This symptom could mean that you already had Covid

If you lose your sense of taste or smell, you may have had Covid.

Until we have reached the immunity of the flock, or unless you are vaccinated, no one should fully consider itself safe from the capture of thecoronavirus. Even if you have already had it. However, you might be curious to know if youhave previously infected and maybe not known. Although this is quite possible, about 40% of cases are asymptomatic, as in, they do not have any symptoms - there is a "developer" symptom that indicates that you may have had Covid. Read it to find out what it is and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Loss of taste and odor signals Covid-19

Although absolutely brutal for some people, Covid-19 may seem similar to a soft flu for others, with some key differences.Dr. Anthony FauciThe expert and director of infectious diseases of the nation of the National Allergy Institute and Infectious Diseases spoke in a discussion sponsored by Columbia University. He explained that the "clinical manifestations" of the virus, AKA "presenters and symptoms" are "remarkably similar to what we call influenza syndrome. They understand those described by the centers of control and disease prevention, The most common fever, coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, headache, sore throat, congestion or nose flowing, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea and another, which is rare with other evils. "

"Particular interest is the occurrence of loss of smell and taste, which precedes the appearance of respiratory symptoms," he revealed. Although this symptom may occur because of other viruses, or perhaps a neurological issue, if it strikes you during the pandemic, there are a good chance you have Covid. If it happened to you from time to time this year youmay have already had Covid.

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This loss of meaning is probable because Covid-19 attacks the nose

So, how could Covid-19 make you lose your sense of smell (a problem called Anosmia) or lose your sense of taste (called Agetusia)? "We have studied these data for less than a year. However, until now, it suggests that the primary attack of the coronavirus is in the nose, in the nasal epithelium, which is the skin layer of cells loaded with the expression of odors, "Dr. Leo Nissolasays eating this, not that! Health. "It seems that virus aggressions support cells and stem cells in the nose, but no neurons directly, which does not mean that neurons can not be affected. These cells maintain equilibrium and signal the brain. In some patients, infected with Covid, this equilibrium is disturbed and leads to a closure of neuronal signaling and therefore odor. The cells also provide support to keep the cilia on the nose where the receptors that detect odors are located. If the virus disturbs these eyelashes, you lose the ability to feel. "

"The loss of taste was more pronounced in notes of sweet and salty intensity," says ato study. This inability can last a few days, or a few weeks in some rare cases, it may never come back.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors

What if you lose your sense of taste or smell

"If any of these symptoms appear, people should pay attention and stay at home, try to test if you may know if you are infected or not that you are infected or not, you should obviously isolate yourself" Dr. Dr. Fauci. "If you encounter difficulties, you must inform your doctor. But the best thing to do is stay at home. So, if someone enters and says, you know, I feel somehow plunged today. I am tired. I am tired. Few feeling striped in my throat. I feel a little bad. "Or maybe you can not feel anything?" It's a revealing sign. "

So look for care if it happens - or if it happened to you, consider an antibody test to confirm that you had Covid-19. And follow the fundamental principles of Dr. Faisci and help put an end to this thrust, no matter where you live-wear a facial mask , the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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