This governor has just expanded a "hard" lock state
The governor described his CIVID-19 statistics as "troubling".

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has extended to this stateCOVID-19 [Feminine Restrictions for three weeks Tuesday, moving the proposed end date from December 14 to January 4.Under the plan, interior dinners and team sports are prohibited. Gymnasiums and cinemas are closed. Retail stores, lounges and cult homes are allowed to operate at 25%. Interior gatherings are prohibited unless participants have been quarantined in advance; Outdoor gatherings are allowed so few people. Read more about restrictions and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
A "troubling" trajectory
According to King 5, 80% of state ICU beds are busy and more than 1,000 Washington residents are hospitalized for coronavirus.
The SSLEE announcement comes as a COVID-19 cases arising at the national level and several states have defined registers for new cases and hospitalizations. Health leaders are nervously waiting to see that recently that Thanksgiving gatherings lead another tip.
Inslee stated that preliminary data on the course of the disease in Washington were "troubling".
"This extension could be shorter if there was a significant improvement," he said. "And unfortunately, people know that it could finish longer if there is a deterioration. But, at that moment, we wanted to find the right balance of allowing business owners to plan their next weeks and deal with This uncertainty of data. "
Inslee said $ 50 million of assistance will be available for small businesses and workers affected by the pandemic. He also stated that unemployment benefits will be prolonged.
Inslee also urged Washingtonians not to accommodate vacation gatherings.
"I know how difficult it has been for so many, especially since we head in the holiday season," he said. "And I realize that this amount will not solve the problems of everyone associated with this pandemic. But I'm grateful that we have been able to do $ 50 million today so we can get that too Quickly as possible, as we continue to look for additional options for these hardly affected companies. "
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Restrictions apply to large and small groups
Other restrictions in the current plan include:
- Participants in the interior gatherings must have quarantined for 14 days before the event if they have not been tested for Covid or for seven days with a negative Covid test (taken for two days before).
- Restaurants and bars can not serve inside, other than take-away orders. The outdoor dining room is allowed with up to five people per table.
- In religious services, soloists can perform, but not choirs or groups. Participants are required to wear face coatings and are not allowed to sing. (Public health experts say that singing can force coronavirus particles forcibly and increase the risk of infection.)
As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.