80% of COVID transmissions arrived here, the doctor warns
Avoid these five hot spots Coronavirus, explains Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN.

Want to avoid catchingCOVID-19 [Feminine? If you stay away from five places, you have a very good chance. This is because 80% of COVID transmissions occur in restaurants, bars, cafes, hotels and houses, explains the main CNN medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. In an interview at the end of last year onNew dayGUPTA stated that large-scale locks were not needed to cancel coronavirus; Instead, he recommended that "We have actually started using mask mandates and talk about these five locations. Here's what experts say about everyone.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The restaurant experience usually involves sitting near foreigners with the mouth and nose discovered most of the time. No wonder that health officials have made public interior restoration enemies n ° 1 during the pandemic. According to a September study by the CDC, people who have tested positive for coronavirus were twice as likely to have eaten at the restaurant over the previous two weeks that negative tested people.

The thing that makes the bars so amusing to relax and let their inhibitions also make it hot spots of Covid. A new study published inThe Journal of Education on Alcohol and DrugsAccording to Covid Safety Rules do not work in bars, especially when people are intoxicated. The researchers visited 29 pubs in Scotland, which were allowed to reopen with strict security measures. A problem was, they were constantly disobeyed: staff did not systematically wear face masks, and clients did not observe social distance to the tables or bar to the bar. Health officials have warned Americans to stay outside the indoor bars since the beginning of the pandemic; This advice is still standing.

We are all looking forward to getting back to our neighborhood hangouts and lingering a cup of coffee, glass of wine or special lunch. The problem is that drag can lead to inhaling respiratory droplets that drag or expelled from the mouth and nose of chatting customers - an effective way to contract the coronavirus.

Hotels are problematic for the spread of Covid, because so many people pass there; Some may have been on congested plans or packaged terminals - another risk factor for the virus. "Stay at home to protect yourself and others from Covid-19, "the CDC advises on its website." Spending time with people with whom you live is safer than doing things and spending time with people not from your household. " The agency tariffs your home as the safest place will be, with "less safe" vacation rentals and "even less safe" hotels "."

Sitting on the shoulder-to-shoulder, singing, praying and shaking hands-go to religious services can be comforting in normal times, but it is now extremely dangerous. Homes of worship have been repeatedly related to CIVID-19 epidemics, with more and more rope events. Last November, an epidemic at a North Carolina church led to more than 200 cases and 12 deaths.
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How to survive this pandemic

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

I am a doctor and here's how to avoid Covid right now