Without a sign that you can have a post-active Covid syndrome, says doctor

You may be a long carrier, but I never knew you even had Covid in the first place.

Maybe you thought you hadCOVIDAnd never been tested because they were not available or accessible at the time. Or maybe you have brushed initial symptoms like allergies, cold and seasonal influenza. Due to a variety of factors, many COVID survivors are many initial infections have never been confirmed. And unfortunately, many of them still suffer from health complications.

Long-hauing syndrome, officially known asPost-active Covid Syndrome (PACS), consists of men, women and other kind of identities of all ages who still have symptoms of several weeks to months after their initial infections.Denyse Latchmansingh, MD, Yale Medicine's post-Covid-19 Recovery Program Clinic, explains that, while "symptom complexes vary from person to person", there is little to look for.Read on to see what they are-And to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You can feel shortness of breath

Pretty brunette coughing on couch at home in the living-room.

Shortness of breath is one of the most identifiable symptoms of an initial CVIV-19 infection. And, Dr. Lutchmansingh emphasizes, it is also the one who continues for long carriers.John Hopkins MedicineExplain that shortness of breath is when you feel like you can not get enough air or your chest is tight. With post-active Covid syndrome, it can happen at any time, even associating in bed or sitting on the couch.


You can have fatigue

Woman sleeping on the couch in the living room.

Another common symptom of Covid-19 and post-acute Covid-19 syndrome is fatigue, according to Dr. Lutchmansingh. According toA recent study length lengthThis type of extreme exhaustion is the most common reported by the group, experienced by 58%. "It is present even after 100 days of the first symptom of acute Covid-19", explained the researchers. The symptoms observed in post-Covid-19 patients resemble chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which includes the presence of severe fatigue without capacity, pain, neurocognitive disability, compromised sleep, symptoms suggesting a malfunction Autonomous and aggravation of global symptoms after minor increases in physical and / or cognitive activity, "they explain.


You can undergo an inability to exercise

tired woman giving up exercising

Many lengths are experimenting with "practice intolerance", by Dr. Lungmansingh. These first three "are the most commonly reported and present significant obstacles to resume usual activities," she says. This condition is also called polypanne and the same survey indicated that one of five long-standing lengths has difficulty breathing after the effort.


You can have chest pain

Woman suffering from chest pain indoor

Dr. Lutchmansingh emphasizes that "post-active Covid symptoms are multisystems and often include cardiovascular symptoms". One of the most important is thoracic pain, experienced by 16% of long carriers by the survey. According toMAYO ClinicSudden and pointed pain of the chest-aka Pleuisy-may indicate that the pulmonary walls are inflamed. This can signal pneumonia or other types of infection.


You can have cardiac palpitations

Patient complains of heart pain to a cardiologist doctor

Another cardiovascular symptom of long-haul syndrome is cardiac palpitations, reveals Dr. Lungmansingh. TheMAYO Clinicdescribes them as "feelings of having a fast, floating or flying heart". "The 11% survey of long carriers feature" stress, exercise, medications or, rarely, illness can trigger them, "he says.


You can have memory deficits

Moody aged man feeling unhappy.

There are also a number of neurological symptoms that relate for carrier lengths. Dr. Lutchmansingh specifies that difficulty difficulties are one of the biggest complaints.


You may have difficulty finding the correct word

Young frustrated woman working at office desk in front of laptop

Another neurological sign that you may have already had Covid is if you have trouble finding the right words. The Mayo Clinic explains that the medical term for this is aphasia, a condition that steals you from the ability to communicate. "It can affect your ability to speak, write and understand the language, both verbal and written," they wrote. Although it is generally suddenly occurring after an injury to accidents or heads, it can also gradually come up with a slow-growing cerebral tumor or a disease that causes progressive (degenerative) permanent damage. "


You could find yourself stuttering

Concerned aged mother and adult daughter sit on couch having serious conversation

If you budge you more than usual, it could be a neurological manifestation of post-acute Covid syndrome, says Dr. Lungmansingh. Many lengths declare to develop a new stuttering.


You could have a loss of sense of taste or smell

Portrait of young woman smelling a fresh and sweet nectarine

Dr. Lutchmansingh highlights another neurological symptom present in the initial CVIV-19 infections and post-active Covid syndrome: a modified sense of taste and odor. According to some studies, some people still struggle with these senses several months after their initial infections.

RELATED: 7 tips to avoid Covid, let's say to doctors


What you should do if you think you have post-active Covid syndrome

Doctors in medical masks and gloves

If you suffer from one of the above symptoms and you believe being a long carrier, contact your primary care doctor immediately. Remember that many MDS are still not educated on post-acute Covid syndrome, and you may need to advocate for your health. There are also post-to-about Covid clinics, with specialists, so if your regular doctor does not deal with, consider reaching out to them. In addition, many lengths have found solutions in online support groups, such asSurvivorOn Facebook, a group of more than 153,000 people identified as long carriers. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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