and keep life spicy!


You are using a regular nail polish

Nail polish being applied to hand, polish is a blue color

About two million gallons of nail polish are sold each year in the United States. But there is something color circle potentially hiding: carcinogens. Most conventional varnishes contain formaldehyde, a nail curing agent that the administration of occupational safety and healthsaid can increase the risk of cancer. Also hidden in the bottle of varnish is butyl acetate, a solvent and ethyl methacrylate, the main ingredient of acrylic nails. Exposure to these carcinogenic chemicals can also result in damage to the central nervous system and reproductive problems.

RX: No need to suffer for beauty, thanks to non-toxic nail polish options, which have all colors and none of the carcinogens. Here is a great guide to theSierra Club To find the right for you!


You take hormonal replacement therapy

Limit hormone therapy

Hormonal replacement treatment, or THRs, is a medicine with many benefits as well as considerable risks, cancer at home. These drugs contain female hormones to replace those that the body produces more post-menopause and are often used to treat common symptoms of menopause. Thr can also help prevent bone loss and signs of osteoporosis in women who have crossed menopause. However, the benefits come from risks. The Cancer Center and the National Cancer Institute, among many others,report that there is an increased risk of breast cancer and endometrium with continuous hormone therapy. These risks depend on various factors.

RX: For best results, talk to your doctor about your personal symptoms to see if a hormone therapy is a good treatment option for you. Make sure you keep the dialogue with your doctor throughout your menopause years.


You use foam cups or plates

White styrofoam cup

Funny: Your cup of coffee to-go or your Taco container is not made of styrofoam. What you call "Styrofoam" is actually polystyrene, a petroleum-based plastic foam. Polystyrene contains the chemicalstyrene, whohas been linked to cancer, Nervous system disorders, vision and auditory loss, cognitive function altered, etc.

RX: Avoid mugs of foam and plates to hold hot drinks and take away containers to take away with foam; and number 6 printed on plastic products - which do not look like the foam, but contain styrene.

RELATED: Reason # 1 that you could have cancer, according to science


You use certain types of plastic

Composition with plastic bottles and caps

You are exposed to many plastic products every day, water bottles with toys spatulas. And although most of these products are safe, research suggests that some plastic byproducts are more dangerous than others, such as BPA (bisphenol a). BPA can cause cancer in humans,with a host of other serious problemsWith accumulated accumulation in the body and is in many plastic products, such as dowls of dangerous cans and formulas, dental mastics and cashier recipes to stabilize the ink. BPA is an industrial chemical imitating estrogen that can be a powerful hormone disruptive. Women are at higher risk of harmful effects of BPA, because estrogen can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Children and infants are also a vulnerable group because they are much more sensitive to chemical exposure and adverse effects, even at lower doses.

The good news is that the Food and Drug Administration or FDA banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and children's alcohol cups seven years ago. The bad news is that it does not apply to the use of BPA in other plastic containers.

RX: You want to live your healthiest life? Limit the possible exposure of BPA by carrying your own glass bottle in glass, steel or ceramic, which clearly indicate that they are without BPA; and reduce the amount of canned food you consume.


You are exposed to the barbecue smoke

In summer. A nice couple prepares a bbq to welcome friends in the garden. She's holding a plate of grilled skewers

Summer is synonymous with background barbecues, but these simple summer pots can bring more heat than you think. If you are one of those people who like to observe the grill master, you can absorb an increased amount ofPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs, who are known to provoke DNA mutations,breathing illness, and evenlung cancer. A 2018to study Posted in Environmental Science & Technology has shown that carcinogens of barbecue smoke are actually more likely to enter our bodies through our skin, as opposed to our lungs.

RX: The good news is that the clothing port helps you reduce the level of HAP absorbed by your skin, then hide this bath suit during the handle next to the grill.


You have breast implants

Woman planning to have a breast implant

Breast implants can increase your risk of a rare type of lymphoma called Lymphoma with large anaplastic cell or all, a 2018 study found. Lymphomas are not a type of breast cancer - they constitute a type of cancer that begins in infection control cells of our immune system, called lymphocytes. Women who had breast implants that were textured as opposed to a smooth surface were at increased risk of ALCL according to researchers. The overall risk of this cancer in women with implants is low: about 1 out of 7,000 women who get implants will develop this type of rare lymphoma at the time of 75. The exact cause of the link is not yet known, but Scientists believe that breast implants are possible to trigger increased inflammation in breast tissue, which can lead to cancer over time.

RX: Put it clearly, put foreign objects in your body - silicone breast implants with metals at ceramic - can lead to increased risk of cancer, according to theInternational Agency for Cancer Research. If you plan to get breast implants, talk to your doctor of what safest might be for you.


You are obese or overweight

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat. Obesity and weight loss

Overweight or obese? According toNational Cancer InstituteHaving a higher body weight has been demonstrated to increase your risk of more than a dozen types of cancer, including cancers of colon, breast, thyroid, kidney, pancreas and esophagus. Although the exact reason is not yet known, obese people tend to have low-level chronic inflammation in their bodies, which could cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Also, overweight and obese people are more likely than their normal weight counterparts to have other health conditions related to chronic local inflammation, which arerisk factors For some cancers.

RX: There are things you can do to reduce your risks, such as eating a low diet in sugar and processed foods and have enough exercise. Both will help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of cancer - and according toHarvard Health, have the added benefit of increasing your mood. Start now with theseEffective Weight Loss Tips You probably did not try before.


You are exposed to atmospheric pollution

Blurred silhouettes of cars surrounded by steam from the exhaust pipes

Smoggy, polluted air and chemical particles thereof can be carcinogenic. Back in 1770s London, doctors started note that a lot ofThe chimney sweepers developed scrotal cancers. Other studies have found a link between exhausting fireplace and higher cancer rates. And the tendency to recognize pollution as a carcinogen continues to grow. The International Agency for Cancer Research, part of the World Health Organization, reports that external air pollution can causelung cancer and is also linked to an increased risk ofbladder cancer. These results are based on previous studies in which IARC has classified many components of outdoor atmospheric pollution such as carcinogen, such as diesel engine exhaust, solvents, metals and dust. But this is the first time that air pollution as a whole has been classified as carcinogen.

RX: Whenever possible, keep your exposure to highly polluted areas at a minimum. If this is not possible, start carrying a face mask to mitigate your exhibition.


Stop smoking now

Middle age hoary senior man

Tobacco is always the leading cause of death in the United States. TheCDC Said mortality in men and women is three times higher than those who have never smoked. For each pack of cigarettes, you smoke, you take 28 minutes of your life. The average smoker loses 25 years of life expectancy. "Vaping" is probably not better, although e-cigs are so new, there is no search yet. E-CIGS have been known to cause abdominal pain, crises, coma, cancer and death.

RELATED: Signs you get one of the "most deadly" cancers.


You live near a catastrophe site

The 9/11 Tribute in Lights temporary monument in lower Manhattan dominates the city skyline

Researchers have studied New York firefighters, first responders, businessmen and students who returned to the financial district in the days and weeks after September 11th and found higher rates about70 different types of cancer, including breast, cervical, colon and lung cancers. More than 9,300 firefighters, cops, office workers and children living or working near the city center of Manhattan on September 11 have cancer, according to the federal governmentGlobal Health Center of the Trade Center. And 420 additional survivors died of the disease.

RX: Although we can not control if we find ourselves in a disaster zone, we can learn from those who have. If possible, stay away as long as you can, and if you need to be near a disaster area, wear a facial mask to minimize exposure, it's a case where fewer is more.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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