8 subtle signs Your immune system sends you

Do not miss these warning signs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You want a strong immune system these days, with thecoronavirus around every corner. Unfortunately, self-insulation can damage your protective layers. Here's how to say if your immune system weakens and how to recover it at full power. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You have wounds of anonymous

Woman with aphthae on lip.

"It is probably linked to stress and vitamin deficiencies," saysDr. Dimitar Marinov. "So it could be an indicator that your immune system needs to support."

RX: "The best way to support your immune system is to avoid the deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals that support its function," says Dr. Marinov. "Eat a balanced diet that includes sources of vitamins C and D and zinc," saysDr. Leann Poston. The large sources of vitamin C include Cantaloups and citrus fruits; Salmon and tuna are high in vitamin D and zinc are in meat and shells.


You are tired

Tired young African man using laptop while sitting at the table on a sunny morning.Concept of people working hard home

"Fatigue can be a sign of low immunity, especially when a person suffers a lot of physical or psychological stress," says Dr. Charles-Davies, founder of25 doctors, an information site on health. "Stress is a proven immunosuppressive," says Dr. Lili Barsky. "Stress can increase our susceptibilities to any infection".

RX:Dr. Gerry Curatola, a well-being expert and founder of rejuvenation health, recommends "integrating yoga posts for deep relaxation and to help reset your autonomous nervous system and restore your immune system."


You do not sleep well

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is touching her forehead and suffering from insomnia

"During sleep, your immune system releases protection proteins called cytokines, some of which help to promote sleep. These are increasing when you have infection or inflammation, or when you are stressed," says Dr. Curatola. "Research found that sleep sound improves the production of immune cells, struggling against pathogens, including viruses and bacteria."

RX: Define a sleep schedule and hold the screen removal at least two hours before going down and do not have a caffeine afternoon.


You have an unexplained rash

young woman scratching her arm with allergy rash

"Do not ignore if you develop a rash that does not go with time," saysLaura Mcgevna Nelson, MD, dermatologist certified by the Council. "Cutaneous rashes often argue when the immune system sustains hay."

RX: Many dermatologists offer telemedicine consultations. Contact yours if necessary.


You catch colds more often

Portrait Of Ill Woman Caught Cold, Feeling Sick And Sneezing In Paper Wipe

"This happens when you do not give yourself good activities or not enough to eat enough," says Dr. Marinov.

RX: "A healthy lifestyle is always recommended," says Dr. Siddique,Spine Docs + Orthopedics. "Therefore, eat well, do not drink drinking and stay away from illicit drug!"


You have bacterial / fungal minor infections

woman worry about her teeth and look in the mirror.

"Mix, caused by the Candida mushroom, is an opportunistic infection that causes white plates on the inner surface of the lips and tongue," says Dr. Poson. "Opportunistic infections are taking advantage of a compromised immune system."

RX: If you notice that on your lips or your language, contact your dentist.


You have slow healing injuries

heat burn wound on her hand.

"An injury that looks infected and does not solve with appropriate care can be a sign that your immune system does not work at its best," says Dr. Poson.

RX: Contact your doctor if you do not heal quickly.

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You have symptoms of COVID-19


Your immune system will launch in action if you show symptoms of COVID-19; In fact, a fever, one of the revealing signs, is a product of your body that tries to fight the virus.

RX: Do not miss these13 early panels that you have caught coronavirusSo you know when to ask for help.As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
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