This sexual act could make you cancer, says a new study

Some behaviors can make you more than four times more likely to develop Cancer related to HPV.

Human papillomavirus (HPV), which can infect the mouth and throat, is one of the main risk factors for oropharygic cancer. Previous studies have found that oral sex execution can increase your probability of contracting HPV as well as VPH oropharyngeal cancer. Now a new study published online inCANCER, a Journal of the American Cancer Society, concluded that some oral sex habits can increase your chances of getting cancer more than four times. Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Those who have more partners had a greater chance of Cancer related to HPV

The study, which involved 163 individuals with and 345 without Oopharyngeal cancer related to HPV, found that those with more than 10 previous oral sexual partners had a probability of 4.3 times more likely to have oropharyngeal cancer. related to the HPV.

They also found that other oral sexual factors affect the probability of cancer. Having oral sex at a younger age, more partners in a shorter period of time (oral sexual intensity), people who had older sex partners when they were young and those with partners who had sex. Extramaries were more likely to have oropharyngeal cancer related to HPV.

"Our study has shown that the dynamics of the relationship is independently associated with an increase in the risk of cancer; this is likely because these aspects of the relationship are substitutes for a higher probability of exposure to HPV", Senior Author of the Study, Virginie Drake, MD, Hospital Johns HopkinsOtolaryngology - Surgery of the head and neck, tellsEat this, not that! Health. "Have an older sexual partner when a person is young, for example, may represent a relationship where the older partner is more likely to expose the younger partner to HPV, and that captures a risk measure beyond of the one caught by the only number of partners.. In the same way, the link we found with extramarial sexual relations suggests that couples who have extramarining sex are more likely to acquire an oral HPV than those who are monogamous (as we would expect!) "

Dr Drake also reveals another surprising conclusion of the study: the identification of nine participants in the study without cancer (controls), which have a specific antibody for the oropharyngeal cancer related to HPV (E6). "Although they do not have a cancer diagnosis, research to date suggests that they are markers that can indicate pre-cancer and can be an indicator of increased risk of cancer," explains-T- she.

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How to avoid cancers related to HPV and HPV

The best way to avoid oropharyngeal cancer related to HPV is to prevent HPV infection in the first place. "Like all STDs, the risk of infection is linked to exposure to new partners who can potentially wear HPV. Our study does not have direct clinical implications for prevention or screening, but helps patients and Practitioners to explain the question of: "Why did I develop Oropharynge? Cancer? "Dr. Drake tells us.

One way to prevent that it is by getting the HPV vaccine, which is recommended by theCDCFor boys and girls from nine years. "HPV infections and cervical preciphers (abnormal cells on the cervix that can lead to cancer) has decreased considerably because the vaccine has been used in the United States," he says. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / News / Sex
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