The working group warns people to stop going here immediately

The risk of COVID is at a "historic high", they reveal.

The Covid-19 pandemic is unbalanced, with the number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths increases daily. In the latest weekly report of the Coronavirus Working Group of the White House, the Health Expert Team - which includes Dr. Deborah Birx andDr. Anthony FauciThe main experts in the case of infectious disease of the nation - warn that the risk of infection has never been higher. However, if you want to minimize your risk of becoming infected or disseminating the virus to others, they reveal the only place you should avoid. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The working group warns people against interior spaces

"The risk of covidation for all Americans is at a high historic," said the November 29 report, revealing that the number of daily cases is more than seven times higher than at the beginning of the summer, while the Hospitalizations are three times higher and deaths have doubled.

"National daily daily impact after the commemorative day, but before the summer overvoltage was less than 25,000 new cases / day and has more than 180,000 new cases / day; hospitalized COVID patients were less than 30,000. are now greater than 90,000; mortal have more than doubled, "reads the report." We are in a very dangerous place due to the current, extremely high reference quality of Covid and limited hospital capacity; A new post-thanksgiving surge compromises COVID patient care, as well as medical care overall. "

They also warned the type of places to avoid at all costs, especially for those falling in higher risk categories."It should be noted that if you have more than 65 years or have important health conditions, you must not enter any internal public spaces in which anyone who is unmasked because of the immediate risk of your health; you should have races and delivered drugs,"The report indicates.

RELATED:The symptoms of COVID usually appear in this order, study

You should assume that you became infected if you did it last week

In addition, he urged anyone exposed to people living outside their households during the holidays, to avoid any contact with anyone.

"If you are under 40, you must assume that you have become infected during the Thanksgiving period if you have collected beyond your immediate household. Most likely, you will not have symptoms; however, you are dangerous For others and you need to isolate from anyone at increased risk for a serious illness and be tested immediately, "he explains." If you have more than 65 years or have important medical conditions and that You have gathered apart from your immediate household, you are a significant risk of serious Covid infection; If you develop symptoms, you must be tested immediately as the majority of therapeutics work better in infection. "So do it and to cross this pandemic with your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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