The 10 most unique dog breeds, according to animal experts

Want a dog with a mohawk? Or the one who looks like a tiger? These breeds are unique as can be.

Apart from dog breeders and dog exhibitions, most people only know a handful ofdog breeds—Golden Retrievers, Labs, Yorkies and Bulldogs, to name some of the most popular. But in the world, there is360 officially recognized races, many of which are so rare or unusual that you may have never seen them. To find out more about these rare dogs, we talked about veterinarians and pet experts, who gave us details on some of the most unique dog breeds. Read the continuation to find out what distinguishes these animals and what it might look like to bring them to your family.

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Hungarian puli dog

Two off-white Hungarian Puli Dogs sitting on the grass.
SlowmotionGli / ISTOCK

It is not surprising that the dog Puli and his signature dreadlocks make our list of the most unique dogs. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), "the mantleNatural cords are woolly, dense and weather resistant. "Usually the dogs are black, charcoal or white, and weigh between 25 and 35 pounds.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"These dogs look like smaller versions of komondors because they also have a long fur that locks and looks like" human rentals "", noteCourtnye Jackson, veterinarian and founder ofAnimal digestion. "They come from Hungary and are mainly used as farming dogs." For this reason, their fur is there to protect them from the elements. This is also why they are so affectionate, good with people and easy to train.


Three saluki dogs
Nik174 / Shutterstock

"Also known as the Arab Hound, Gazelle Hound or Persian leviors, [Salukis] are Sighthounds (which means that they are hunting by sight rather than the smell)", explains Jackson. "They look like leviors and are closely linked to the Afghan dog in the United States, [but] they are raised mainly in the Middle East."

What makes this race unique, however, are their "magnificent strands of hair flowing around the ears and tail", notesPatrik Holmboe, Chief veterinarian forPet. He also explains that the Salukis were raised to run, so they require more exercise than other breeds.

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Peruvian Inca orchid

A Peruvian Inca Orchid dog, a hairless dog standing in the grass.
Anna Krivitskaya / Shutterstock

The breed is commonly called "the naked dog", saysTravis Brorsen,,A Planet animal animal expert, Famous dog trainee, animator ofMy big youthful cure for petsand judge on the Discovery Plus seriesDog games. "This Moupir is from Peru and is intelligent and affectionate. The Inca is great with families and funny facts - you have guessed it, does not lose much!" The only case you might see hair on the Peruvian Inca orchid is on their heads, "where they have a small fur tuft that looks like a natural Mohawk," notes Jackson.

AKC explains that the breedDelivered in three sizes, ranging from 10 inches high to just over two feet. This dog is also agile and alert, but may not do well with other small animals.


A Mexican hairless Xoloitzcuintle dog on the beach.
Ian Blake / Shutterstock

Another hairless breed is xoloitzcuintle (or xolos to make it short), which is from Mexico. "Evidence of this breed were found among the ruins of the Mayan and Toltec tribes", sharesDaniel Caughill, co-founder ofThe story of dogs. "Often called Perro Pelón Mexican (dog without Mexican hairs), dogs in this breed can be born with or without fur, sometimes in the same litter."

With a wrinkled face, an athletic body and speckled skin, this dog is certainly unique in its kind. Although you will not have to worry about loss or grooming, their hairless bodies require additional care, "like winter coats and solar screens", notesIram Sharma, a veterinarian andwriter at Pupvine.

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Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier
Rita_kochmarjova / Shutterstock

Named for the East English city from where they come, Bedlington Terriers is agile, athletic and intelligent Sighthounds. They "have a very unique fur and color [and] are gray, blue or even tanned", saysErin Mastopietro, CEO ofDope dog.

Their curly and lamb fur is definitely what distinguishes them, and this also makes them hypoallergenic, because they do not lose much. In addition, "they can be the perfect cuddly partners because their fur is super soft and thick", note Mastopietro. Their acorns ears only add to their plush plush appearance. But you will want to note that Bedlington Terriers'fast growing fur Must be cut every two months and brushed once or twice a week, according to the AKC.


A Schapendoes dog lying on the ground and looking at camera
Edwin_butter / istock

This dog not only has a friendly face face; AKC gives the race thehighest scores For "affectionate with his family" and "good with other dogs". Also known as the Dutch Chante-Berger, Schapendoes is from the Netherlands. In fact, the "fact" part of their name means "swamp", as they are "marshy parts of Holland", explains Brorsen.

This breed is visually unique because it "sports an incredible beard", notes Brorsen. But it is not very well known. As the AKC explains, "the Schapendos were everywhere in the Netherlands at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, but their number decreased radically when the border necks were imported." After the Second World War, the race was relaunched, but many people have still not heard of it.

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Kai Ken

A black and brown Kai Ken dog laying next to a pot of yellow tulips.
Lindsay VG / Shutterstock

There are several unique aspects of this race. First of all, their black and brown coats and their Brindle marks earned them the nickname "Tiger Dogs", notes Jackson. In addition, she explains that Kai Kens is "one of the six protected races in Japan" and are considered "national monuments" in the country.

Kai Kens are a rare race,Even in Japan, said the AKC. Although they were originally raised as hunting dogs, they are extremely affectionate and faithful to their owners and are known to be very intelligent.

Pharaoh dogs

Pharaoh Hounds running
Ivanova N / Shutterstock

This lean sigh is so named because it is from ancient Egypt. You can even see the dog pharaoh represented on many "decorative friezes ... of Egyptian temples dating from 4400 BC", according to thePharaoh Hound Club of America.

The breed is recognizable for its "elegant frame and huge ears", notesLinda Simon, MVB, MRCVS, Aveterinary consultation at five barks. She says that they generally appreciate good health, but "they have very thin skin and a sparse coat, so do not face cold temperatures." Another thing to consider is that, although they are incredibly affectionate, they still hunt dogs by nature and like to run and require a decent amount of exercise.

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A papillon dog lying in the grass
Istock / Kisa_markeza

The word "butterfly" means butterfly in French, and this breed is so named because their big ears and long hair make them look like their namesake, explainsJennifer Bruns,,DVM, MPVM in Petsmart. "They are known for their intelligence, agility and long average lifespan of more than 15 years," she said. Brown adds that butterflies are very spiritual and fun.

What is also interesting about this dog is that they are "one of the oldest breeds of toy dogs [and]represented in works of art Dating from the 16th century ", according to Petmd. They are considered a large pet of the family, but you will not be surprised to know that their long silky coats require a lot of maintenance.

Rare griffins

A gray with black spots Great Danoodle dog dog relaxing in the autumn leaves.
RAM 316 Works / Shutterstock

Griffonnages in general are probably one of the most common breeds in the world. Just think about the number of Goldendoodles that you have probably seen recently. But there are other poodle crosses that many people do not even know how to exist.

Christos Philippou, an owner and a coach toDelaware Academy K9, says that from what he sees, "the current craze is certainly the Doodle." Some of the unique scratches with which he worked include the Grand Danoodle, Great Dane and Poodle (photo above); Saint Berdoodle, Saint Bernard and Poodle; and Schnoodle, Schnauzer and Poodle.

Likewise,Madelyn Harris, a dog and writer expert forDOODLE DOG CLUB, says that one of the most unusual breeds it has encountered is the Dalmadoodle, a mixture of a dalmation and a poodle. "They are known for their unique and distinctive appearance, which includes soft doodle hair with Dalmatian spots!" she shares.

Although Harris says that Dalmadoodles is "the ideal family dog", Philippou warns that crossing is not always the best option. "These scratches are often raised with sub-pardon genetics, causing more serious anxiety problems," he explains. He also says that people are turning to scratches because they areLooking for a hypoallergenic dog, but there are many other breeds that are ideal for allergic people.

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